
Use this plugin to store the log of item values into a database. It supports different databases which provides a Python DB API 2 implementation (e.g. SQLite which is already bundled with Python or MySQL by using a implementation module).

The plugin will create the following database structure:

  • Table item - the item table contains all items and thier last known value

  • Table log - the history log of the item values

The item table contains the following columns:

  • Column id - a unique ID which is incremented by one for each new item

  • Column name - the item’s ID / name

  • Column time - the unix timestamp in microseconds of last change

  • Column val_str - the string value if type is str

  • Column val_num - the number value if type is num

  • Column val_bool - the boolean value if type is bool or num

  • Column changed - the unix timestamp in microseconds of record change

The log table contains the following columns:

  • Column time - the unix timestamp in microseconds of value

  • Column item_id - the reference to the unique ID in item table

  • Column duration - the duration in microseconds

  • Column val_str - the string value if type is str

  • Column val_num - the number value if type is num

  • Column val_bool - the boolean value if type is bool or num

  • Column changed - the unix timestamp in microseconds of record change


If you want to log to a given database system you need to install the right Python DB API 2 implementation of the database and configure it in the plugin configuration (driver and connection parameters, see below).

Important: This plugin supports drivers using one of the following format (or parameter) styles: qmark, format, numeric and pyformat. Make sure the installed module supports one of this!

Tested drivers (other may work too):

  • SQLite (driver = sqlite3)

  • MySQL (driver = pymysql)



    plugin_name: database
    driver: sqlite3
      - "database:/path/to/log.db"
      - "check_same_thread:0"
    # prefix: log
    # precision: 2

The following attributes can be used in the plugin configuration:

  • driver - specifies the DB-API2 driver module (e.g. Python includes the SQLite driver by importing the module sqlite3, to use it here just set the driver parameter to the module name sqlite3)

  • connect - specifies the connection parameters which is directly used to invoke the connect() function of the DB API 2 implementation (for SQLite lookup here, other databases depends on implementation). An example connect string for pymysql could be connect = host: | port:3306 | user:db_user | passwd:db_password | db:smarthome

  • prefix - if you want to log into an existing database with other tables you can specify a prefix for the plugins‘ tables

  • precision - specifies the amount of digits after comma for values queried from the database (defaults to 2, other values are -1 to return raw float values, 0 to return integer numbers, >0 for the given amount of digits after comma)


The plugin supports the types str, num and bool which can be logged into the database.


This attribute enables the database logging when set (just use value yes).

If value init is used, the item will be initialized from the database after SmartHomeNG is restarted. Also, in this case the item’s inital_value is prevented from being written to the database.

        type: num
        database: 'yes' # or 'init'


Specifies if the Database plugin should be used for read only or read and write values (which is the default). Sometimes you only want to use the database to read values from and just ignore changes on the items and do not populate them to the database. Useful if you generate the database data by external modules, but want still able to change the items to reflect the current state.

Use „rw“ to specify that changes will also populate to the database, use „ro“ to simple ignore changes on the items and do not populate them to the database. Only read items from the database when using the methods described below for retrieving data.


By default, every item with set database attribute is rewritten into the database on plugin shutdown. This is done no matter if the item has been updated or not. These values with double entries in the database do not represent the actual value behavior especially for items, that are monotonously increasing but rarely updated. By setting this attribute to False, a rewrite on plugin shutdown will be prevented.


This plugin adds functions to retrieve data for items.

sh.item.db(function, start, end=‘now‘)

Function like the SQLite plugin is registering: this method returns you a value for the specified function and timeframe.

Supported functions are:

  • avg: for the average value

  • count: for the amount of values not „0“ (more examples: count>10, count<10, count=10)

  • countall: for the amount of values (without checking any condition)

  • max: for the maximum value

  • min: for the minimum value

  • on: percentage (as float from 0.00 to 1.00) where the value has been greater than 0.

  • sum: for the summarized value

  • raw: for the raw values

  • integrate: Discrete time integration of values within given time span. Is equivalent to: sum (value*duration)

For the timeframe you have to specify a start point and a optional end point. By default it ends ‚now‘. The time point could be specified with <number><interval>, where interval could be:

  • i: minute

  • h: hour

  • d: day

  • w: week

  • m: month

  • y: year

sh.outside.temperature.db('min', '1d')  # returns the minimum temperature within the last day
sh.outside.temperature.db('avg', '2w', '1w')  # returns the average temperature of the week before last week

sh.item.series(function, start, end=‘now‘, count=100)

This method returns historical values for the specified function and timeframe.

Supported functions and timeframes are same as supported in the db function.

sh.outside.temperature.series('min', '1d', count=10)  # returns 10 minimum values within the last day
sh.outside.temperature.series('avg', '2w', '1w')  # returns the average values of the week before last week

Additionally to the aggregation function a finalizer function can be specified when fetching series to apply to the results before returning them. Specify the function as prefix to the actual aggregation function (e.g. „diff:avg“).

Supported finalizer functions are:

  • diff: return the differences between values

sh.outside.temperature.series('diff:avg', '2w', '1w')  # returns the differences between average values


This property returns the associated database plugin instance. See the list of method below to know what you can do with this instance.

dbplugin = sh.outside.temperature.dbplugin   # get associated database plugin instance

This method returns the ID in the database for the given item.

dbplugin = sh.outside.temperature.dbplugin   # get associated database plugin instance          # returns the ID for the given item


This method will return the associated database connection object. This can be used to execute native query, but you should use the plugin methods below. The database connection object can be used for locking.

dbplugin = sh.outside.temperature.dbplugin   # get associated database plugin instance
dbplugin.db().lock()                         # lock the connection for processing
#... do something
dbplugin.db().release()                      # release lock again after processing

dbplugin.dump(dumpfile, id = None, time = None, time_start = None, time_end = None, changed = None, changed_start = None, changed_end = None, cur = None)

This method will dump the complete log table if not restricted by some argument. The restriction can be specified by specifying some of the criteria arguments (e.g. id, time_start, time_end, …). These arguments only allow one value to be specified (if you want to dump more items you need to invoke the method multiple times).

The parameters have the same meaning as described in readLogs() method.

dbplugin = sh.outside.temperature.dbplugin   # get associated database plugin instance
dbplugin.dump("/path/dump.csv")              # dump all items
dbplugin.dump("/path/dump.csv", id=1)        # only dump item with id 1
dbplugin.dump("/path/dump.csv", id="test")   # only dump item with name "test"

dbplugin.insertLog(id, time, duration=0, val=None, it=None, changed=None, cur=None)

This method will insert a new log entry for the given item with the following data (in the log database table):

  • id - the item ID to insert an item for

  • time - the timestamp (in microseconds) to record the log for

  • duration - the amount of time to record the given value for

  • val - the value to record

  • it - the item type / type of value as string (e.g. ‚str‘, ‚num‘, ‚bool‘)

  • changed - the timestamp (in microseconds) when the change was created

  • cur - specifies an existing cursor

dbplugin.updateLog(id, time, duration=0, val=None, it=None, changed=None, cur=None)

This method will update an existing log entry (in the log database table) identified by item id and time. See insertLog() method for the details of the parameters.

dbplugin.readLog(id, time, cur = None)

This method will read existing log data for given item and time.

dbplugin.readLogs(id, time = None, time_start = None, time_end = None, changed = None, changed_start = None, changed_end = None, cur = None)

This method will read existing log data for given item and parameters. If you omit the parameters it will completely ignored.

  • id - the item ID to delete items for

  • time - the timestamp (in microseconds) to delete the log for

  • time_start / time_end - can be used instead of time parameter to specify a time range

  • changed - the timestamp (in microseconds) of changed value to delete

  • changed_start / changed_end - can be used instead of changed parameter to specify a time range

  • cur - specifies an existing cursor

dbplugin.readLogs(1)             # read ALL log entries for item 1
dbplugin.readLogs(1, 12345)      # read log entry for item 1 and timestamp 12345

dbplugin.deleteLog(id, time = None, time_start = None, time_end = None, changed = None, changed_start = None, changed_end = None, cur = None)

This method will delete the given items identified by the given parameters. The parameters have the same meaning as described in readLogs() method.

dbplugin.deleteLog(1)            # delete ALL log entries for item 1
dbplugin.deleteLog(1, 12345)     # delete log entry for item 1 and timestamp 12345

dbplugin.insertItem(name, cur=None)

This method will insert a new item entry with the given name/id and return the ID of the newly inserted item.

id = dbplugin.insertItem("some.test.item")   # insert new item

dbplugin.updateItem(id, time, duration=0, val=None, it=None, changed=None, cur=None)

This method will register the given value as the last/current value of the item (in the item database table).

dbplugin.updateItem(id, 12345, 0, 100)       # update item value in database for timestamp 12345, duration 0, value 100

Vollständig übernommen in plugin.yaml

dbplugin.readItem(id, cur=None)

This method will read the item data including all fields. When the id parameter is a string it is assumed that the item should be selected by the items name and not by the items ID.

data = dbplugin.readItem(1)                  # read all fields of item with ID 1 which contains the last item status
data = dbplugin.readItem("test.item")        # read all fields of item with name test.item which contains the last item status


This method will read all items data including all fields.

items = dbplugin.readItems()                 # read all fields of all item which contains the last item status

dbplugin.deleteItem(id, cur=None)

This method will delete the item and its log data.

dbplugin.deleteItem(id)                      # delete the item and log data from database


This method will remove all items and logs from database of items which are currenlty not configured to be logged to database. Beware of this using in a multi-instance setup, since one instance does not know the item of the other instance!

dbplugin.cleanup()                           # cleanup database, remove non-database item from database