Quellcode für lib.translation

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
#  Copyright 2019-     Martin Sinn                          m.sinn@gmx.de
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

This library implements the multi language support of SmartHomeNG.

It is used in
  - lib.module
  - lib.shtime
  - lib.model.module
  - lib.model.smartplugin

The shortcut _(...) for translate(...) is defined in class SmartPluginWebIf()
SmartPluginWebIf() which is defined in lib.model.smartplugin.py

If is a replacement when rendering templates using Jinja2:

    tplenv.globals['_'] = self.translate


import logging
import os

import inspect

from lib.constants import (YAML_FILE)
import lib.shyaml as shyaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_base_dir = ''
_default_language = ''

_fallback_language_order = ''
_global_translations = {}
_translations = {}
_translation_files = {}

[Doku]def initialize_translations(base_dir, default_language, fallback_language_order): """ Initialize the multi-language support :param base_dir: Base directory of SmartHomeNG :param default_language: language to be used for translations: 'de', 'en', 'fr', ... :param fallback_language_order: string with the fallback langauges (komma seperated) """ global _base_dir _base_dir = base_dir set_default_language(default_language) set_fallback_language_order(fallback_language_order) load_translations('global', from_dir='bin', translation_id='global') return
[Doku]def set_default_language(language): """ Set language to be used for translations :param language: language to be used for translations: 'de', 'en', 'fr', ... """ global _default_language _default_language = language.lower() logger.debug("Default language set to '{}'".format(_default_language)) return
[Doku]def set_fallback_language_order(language_order): """ Set fallback languages and their order Fallback languages are used, if a translation for the selected default_language is not available :param language_order: string with the fallback langauges (komma seperated) """ global _fallback_language_order _fallback_language_order = language_order.lower().split(',') logger.debug("Fallback language order set to '{}'".format(_fallback_language_order)) return
[Doku]def load_translations(translation_type='global', from_dir='bin', translation_id='global'): """ Load global or plugin-specific translations from a locale.yaml file :param translation_type: 'global' or 'plugin' :param from_dir: 'bin' (for global) or 'plugins/<plugin name>' :return: loaded translations as s dict """ global _translations trans = {} relative_filename = os.path.join(from_dir, 'locale' + YAML_FILE) filename = os.path.join(_base_dir, relative_filename) trans_dict = shyaml.yaml_load(filename, ordered=False, ignore_notfound=True) if trans_dict != None: logger.info(f"load_translations: translation_id={translation_id} from {relative_filename}") if translation_type == 'global': for translation_section in trans_dict.keys(): if translation_section.endswith('_translations'): trans_id = translation_section.split('_')[0].replace('.', '/') trans = trans_dict.get(translation_section, {}) _translations[trans_id] = trans #if translation_id == 'global': # _translations[trans_id] = trans #else: # _translations[trans_id].update(trans) logger.info(f"Loading {translation_type} translations (id={trans_id}) from {relative_filename}") logger.debug(" - translations = {}".format(trans)) else: trans = trans_dict.get(translation_type+'_translations', {}) #logger.info(f"Loading {relative_filename} translations (id={translation_id}) from {relative_filename}") if _translations.get(translation_id, None) is not None: logger.dbghigh(f"Duplicate identifier '{translation_id}' used for translation_type '{translation_type}' to load from '{from_dir}' - translations not loaded") return trans _translations[translation_id] = trans logger.debug(" - translations = {}".format(trans)) _translation_files[translation_id] = {} _translation_files[translation_id]['type'] = translation_type _translation_files[translation_id]['filename'] = filename return trans
[Doku]def reload_translations(): """ Reload translations for existing translation_ids - to test new translations without having to restart SmartHomeNG """ logger.notice("Reloading translations") for id in _translation_files: translation_type = _translation_files[id]['type'] filename = _translation_files[id]['filename'] trans_dict = shyaml.yaml_load(filename, ordered=False, ignore_notfound=True) if trans_dict != None: if translation_type == 'global': for translation_section in trans_dict.keys(): if translation_section.endswith('_translations'): id = translation_section.split('_')[0].replace('.', '/') trans = trans_dict.get(translation_section, {}) logger.info(f"Reloading {translation_type} translations (id={id}) from {filename}") _translations[id] = trans else: trans = trans_dict.get(translation_type+'_translations', {}) logger.info(f"Reloading {translation_type} translations (id={id}) from {filename}") _translations[id] = trans return True
def _get_translation(translation_lang, txt, plugin_translations=None, module_translations=None, additional_translations=None, log_missing=False): """ Returns translated text from for a specified language from plugin_translations or global_translations :param translation_lang: Language to be used for translation :param txt: Text to be translated :param plugin_translations: Additional translation definitions :return: translated text or '' if translation is not found """ translations = {} translationtype_to_log = '' translationinfo_to_log = '' if plugin_translations is not None: if plugin_translations in _translations.keys(): translations = _translations[plugin_translations].get(txt, {}) else: logger.warning(f"Trying to use undefined plugin_translations '{plugin_translations}' (plugin has no locale.yaml)") if translations == {} and additional_translations is not None: if additional_translations in _translations.keys(): translations = _translations[additional_translations].get(txt, {}) else: logger.warning(f"Trying to use undefined additional_translations '{additional_translations}'") if translations == {} and module_translations is not None: if module_translations in _translations.keys(): translations = _translations[module_translations].get(txt, {}) else: logger.info(f"Trying to use undefined module_translations '{module_translations}' (module has no locale.yaml)") if translations == {}: if 'global' in _translations.keys(): translations = _translations['global'].get(txt, {}) if translations == {}: if log_missing and txt != '': logger.info(f"No translation for '{txt}' found in global (bin), plugin ({plugin_translations}), module ({module_translations}), additional ({additional_translations})") else: logger.error("Global translations not loaded") else: logger.debug(f"Using additional_translations for text '{txt}' = {translations}") return translations.get(translation_lang, None)
[Doku]def translate(txt, vars=None, plugin_translations=None, module_translations=None, additional_translations=None): """ Returns translated text :param txt: TEXT TO TRANSLATE :param vars: dict with variables to replace in the translated text :param plugin_translations: ID for additional translations (if None, only global translations are used) :param module_translations: ID for additional translations (if None, only global and plugin translations are used) :return: Translated text """ global _fallback_language_order txt = str(txt) translated_txt = _get_translation(_default_language, txt, plugin_translations=plugin_translations, module_translations=module_translations, additional_translations=additional_translations, log_missing=True) if translated_txt is None: logger.dbghigh(f"Translation of '{txt}' to language '{_default_language}' not found -> using fallback languages") if len(_fallback_language_order) > 0: for fallback_language in _fallback_language_order: translated_txt = _get_translation(fallback_language, txt, plugin_translations=plugin_translations, module_translations=module_translations, additional_translations=additional_translations) if translated_txt is None: logger.debug(" - No translation found for fallback_language '{}'".format(fallback_language)) else: break if translated_txt is None: translated_txt = txt if txt != '': logger.dbghigh(f" - No translation found for '{txt}' -> using original text") if translated_txt == '=': translated_txt = txt logger.debug("Translation '{}' to '{}' -> '{}'".format(txt, _default_language, translated_txt)) # if variable parameters are given, replace them in the translated text if vars is not None: if isinstance(vars, dict): logger.info(f"translate: Trying to use parameters {vars} for string '{translated_txt}'") try: translated_txt = translated_txt.format(**vars) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"translate: Could not fill in variables {vars}. Exception: {e}") else: logger.error(f"translate: Invalid vars for string {txt} -> vars must be a dict, not {type(vars)} '{vars}' (for text '{txt}')") return translated_txt