There are two ways to access the API
Use it the following way to access the api, if you have no access to the sh object in your method or function:
# to get access to the object instance: from lib.logic import Logics logics = Logics.get_instance() # to access a method (eg. enable_logic()): logics.enable_logic(name)
Through the main SmartHome object
If you have access to the sh object in your method or function, you can use the following way:
# to access a method (eg. enable_logic()): sh.logics.enable_logic(name)
The API is implemented through the following library:
This library implements logics in SmartHomeNG.
The main class Logics
implements the handling for all logics. This class has a couple
of static methods. These methods implement the API for handling logics from within SmartHomeNG and from plugins.
This API enables plugins to configure new logics or change the configuration of existing plugins.
Each logic is represented by an instance of the class Logic
The methods of the class Logics implement the API for logics. They can be used the following way: To call eg. enable_logic(name), use the following syntax:
from lib.logic import Logics
logics = Logics.get_instance()
# to access a method (eg. enable_logic()):
- Note:
Do not use the functions or variables of the main smarthome object any more. They are deprecated. Use the methods of the class Logics instead.
- Note:
This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. Regular plugins should not need to use this API. It is manily implemented for plugins near to the core like backend or blockly!
- class lib.logic.Logics(smarthome, userlogicconf, envlogicconf)[Quellcode]
This is the main class for the implementation og logics in SmartHomeNG. It implements the API for the handling of those logics.
- plugins = None
- scheduler = None
- return_logics()[Quellcode]
Returns a list with the names of all loaded logics
- Rückgabe:
list of logic names
- Rückgabetyp:
- get_loaded_logics()[Quellcode]
Returns a list with the names of all loaded logics
- Rückgabe:
list of logic names
- Rückgabetyp:
- static get_instance()[Quellcode]
Returns the instance of the Logics class, to be used to access the logics-api
Use it the following way to access the api:
from lib.logic import Logics logics = Logics.get_instance() # to access a method (eg. enable_logic()): logics.enable_logic(name)
- Rückgabe:
logics instance
- Rückgabetyp:
object or None
- scheduler_add(name, obj, prio=3, cron=None, cycle=None, value=None, offset=None, next=None)[Quellcode]
This methods adds a scheduler entry for a logic-scheduler
A plugin identifiction is added to the scheduler name
The parameters are identical to the scheduler.add method from lib.scheduler
- scheduler_change(name, **kwargs)[Quellcode]
This methods changes a scheduler entry of a logic-scheduler
- scheduler_remove(name)[Quellcode]
This methods rmoves a scheduler entry of a logic-scheduler
A plugin identifiction is added to the scheduler name
The parameters are identical to the scheduler.remove method from lib.scheduler
- get_logics_dir()[Quellcode]
Returns the path of the dirctory, where the user-logics are stored
- Rückgabe:
path to logics directory
- Rückgabetyp:
- reload_logics()[Quellcode]
Function to reload all logics
It generates new bytecode for every logic that is loaded. The configured triggers are not loaded from the configuration, so the triggers that where active before the reload remain active.
- is_logic_loaded(name)[Quellcode]
Test if a logic is loaded. Given is the name of the section in /etc/logic.yaml
- Parameter:
name (str) – logic name (name of the configuration section section)
- Rückgabe:
True: Logic is loaded
- Rückgabetyp:
- return_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Returns (the object of) one loaded logic with given name
- Parameter:
name (str) – name of the logic to get
- Rückgabe:
object of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- get_logic_info(name, ordered=False)[Quellcode]
Returns a dict with information about the logic
- Parameter:
name (str) – name of the logic to get info for
- Rückgabe:
information about the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- visu_access(name)[Quellcode]
Return if visu may access the logic
- is_logic_enabled(name)[Quellcode]
Returns True, if the logic is enabled
- enable_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Enable a logic
- disable_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Disable a logic
- toggle_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Toggle a logic (Invert the enabled/disabled state)
- trigger_logic(name, by='unknown', source=None, value=None)[Quellcode]
Trigger a logic
- is_userlogic(name)[Quellcode]
Returns True if userlogic and False if systemlogic or unknown
- load_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Load a specified logic
Load a logic as defined in the configuration section. After loading the logic’s code, the defined schedules and/or triggers are set.
If a logic is already loaded, it is unloaded and then reloaded.
- Parameter:
name (str) – Name of the logic (name of the configuration section)
- Rückgabe:
- Rückgabetyp:
- unload_logic(name)[Quellcode]
Unload a specified logic
This function unloads a logic. Before unloading, it remove defined schedules and triggers for
s.- Parameter:
name (str) – Name of the section that defines the logic in the configuration file
- get_logiccrontab(name)[Quellcode]
Return the crontab string of a logic
- return_logictype(name)[Quellcode]
Returns the type of a specified logic (Python, Blockly, None)
- Parameter:
name (str) – Name of the logic (name of the configuration section)
- Rückgabe:
Logic type (‚Python‘, ‚Blockly‘ or None)
- Rückgabetyp:
str or None
- return_defined_logics(withtype=False)[Quellcode]
Returns the names of defined logics from file /etc/logic.yaml as a list
is specified and set to True, the function returns a dict with names and logictypes (‚Python‘, ‚Blockly‘)- Parameter:
withtype (bool) – If specified and set to True, the function will additionally return the logic types
- Rückgabe:
list of defined logics or dict of defined logics with type
- Rückgabetyp:
list or dict
- return_loaded_logics()[Quellcode]
Returns a list with the names of all logics that are currently loaded
- Rückgabe:
list of logic names
- Rückgabetyp:
- return_config_type()[Quellcode]
Return the used config type
After initialization this function returns ‚.conf‘, if the used logic configuration file in /etc is in the old file format or ‚.yaml‘ if the used configuration file is in YAML format.
To use the following functions for reading and manipulating the logic configuration, the configuration file has to be in YAML format. Otherwise the functions will not work/return empty results.
- Rückgabe:
‚.yaml‘, ‚.conf‘ or None
- Rückgabetyp:
str or None
- read_config_section(section)[Quellcode]
Read a section from /etc/logic.yaml
This funtion returns the data from one section of the configuration file as a list of configuration entries. A configuration entry is a list with three items: - key configuration key - value configuration value (string or list) - comment comment for the value (string or list)
- Parameter:
section (str) – Name of the logic (section)
- Rückgabe:
config_list: list of configuration entries. Each entry of this list is a list with three string entries: [‚key‘, ‚value‘, ‚comment‘]
- Rückgabetyp:
list of lists
- set_config_section_key(section, key, value)[Quellcode]
Sets the value of key for a given logic (section)
- Parameter:
section – logic to set the key for
key – key for which the value should be set
value – value to set
- update_config_section(active, section, config_list)[Quellcode]
Update file /etc/logic.yaml
This method creates/updates a section in /etc/logic.yaml. If the section exist, it is cleared before new configuration imformation is written to the section
- Parameter:
active (bool) – True: logic is/should be active, False: Triggers are not written to /etc/logic.yaml
section (str) – name of section to configure in logics configurationfile
config_list (list of lists) – list of configuration entries. Each entry of this list is a list with three string entries: [‚key‘, ‚value‘, ‚comment‘]
- filename_used_count(filename)[Quellcode]
- delete_logic(name, with_code=False)[Quellcode]
Deletes a complete logic
The python code and the section from the configuration file /etc/logic.yaml are removed. If it is a blockly logic, the blockly code is removed too.
If a code file is references by more than the logic that is being deleted, the code file will not be deleted. It will only be deleted when the last logic referencing this code file is being deleted.
- Parameter:
name (str) – name of the logic
- Rückgabe:
True, if deletion fas successful
- Rückgabetyp:
- class lib.logic.Logic(smarthome, name, attributes, logics)[Quellcode]
Class for the representation of a loaded logic
- id()[Quellcode]
Returns the id of the loaded logic
- property name
Property: name
- Parameter:
value (str) – name of the logic
- Rückgabe:
name of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property groupnames
Property: groupname
- Parameter:
value (str) – groupname of the logic
- Rückgabe:
groupname of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property description
Property: groupname
- Parameter:
value (str) – description of the logic
- Rückgabe:
description of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- log_readonly_warning(prop, value)[Quellcode]
- property lname
Property: lname
- Parameter:
value (str) – string with the name of the logic for information in value assignements to items
- Rückgabe:
name of the item
- Rückgabetyp:
- property filename
Property: filename
- Rückgabe:
filename of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property pathname
Property: pathname
- Rückgabe:
pathname of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property conf
Property: conf
- Rückgabe:
conf of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property cycle
Property: cycle
- Rückgabe:
cycle attribute of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property crontab
Property: crontab
- Rückgabe:
crontab attribute of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property prio
Property: prio
- Rückgabe:
prio attribute of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property trigger_dict
Property: trigger_dict
- Rückgabe:
trigger_dict attribute of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- property watch_item
Property: watch_item
- Rückgabe:
watch_item attribute of the logic
- Rückgabetyp:
- enable()[Quellcode]
Enables the loaded logic
- disable()[Quellcode]
Disables the loaded logic
- is_enabled()[Quellcode]
Is the loaded logic enabled?
- last_run()[Quellcode]
Returns the timestamp of the last run of the logic or None (if the logic wasn’t triggered)
- Rückgabe:
timestamp of last run
- Rückgabetyp:
datetime timestamp
- set_last_run()[Quellcode]
Sets the timestamp of the last run of the logic to now
This method is called by the scheduler
- trigger(by='Logic', source=None, value=None, dest=None, dt=None)[Quellcode]
- add_method_trigger(method)[Quellcode]
- get_method_triggers()[Quellcode]