This library does the handling and parsing of the configuration of SmartHomeNG.
- Warning:
This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. It should not be called directly from plugins!
- lib.config.add_struct_to_item_template(path, struct_name, template, struct_dict, instance)[Quellcode]
Add the referenced struct to the items_template subtree
- Parameter:
path – Path of the item which references a struct (template)
struct_name – Name of the to use for the item
template – Template dict to be merged into the item tree
struct_dict – dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins)
instance – For multi instance plugins: instance for which the items work (is derived from item with struct attribute)
- Rückgabe:
- lib.config.merge(source, destination, source_name='', dest_name='', filename='')[Quellcode]
Merges an OrderedDict Tree into another one
- Parameter:
source (OrderedDict) – source tree to merge into another one
destination (OrderedDict) – destination tree to merge into
- Rückgabe:
Merged configuration tree
- Rückgabetyp:
- Example:
Run me with nosetests –with-doctest
>>> a = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'number' : '1' } } } >>> b = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } } >>> merge(b, a) == { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } } True
- lib.config.merge_structlists(l1, l2, key='')[Quellcode]
- lib.config.nested_get(input_dict, path)[Quellcode]
- lib.config.nested_put(output_dict, path, value)[Quellcode]
- Parameter:
output_dict – dict structure to write to
path – path to write to
value – value to write to the nested key
- Rückgabe:
- lib.config.parse(filename, config=None, addfilenames=False, parseitems=False, struct_dict={})[Quellcode]
Load and parse a configuration file and merge it to the configuration tree Depending on the extension of the filename, the apropriate parser is called
- Parameter:
filename (str) – Name of the configuration file
config (OrderedDict) – Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged
struct_dict – dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins)
- Rückgabe:
The resulting merged OrderedDict tree
- Rückgabetyp:
- lib.config.parse_basename(basename, configtype='')[Quellcode]
Load and parse a single configuration and merge it to the configuration tree The configuration is only specified by the basename. At the moment it looks for a .yaml file or a .conf file .yaml files take preference
- Parameter:
basename (str) – Name of the configuration
configtype (str) – Optional string with config type (only used for log output)
- Rückgabe:
The resulting merged OrderedDict tree
- Rückgabetyp:
- lib.config.parse_conf(filename, config=None)[Quellcode]
Load and parse a configuration file which is in the old .conf format of and merge it to the configuration tree
- Parameter:
filename (str) – Name of the configuration file
config (bool) – Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged
- Rückgabe:
The resulting merged OrderedDict tree
- Rückgabetyp:
The config file should stick to the following setup:
[firstlevel] attribute1 = xyz attribute2 = foo attribute3 = bar [[secondlevel]] attribute1 = abc attribute2 = bar attribute3 = foo [[[thirdlevel]]] attribute1 = def attribute2 = barfoo attribute3 = foobar [[anothersecondlevel]] attribute1 = and so on
where firstlevel, secondlevel, thirdlevel and anothersecondlevel are defined as items and attribute are their respective attribute - value pairs
Valid characters for the items are a-z and A-Z plus any digit and underscore as second or further characters. Valid characters for the attributes are the same as for an item plus @ and *
- lib.config.parse_itemsdir(itemsdir, item_conf, addfilenames=False, struct_dict={})[Quellcode]
Load and parse item configurations and merge it to the configuration tree The configuration is only specified by the name of the directory. At the moment it looks for .yaml files and a .conf files Both filetypes are read, even if they have the same basename
- Parameter:
itemsdir (str) – Name of folder containing the configuration files
item_conf (OrderedDict) – Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged
addfilenames –
struct_dict (dict / OrderedDict) – dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins)
- Rückgabe:
The resulting merged OrderedDict tree
- Rückgabetyp:
- lib.config.parse_yaml(filename, config=None, addfilenames=False, parseitems=False, struct_dict={})[Quellcode]
Load and parse a yaml configuration file and merge it to the configuration tree
- Parameter:
filename (str) – Name of the configuration file
config (bool) – Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged
addfilenames (bool) – x
parseitems (bool) – x
struct_dict (dict) – dictionary with stuct definitions (templates) for reading item tree
- Rückgabe:
The resulting merged OrderedDict tree
- Rückgabetyp:
The config file should stick to the following setup:
firstlevel: attribute1: xyz attribute2: foo attribute3: bar secondlevel: attribute1: abc attribute2: bar attribute3: foo thirdlevel: attribute1: def attribute2: barfoo attribute3: foobar anothersecondlevel: attribute1: and so on
where firstlevel, secondlevel, thirdlevel and anothersecondlevel are defined as items and attribute are their respective attribute - value pairs
Valid characters for the items are a-z and A-Z plus any digit and underscore as second or further characters. Valid characters for the attributes are the same as for an item plus @ and *
- lib.config.remove_comments(ydata, filename='')[Quellcode]
Removes comments from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
- lib.config.remove_digits(ydata, filename='')[Quellcode]
Removes keys starting with digits from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
- lib.config.remove_invalid(ydata, filename='')[Quellcode]
Removes invalid chars in item from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
- lib.config.remove_keys(ydata, func, remove=['attr'], level=0, msg=None, key_prefix='')[Quellcode]
Removes given keys from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
func (function) – the function to call to check for removal (Example: lambda k: k.startswith(‚comment‘))
level (int) – optional subtree level (used for recursion)
- lib.config.remove_keyword(ydata, filename='')[Quellcode]
Removes keys that are reserved Python keywords from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
- lib.config.remove_reserved(ydata, filename='')[Quellcode]
Removes keys that are reserved keywords from a dict or OrderedDict structure
- Parameter:
ydata (OrderedDict) – configuration (sub)tree to work on
- lib.config.remove_special_listentries(config, filename='')[Quellcode]
- lib.config.replace_struct_instance(path, subtree, instance)[Quellcode]
Replace the constant string ‚@instance‘ in attribute names with the real instance (or remove the constant string ‚@instance‘, if the struct has no instace reference)
- Parameter:
path –
subtree –
instance –
- Rückgabe:
- lib.config.search_for_struct_in_items(items, struct_dict, config, source_name='', parent='', level=0)[Quellcode]
Test if the loaded file contains items with ‚struct‘ attribute.
This function is (recursively) called before merging the loaded file into the item tree
- Parameter:
items (OrderedDict) – tree content of a single items.yaml file (or part of it during recursion)
struct_dict – dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins)
config (OrderedDict) – tree, into which the configuration should be merged
parent –
- Rückgabe:
True, if a struct attribute was expanded
- lib.config.set_attr_for_subtree(subtree, attr, value, indent=0)[Quellcode]
- Parameter:
subtree – dict (subtree) to operate on
attr – Attribute to set for every item
value – Value to set the attribute to
indent – indent level (only for debug-logging)
- Rückgabe:
- lib.config.strip_quotes(string)[Quellcode]
Strip single-quotes or double-quotes from string beggining and end
- Parameter:
string (str) – String to strip the quotes from
- Rückgabe:
Stripped string
- Rückgabetyp: