helios - Helios ECx00Pro / Vallox xx SE Plugin

Detailed documentation can be found on the Wiki: https://github.com/Tom-Bom-badil/helios/wiki

Plugin installation in short:

All files go to smarthome/plugins/helios. Then do the following:

files/helios.yaml         copy file to smarthome/items/helios.yaml
files/helios_logics.py    copy file to smarthome/logics/helios_logics.py

Add the following lines to plugin.yaml:

    plugin_name: helios
    tty: /dev/ttyUSB0    # put your serial port here (usually /dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyAMA0)
    cycle: 60            # update interval in seconds; ex-default: 300

Add the following lines to logic.yaml:

    filename: helios_logics.py
    watch_item: ventilation.fanspeed.fanspeed_uzsu

    filename: helios_logics.py
    watch_item: ventilation.booster_mode.logics.switch

At next you should update the settings in the first section of items/helios.yaml in order to get correct values.

Restart, plugin should be running by now (check items in backend plugin).

Troubleshooting options on github (see above).

Widget for SmartVisu

Copy all files from sv_widgets to smartVISU/widgets. Then add following 2 lines to your HTML:

{% import "helios.html" as helios %}
{{ helios.show_widget('EC300Pro', true, 'Kontrollierte Wohnraumlüftung') }}

Widget options:

{{ helios.show_widget(id, use_uzsu, title) }}
id          unique id
use_uzsu    display UZSU icon true / false
title       optional title on top

Enjoy! :)