
Visualisation plugin (smartVISU support) - for developers

Copyright 2012-2013 Marcus Popp        
Copyright 2016- Martin Sinn            

This plugin is part of SmartHomeNG.


This file gives smarthomeNG developers additional information about the smartvisu plugin. For information about the configuration of the plugin refer to

This file describes the widget handling for smartVISU widgets and the autogeneration of smartVISU pages.

Files of the Plugin

The plugin is made up by several files, which are described below.

__ init

Main file of the plugin.

sv_widgets subdirectory

This directory stores general-use widgets, which are not specific to a plugin. These plugins are installed together with widgets from different plugins.

tplNG subdirectory

This directory stores template files, that are used while auto-generating pages for smartVISU. The files in this directory are copied to the pages/base/tplNG directory, which is created.

Handling of smartVISU widgets

The visu plugin handles widgets, which a plugin developer delivers with the plugin he has written. For this to work, the attribute smartvisu_dir in the visu section of plugin.yaml must be set to the base directory of smartVISU.

It handles widgets that define their own Javascript or css. The Javascript and css files must follow the same naming convention as the html file.

Add a widget to a plugin

A developer of a plugin can add widgets to the plugin. He has to create a directory named sv_widgets in his plugin directory and add the file(s) of the widget to that directory.

All files in the sv_widgets directory are copied to the smartVISU installation.

A widget html-file may contain multiple widgets.

For further automatic integration the widget must follow a name convention. It must be named widget_<class>.html. Where <class> is the class name for the import statement in smartVISU. If this convention is followed, a statement in the form of

	{% import "widget_<class>.html" as <class> %}

is generated.


For a file widget_hue.html the statement

{% import "widget_hue.html" as hue %}
is generated.
The widgets in that file can be called by the directives

{{ hue.control( ... ) }}

or {{ hue.control_group( … ) }}

If a Javascript file would exist for the hue widget, it would have to have the name  **`widget_hue.js`**. To include this file in smartVISU, the following lines are added to root.html:
{% if isfile('widgets/sh_widgets/widget_hue.js') %}
	<script type="text/javascript" src="widgets/sh_widgets/widget_hue.js"></script>{% endif %}

The handling of a css file is analog to the Javascript handling.

Modifications to smartVISU made by the visu plugin

For this functionality to work, must have write access to the smartVISU directory structure. The modifications to smartVISU are minimal invasive. The implementation may change, if smartVISU is forked.

The visu plugin creates a directory named _sh_widgets in the widgets directory of smartVISU. All files copied from the different plugins are stored in this directory.

On the first run the visu plugin creates a copy of the file root.html in the pages/base directory of smartVISU. The copied file is called root_master.html.

On each start of the visu plugin creates a new version of root.html. The new version is made of the contents of root_master.html and the necessary statements are inserted.