Harmony Hub Plugin

This is the SmarthomeNG-Plugin for a Harmony Hub device. For support, questions and bug reports, please refer to KNX-User-Forum


  • an Harmony Hub device

  • SmarthomeNG version >= 1.3

  • Python3 module sleekxmpp

  • (optional) create a dummy Harmony Hub activity, see remarks

sudo pip3 install sleekxmpp

Device IDs and Commands

Before you can start setting up your SmarthomNG items, you have to find out the device ids and/or activities of your configured Harmony Hub devices and their associated commands. Therefor you can use the script get_config.py, normally located under ‚/usr/local/smarthome/plugins/harmony‘.

Execute this script like this:

python3 get_config.py -i HARMONY_HUB_IP

If you want to save the output, you can redirect the stdout to a file:

python3 get_config.py -i HARMONY_HUB_IP > /your/path/here.txt

This is an example output:

	Shield: 24569980
	dummy: 12345678
	Filmszene: 12345123
	PowerOff: -1

Philips 50PFL7956K/02     device id: 31913922
        command: PowerOff
        command: PowerOn
        command: PowerToggle
        command: 0
        command: 1
        command: Mute
        command: VolumeDown
        command: VolumeUp

Pace S HD 201     device id: 31914808
        command: PowerToggle
        command: ChannelPrev
        command: ChannelDown
        command: ChannelUp
        command: DirectionDown
        command: DirectionLeft
        command: DirectionRight
        command: Stop
        command: Play
        command: Rewind

Microsoft Xbox One     device id: 31907101
        command: PowerOff

For a direct Harmony Hub command, you need the device id and the name of the command, for a Harmony Hub activity the activity id.

Setup plugin

  • Activate the plugin in your plugins.yaml

  • Set the IP for your Harmony hub device

        plugin_name: harmony
        #harmony_port: 5222 # [default: 5222, int]
        #sleekxmpp_debug: false  #[default:false, bool]

Setup harmony commands and activities

To configure Harmony command(s) vou have to set an item as follows:

    type: bool
    enforce_updates: true
    harmony_command_0: DEVICE_ID/activity:COMMAND/ACTIVITY_ID(:DELAY)| ... | .... | .... | .... | ....
    harmony_command_1: DEVICE_ID/activity:COMMAND/ACTIVITY_ID(:DELAY)| ... | .... | .... | .... | ....

harmony_command_0|1 [at least one required]

All plugin attributes are only valid for items with the type ‚bool‘. You have to set at least one of the attributes harmony_command_0 or harmony_command_1, both values together are valid too. If the item value is ‚True‘, the command defined for harmony_command_1 will be triggered, harmony_command_0 vice versa.

As you can see the format of a command is always DEVICE_ID:COMMAND(:DELAY) or activity:ACTIVITY_ID(:DELAY).

The delay parameter defines the time in seconds to wait after the previous command or activity was triggered. This parameter is optional (default: 0.2s) and can be omitted. You have to find out the right value by yourself since it heavily depends on your devices.
You can group more than one command or activity together and like this: COMMAND1 | COMMAND2 | COMMAND3. You can also mix activities and commands in one line: COMMAND1 | COMMAND2 | ACTIVITY1 | COMMAND3 ...


To trigger a command, you have to set up the device id, the command name and an optional delay value.

Run get_config.py in the plugin folder to get all devices and their commands.



To trigger an Harmony Hub activity, you have to indicate this by the trigger word ‚activity‘. This can be shorten by the character ‚a‘. Run python3 get_config.py in the plugin folder to get all devices and their commands. The following syntax is possible:


Attention: If your’re using activities with this plugin, it’s highly recommended that you create a dummy Harmony Hub activity. Just add any unused device and create an empty activity. Without this dummy, it is not possible to trigger an activity twice, if it’s currently activated by the Harmony In the Harmony Hub app, you can set all delays to 0 for that device since it has no function. If this is done, you can add your dummy command in the harmony_command chain to make sure, your activity is triggered.

You can also trigger the default Harmony Hub activity „Power Off“, that switch the current active activity off. This can be done by sending ‚-1‘ to the Hub.


Setup Harmony status items

There are two more harmony item types. They are useful to retrieve status information about the current activated activity in the Harmony Hub. Everytime the active activity was changed (by your logics or other remotes), the items blow are set with status values about this activity.

Harmony Current Activity by ID

    type: num
    enforce_updates: true
    harmony_item: current_activity_id

To retrieve the current activated activity ID in the Harmony Hub, your item has to be type ‚num‘ an must implement the attribute harmony_item = current_activity_id

Harmony Current Activity by Name

    type: str
    enforce_updates: true
    harmony_item: current_activity_name

To retrieve name of the current activated activity in the Harmony Hub, your item has to be type ‚str‘ and must implement the attribute harmony_item: current_activity_name


There’re neither plugin limitations of how many commands are triggered simultaneously nor a logic that checks whether commands or activities influence each other or not.


        type: bool
          - 42282391:PowerOn:6
          - 42282391:InputBd:1
          - 42282391:PowerOff
          - activity:-1

If the Item ‚Shield‘ is set to True, the AV receiver is powered on with an delay of 6 seconds after the item ‚Shield‘ was set to „True“. With an additional delay of one second, the input channel is set to ‚Bluray‘. If the Item ‚Shield‘ is set to False, the command „PowerOff“ is triggered instantly. 5 seconds later, the default Harmony Hub activity ‚Power Off‘ is triggered

    type: bool
      - a:12345123
      - 42282391:InputSat/Cbl:2
      - '31914808:3:0.3'
      - 31914808:Select

This command starts the Harmony Hub activity with the id 12345123 (e.g. ‚start movie scene‘). After a delay of 2 seconds, the input channel of the AV receiver is switched to SAT/Cbl. 0.3 seconds later, a ‚3‘ is triggered and committed with a ‚Select‘ command.