#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-2017 Martin Sinn m.sinn@gmx.de
# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import os
import time
import threading
from collections import OrderedDict
import cherrypy
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from lib.utils import Utils
from lib.model.module import Module
[Doku]class CherryPyFilter(logging.Filter):
This class builds a filter to be used in logging.yaml to configure logging
Returning True tells logging to suppress this logentry,
whereas False will include the record into further processing and eventual output
def __init__(self, name=''):
[Doku] def filter(self, record):
if record.name != 'cherrypy.error':
return True
if record.msg[0] == '[':
record.msg = 'CherryPy ' + record.msg[22:].strip()
if record.msg.startswith('CherryPy ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick') and \
record.msg.endswith('OSError: [Errno 0] Error'):
return False
return True
[Doku]class Http(Module):
version = '1.7.2'
_shortname = ''
_longname = 'CherryPy http module for SmartHomeNG'
_applications = OrderedDict()
_services = OrderedDict()
_port = None
_servicesport = None
_visu_plugin = None
_visuport = None
_hostmap = {}
_hostmap_webifs = {}
_hostmap_services = {}
_hostmap_visu = {}
_gstatic_dir = ''
gtemplates_dir = ''
gstatic_dir = ''
_server1 = None # cherrypy server object for web interfaces of plugins
_server2 = None # cherrypy server object for services of plugins
webif_mount_prefix = '/plugin' # changes <ip>:<port>/<plugin_name> to <ip>:<port>/plugin/<plugin_name>
# def __init__(self, sh, port=None, servicesport=None, ip='', threads=8, starturl='',
# showpluginlist='True', showservicelist='False', showtraceback='False',
# user='', password='', hashed_password=''):
def __init__(self, sh):
Initialization Routine for the module
# TO DO: Shortname anders setzen (oder warten bis der Plugin Loader es beim Laden setzt
self._shortname = self.__class__.__name__
self._shortname = self._shortname.lower()
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
self._sh = sh
self.logger.debug("Parameters = '{}'".format(str(dict(self._parameters))))
# Checking and converting parameters
self._user = self._parameters['user']
self._password = self._parameters['password']
self._hashed_password = self._parameters['hashed_password']
self._realm = 'shng_http_webif'
self._ip = self._parameters['ip']
self._port = self._parameters['port']
self._tls_port = self._parameters['tls_port']
self._use_tls = self._parameters['use_tls']
self._cert_name = self._parameters['tls_cert']
self._privkey_name = self._parameters['tls_key']
self._service_user = self._parameters['service_user']
self._service_password = self._parameters['service_password']
self._service_hashed_password = self._parameters['service_hashed_password']
self._service_realm = 'shng_http_service'
self._servicesport = self._parameters['servicesport']
#self._visuport = self._parameters['visuport']
self.threads = self._parameters['threads']
self._showpluginlist = self._parameters['showpluginlist']
self._showservicelist = self._parameters['showservicelist']
self._showtraceback = self._parameters['showtraceback']
self._starturl = self._parameters['starturl']
self._connectionretries = self._parameters['connectionretries']
self._webif_pagelength = self._parameters['webif_pagelength']
self.logger.critical("Inconsistent module (invalid metadata definition)")
self._init_complete = False
self._cert_dir = self._sh._etc_dir
self._cert_file = os.path.join(self._cert_dir, self._cert_name)
self._privkey_file = os.path.join(self._cert_dir, self._privkey_name)
# don't disallow binding on all interfaces
# if self._ip == '':
# self._ip = self._get_local_ip_address()
if self.is_port_in_use(int(self._port)):
self.logger.critical("Error starting http module: port {} is already in use".format(self._port))
self._init_complete = False
# test if tls and certificate configuration is correct, otherwise https is not possible
if self._use_tls:
if self._port == self._tls_port:
self.logger.error("'tls_port' can't be the same value as 'port' - https not activated")
self._use_tls = False
elif not os.path.isfile(self._cert_file):
self.logger.error("Certificate '{}' is not installed - https not activated".format(self._cert_name))
self._use_tls = False
elif not os.path.isfile(self._privkey_file):
self.logger.error("Private key '{}' is not installed - https not activated".format(self._privkey_name))
self._use_tls = False
if self._use_tls:
if self.is_port_in_use(int(self._tls_port)):
self.logger.critical("Error starting http module: TLS-port {} is already in use".format(self._tls_port))
self._init_complete = False
# Check user information and fill _user_dict
self._user_dict = {}
if self._is_set(self._password) and self._is_set(self._hashed_password):
self.logger.warning("http: Webinterfaces: Both 'password' and 'hashed_password' given. Ignoring 'password' and using 'hashed_password'!")
self._password = None
if self._is_set(self._password) and (not self._is_set(self._hashed_password)):
self.logger.warning("http: Webinterfaces: Giving plaintext password in configuration is insecure. Consider using 'hashed_password' instead!")
self._hashed_password = Utils.create_hash(self._password)
self._password = None
self._basic_auth = self._is_set(self._hashed_password)
self._user_dict[self._user] = {'password_hash': self._hashed_password, 'name': 'Administrator', 'groups': ['admin']}
# Check service-user information and fill _serviceuser_dict
self._serviceuser_dict = {}
if self._is_set(self._service_password) and self._is_set(self._service_hashed_password):
self.logger.warning("http: Services: Both 'service_password' and 'service_hashed_password' given. Ignoring 'service_password' and using 'service_hashed_password'!")
self._service_password = None
if self._is_set(self._service_password) and (not self._is_set(self._service_hashed_password)):
self.logger.warning("http: Services: Giving plaintext service_password in configuration is insecure. Consider using 'service_hashed_password' instead!")
self._service_hashed_password = Utils.create_hash(self._service_password)
self._service_password = None
self._service_basic_auth = self._is_set(self._service_hashed_password)
self._serviceuser_dict[self._service_user] = {'password_hash': self._service_hashed_password, 'groups': ['user']}
if self._servicesport == 0:
self._servicesport = self._port
# don't disallow binding on all interfaces
# if self._ip == '':
# self._ip = self._get_local_ip_address()
if self.is_port_in_use(int(self._servicesport)):
self.logger.critical("Error starting http module: servicesport {} is already in use".format(self._servicesport))
self._init_complete = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setting up webinterface environment
self.webif_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/webif'
self.gtemplates_dir = self.webif_dir + '/gtemplates'
self.gstatic_dir = self.webif_dir + '/gstatic'
self.logger.info("Module 'http': ip address = {}, hostname = '{}'".format(self.get_local_ip_address(), self.get_local_hostname()))
self.root = ModuleApp(self, self._starturl)
if self._use_tls:
global_conf = {
'global': {
'engine.autoreload.on': False,
'error_page.404': self._error_page,
'error_page.400': self._error_page,
'error_page.500': self._error_page,
'server.socket_host': self._ip,
'server.socket_port': int(self._tls_port),
'server.ssl_module': 'builtin',
# 'server.ssl_module': 'pyOpenSSL',
'server.ssl_certificate': self._cert_file,
'server.ssl_private_key': self._privkey_file,
# 'tools.force_tls.on': True,
global_conf = {
'global': {
'engine.autoreload.on': False,
'error_page.404': self._error_page,
'error_page.400': self._error_page,
'error_page.500': self._error_page,
'server.socket_host': self._ip,
'server.socket_port': int(self._port),
# Update the global CherryPy configuration
'log.screen': False,
'log.access_file': '',
'log.error_file': '',
'webif_pagelength': self._webif_pagelength
if self._use_tls:
self._server1 = cherrypy._cpserver.Server()
if self._port != self._servicesport:
self._server2 = cherrypy._cpserver.Server()
globaltemplates = self.gtemplates_dir
#self.tplenv = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader([os.path.join( self.webif_dir, 'templates' ), globaltemplates] ))
self.tplenv = self.init_template_environment()
self._gstatic_dir = self.webif_dir + '/gstatic'
# self.module_conf = {
# '/': {
# 'tools.staticdir.root': self.webif_dir,
# 'tools.staticdir.debug': True,
# 'tools.trailing_slash.on': False,
# 'log.screen': False,
# 'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost(**self._hostmap),
# },
# '/gstatic': {
# 'tools.staticdir.on': True,
# 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'gstatic',
# },
# '/static': {
# 'tools.staticdir.on': True,
# 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static',
# },
# }
self.msg_conf = {
'/': {
'tools.staticdir.root': self.webif_dir,
'/favicon.ico': {
'tools.staticfile.on': True,
'tools.staticfile.filename': self.webif_dir + '/gstatic/img/favicon.ico'
'/gstatic': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': 'gstatic',
'/static': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static',
# mount the application on the '/' base path (Creating an app-instance on the way)
self.root = ModuleApp(self, self._starturl)
# self.logger.info("module_conf = {}".format(self.module_conf))
cherrypy.tree.mount(self.root, '/', config = self.msg_conf)
# Start the CherryPy HTTP server engine
# if self._use_tls:
# self.logger.error("PLEASE: Ignore the following cherrypy.error: 'ENGINE Error in HTTPServer.tick' with the exception ending in 'OSError: [Errno 0] Error' (until the CherryPy / Python ssl / openssl v1.1.0 incompatibility is fixed)")
# Register the plugins-list app and the services-list app
self.logger.info("mount '/plugins' - webif_dir = '{}'".format(self.webif_dir))
config = {
'/': {
'tools.auth_basic.on': self._basic_auth,
'tools.auth_basic.realm': self._realm,
'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': self.validate_password,
'tools.staticdir.root': self.webif_dir,
'/static': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static',
'/gstatic': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': 'gstatic',
config_services = {
'/': {
'tools.auth_basic.on': self._service_basic_auth,
'tools.auth_basic.realm': self._service_realm,
'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': self.validate_service_password,
'tools.staticdir.root': self.webif_dir,
'/static': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static',
self.logger.info("Module http: config dict: '{}'".format( config ) )
self.logger.info(" - user '{}', password '{}', hashed_password '{}'".format( self._user, self._password, self._hashed_password ) )
if self._showpluginlist == True:
# Register the plugin-list as a cherrypy app
self.root.plugins = _PluginsApp(self)
self.register_webif(self.root.plugins, 'plugins', config)
# pluginclass='', instance='', description='', webifname='')
if self._showservicelist == True:
# Register the service-list as a cherrypy app
self.root.services = _ServicesApp(self)
self.register_service(self.root.services, 'services', config_services)
# pluginclass='', instance='', description='', servicename='')
[Doku] def init_template_environment(self):
Initialize the Jinja2 template engine environment
:return: Jinja2 template engine environment
:rtype: object
mytemplates = os.path.join(self.webif_dir, 'templates')
globaltemplates = self.gtemplates_dir
tplenv = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader([mytemplates, globaltemplates]))
tplenv.globals['isfile'] = self.is_staticfile
tplenv.globals['_'] = self.translate # use translate method of webinterface class
tplenv.globals['len'] = len
return tplenv
[Doku] def is_staticfile(self, path):
Method tests, if the given pathname points to an existing file in the webif's static
directory or the global static directory gstatic in the http module
This method extends the jinja2 template engine
:param path: path to test
:param type: str
:return: True if the file exists
:rtype: bool
if path.startswith('/gstatic/'):
complete_path = os.path.join(self.gstatic_dir, path[len('/gstatic/'):])
complete_path = os.path.join(self.webif_dir, path)
from os.path import isfile as isfile
return isfile(complete_path)
[Doku] def is_port_in_use(self, port):
import socket
with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
return s.connect_ex((self._ip, port)) == 0
def _is_set(self, password):
Check if a password is set
:param password: (hashed-)password string from parameters
:rtype: bool
return (password is not None and password != "")
[Doku] def get_user_dict(self):
Returns the user(s) defined in ../etc/module.yaml (section http) as a dict
The information is a dict containing the hashed_password and a list of groups for each user
:return: Information of defined users
:rtype: dict
# ensure that actual value of password_hash is used
self._user_dict[self._user] = {'password_hash': self._hashed_password, 'name': 'Administrator', 'groups': ['admin']}
return self._user_dict
[Doku] def validate_password(self, realm, username, password):
Validate a given user/password combination
:param realm:
:param username:
:param password:
pwd_hash = Utils.create_hash(password)
# self.logger.warning("realm: {}, username: {}, password: {}, self._password: {}, self._hashed_password: {}".format(realm, username, password, self._password, self._hashed_password))
# self.logger.warning("pwd_hash: {}, self._user_dict: {}".format(pwd_hash, self._user_dict))
user = self._user_dict.get(username, None)
if user is None:
return False;
user_pwd_hash = user.get('password_hash', '')
pwd_hash = Utils.create_hash(password)
return pwd_hash == user_pwd_hash
[Doku] def validate_service_password(self, realm, username, password):
if username != self._service_user or password is None or password == '':
return False
if self._service_hashed_password is not None:
return Utils.check_hashed_password(password, self._service_hashed_password)
elif self._service_password is not None:
return password == self._service_password
return False
def _error_page(self, status, message, traceback, version):
Generate html page for errors
:param status: error number and description
:param message: detailed error description
:param traceback: traceback that lead to the error
:param version: CherryPy version
:type status: str
:type message: str
:type traceback: str
:type version: str
:return: html error page
:rtype: str
tmpl = self.tplenv.get_template('error_page.html')
errno = status.split()[0]
if (self._showtraceback == False) or (errno == '404'):
traceback = ''
traceback = traceback.replace('\n', '<br> ')
traceback = traceback.replace(' ', ' ')
traceback = ' ' + traceback
return tmpl.render( errno=errno, errmsg=message, traceback=traceback, cpversion=version )
def _get_local_ip_address(self):
Detemine the local ip address used for the network connection
:return: ip address
:rtype: str
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
connected = False
count = 0
while (not connected) and (count < self._connectionretries):
s.connect(("", 80))
connected = True
count += 1
self.logger.debug(f"Network access issue. Retry {count}/{self._connectionretries}")
if connected:
return s.getsockname()[0]
s.connect(("", 80))
self.logger.info("Network access not possible, using local ip")
return ""
except Exception:
s.connect(("", 80))
self.logger.info("Network access not possible, using local ip")
return ""
except Exception as e:
self.logger.info("Problem determining local ip address: {}".format(e))
return None
[Doku] def get_local_ip_address(self):
Returns the local ip address under which the webinterface can be reached
:return: ip address
:rtype: str
return self._ip
[Doku] def get_local_hostname(self):
Returns the local hostname under which the webinterface can be reached
:return: fully qualified hostname
:rtype: str
import socket
return socket.gethostbyaddr(self.get_local_ip_address())[0] # can fail with default /etc/hosts
except socket.herror:
return socket.gethostbyaddr("")[0] # in debian based systems hostname is assigned to "" by default
except socket.herror:
return socket.gethostbyaddr("")[0] # 'localhost' in most cases
except socket.herror:
return "localhost" # should not happen
[Doku] def get_local_port(self):
Returns the local port under which the webinterface can be reached
:return: port number
:rtype: int
return self._port
[Doku] def get_local_servicesport(self):
Returns the local port under which the webservices can be reached
:return: port number
:rtype: int
return self._servicesport
[Doku] def get_service_user(self):
Returns the user with which the webservices can be reached
:return: user
:rtype: str
return self._service_user
[Doku] def get_service_password(self):
Returns the hashed password with which the webservices can be reached
:return: hashed password
:rtype: str
return self._service_hashed_password
def _build_hostmaps(self):
Build hostmaps for working with two different ports for web interfaces and services
self.dom1 = self.get_local_ip_address()+':'+str(self._port)
self.dom2 = self.get_local_hostname()+':'+str(self._port)
self.dom3 = self.get_local_hostname().split('.')[0]+'.local'+':'+str(self._port)
self.dom4 = self.get_local_ip_address()+':'+str(self._servicesport)
self.dom5 = self.get_local_hostname()+':'+str(self._servicesport)
self.dom6 = self.get_local_hostname().split('.')[0]+'.local'+':'+str(self._servicesport)
self._hostmap = {}
self._hostmap[self.dom1] = '/plugins'
self._hostmap[self.dom2] = '/plugins'
self._hostmap[self.dom3] = '/plugins'
# self.logger.info("_hostmap = {}".format(self._hostmap))
self._hostmap_webifs = {}
self._hostmap_webifs[self.dom1] = '' # früher: '/msg'
self._hostmap_webifs[self.dom2] = ''
self._hostmap_webifs[self.dom3] = ''
self._hostmap_services = {}
if self._port != self._servicesport:
self._hostmap_services[self.dom4] = ''
self._hostmap_services[self.dom5] = ''
self._hostmap_services[self.dom6] = ''
self.logger.info(f"_hostmap = {self._hostmap}")
self.logger.info(f"_hostmap_webifs = {self._hostmap_webifs}")
self.logger.info(f"_hostmap_services = {self._hostmap_services}")
[Doku] def get_webifs_for_plugin(self, pluginname):
Returns infos about the registered webinterfaces for a plugin (specified by shortname)
The information is returned as a list of dicts. One listentry for each registered webinterface.
The dict for each registered webinterface has the following structure:
webif_dict = {'Mount': mount,
'Pluginclass': pluginclass,
'Webifname': webifname,
'Pluginname': pluginname,
'Instance': instance,
'Conf': conf,
'Description': description}
:param pluginname: Shortname of the plugin
:type pluginname: str
:return: Tnfos about the registered webinterfaces
:rtype: list of dicts
result_list = []
for webif in self._applications.keys():
if self._applications[webif]['Pluginname'] == pluginname:
return result_list
[Doku] def get_services_for_plugin(self, pluginname):
Returns infos about the registered webservices for a plugin (specified by shortname)
The information is returned as a list of dicts. One listentry for each registered webservice.
The dict for each registered webinterface has the following structure:
service_dict = {'mount': mount,
'pluginclass': pluginclass,
'servicename': servicename,
'pluginname': pluginname,
'instance': instance,
'conf': conf,
'description': description}
:param pluginname: Shortname of the plugin
:type pluginname: str
:return: Tnfos about the registered webservices
:rtype: list of dicts
result_list = []
for service in self._services.keys():
if self._services[service]['Pluginname'] == pluginname:
return result_list
[Doku] def register_webif(self, app, pluginname, conf, pluginclass='', instance='', description='', webifname='', use_global_basic_auth=True, useprefix=True):
Register an application for CherryPy
This method is called by a plugin to register a webinterface
It should be called like this:
self.mod_http.register_webif(WebInterface( ... ),
self.get_classname(), self.get_instance_name(),
:param app: Instance of the application object
:param pluginname: Mount point for the application
:param conf: Cherrypy application configuration dictionary
:param pluginclass: Name of the plugin's class
:param instance: Instance of the plugin (if multi-instance)
:param description: Description of the functionallity of the webif. If left empty, a generic description will be generated
:param webifname: Name of the webinterface. If left empty, the pluginname is used
:param use_global_basic_auth: if True, global basic_auth settings from the http module are used. If False, registering plugin provides its own basic_auth
:param useprefix: if False, no webif_mount_prefix is added to the turl
:type app: object
:type pluginname: str
:type conf: dict
:type pluginclass: str
:type istance: str
:type description: str
:type webifname: str
:type use_global_basic_auth: bool
:type useprefix: bool
pluginname = pluginname.lower()
instance = instance.lower()
if webifname == '':
webifname = pluginname
if instance != '':
webifname = webifname + '_' + instance
mount = '/' + webifname
if useprefix:
mount = self.webif_mount_prefix + mount
if description == '':
description = 'Webinterface {} of plugin {}'.format(webifname, pluginname)
if use_global_basic_auth:
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.on'] = self._basic_auth
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.realm'] = self._realm
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.checkpassword'] = self.validate_password
conf['/gstatic'] = {}
conf['/gstatic']['tools.staticdir.on'] = True
conf['/gstatic']['tools.staticdir.dir'] = self._gstatic_dir
plugin_fullname = pluginname
if instance != '':
plugin_fullname += '_' + instance
self.logger.info(f"Registering webinterface '{webifname}' of plugin '{plugin_fullname}' - conf dict: '{conf}'" )
if pluginclass != '':
webif_key = webifname
# statt:
# if instance == '':
# webif_key = webifname
# else:
# webif_key = instance + '@' + webifname
self._applications[webif_key] = {'Mount': mount, 'Pluginclass': pluginclass, 'Webifname': webifname, 'Pluginname': pluginname, 'Instance': instance, 'Conf': conf, 'Description': description}
#self.logger.info("self._applications['{}'] = {}".format(webif_key, self._applications[webif_key]))
if len(self._hostmap_webifs) > 0:
conf['/']['request.dispatch'] = cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost(**self._hostmap_webifs)
cherrypy.tree.mount(app, mount, config = conf)
[Doku] def register_service(self, app, pluginname, conf, pluginclass='', instance='', description='', servicename='', use_global_basic_auth=True):
Register a service for CherryPy
This method is called by a plugin to register a webservice.
It should be called like this:
self.mod_http.register_service(Webservice( ... ),
self.get_classname(), self.get_instance_name(),
:param app: Instance of the service object
:param pluginname: Mount point for the service
:param conf: Cherrypy application configuration dictionary
:param pluginclass: Name of the plugin's class
:param instance: Instance of the plugin (if multi-instance)
:param description: Description of the functionallity of the webif. If left empty, a generic description will be generated
:param servicename: Name of the service. I if left empty, the pluginname is used
:param use_global_basic_auth: if True, global basic_auth settings from the http module are used. If False, registering plugin provides its own basic_auth
:type app: object
:type pluginname: str
:type conf: dict
:type pluginclass: str
:type istance: str
:type description: str
:type servicename: str
:type: use_global_basic_auth: bool
pluginname = pluginname.lower()
instance = instance.lower()
if servicename == '':
servicename = pluginname
if instance != '':
servicename = servicename + '_' + instance
mount = '/' + servicename
if description == '':
description = 'Service {} of plugin {}'.format(servicename, pluginname)
if use_global_basic_auth:
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.on'] = self._service_basic_auth
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.realm'] = self._service_realm
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.checkpassword'] = self.validate_service_password
plugin_fullname = pluginname
if instance != '':
plugin_fullname += '_' + instance
self.logger.info(f"Registering service '{servicename}' of plugin '{plugin_fullname}' - conf dict: '{conf}'" )
if pluginclass != '':
service_key = servicename
# statt:
# if instance == '':
# service_key = servicename
# else:
# service_key = instance + '@' + servicename
self._services[servicename] = {'Mount': mount, 'Pluginclass': pluginclass, 'Servicename': servicename,
'Pluginname': pluginname, 'Instance': instance, 'Conf': conf,
'Description': description}
self.logger.info("self._services['{}'] = {}".format(service_key, self._services[service_key]))
if len(self._hostmap_services) > 0:
conf['/']['request.dispatch'] = cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost(**self._hostmap_services)
cherrypy.tree.mount(app, mount, config=conf)
[Doku] def register_visu(self, pluginname, conf, visu_port=None, use_global_basic_auth=True):
Register a service for CherryPy
This method is called by a plugin to register a webservice.
It should be called like this:
self.mod_http.register_visu(self.get_shortname(), config, use_global_basic_auth)
:param pluginname: Mount point for the service
:param conf: Cherrypy application configuration dictionary
:param use_global_basic_auth: if True, global basic_auth settings from the http module are used. If False, registering plugin provides its own basic_auth
:type pluginname: str
:type conf: dict
:type: use_global_basic_auth: bool
pluginname = pluginname.lower()
if self._visu_plugin is None:
self._visu_plugin = pluginname
self.logger.error(f"Cannot initialize visu for plugin '{pluginname}' - visu is already active for plugin '{self._visu_plugin}'")
if visu_port is None or visu_port < 1024:
self.logger.error(f"Visu port is missing o given port is < 1024")
self._visu_user = 'visuuser'
self._visu_password = ''
self._visu_hashed_password = ''
self._visu_basic_auth = self._is_set(self._visu_hashed_password)
self._visu_realm = 'shng_http_visu'
self._visuport = visu_port
mount = '/'
description = f'Visu of plugin {pluginname}'
if use_global_basic_auth:
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.on'] = self._visu_basic_auth
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.realm'] = self._visu_realm
conf['/']['tools.auth_basic.checkpassword'] = self.validate_service_password
plugin_fullname = pluginname
self.logger.info(f"Registering visu of plugin '{plugin_fullname}' - conf dict: '{conf}'" )
self._server3 = cherrypy._cpserver.Server()
self._server3.socket_port = int(self._visuport)
self._server3.socket_host = self._ip
self._server3.thread_pool = self.threads
# build hostmap for visu
dom1 = self.get_local_ip_address()+':'+str(self._visuport)
dom2 = self.get_local_hostname()+':'+str(self._visuport)
dom3 = self.get_local_hostname().split('.')[0]+'.local'+':'+str(self._visuport)
self._hostmap_visu[dom1] = '/msgV'
self._hostmap_visu[dom2] = '/msgV'
self._hostmap_visu[dom3] = '/msgV'
self.logger.info(f"_hostmap_visu = {self._hostmap_visu}")
if len(self._hostmap_visu) > 0:
conf['/']['request.dispatch'] = cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost(**self._hostmap_visu)
#cherrypy.tree.mount(app, mount, config = conf)
cherrypy.tree.mount(_PluginsApp(self), '/', config = conf)
[Doku] def start(self):
If the module needs to startup threads or uses python modules that create threads,
put thread creation code or the module startup code here.
Otherwise don't enter code here
self.logger.dbghigh(self.translate("Methode '{method}' aufgerufen", {'method': 'start()'}))
[Doku] def stop(self):
If the module has started threads or uses python modules that created threads,
put cleanup code here.
Otherwise don't enter code here
self.logger.dbghigh(self.translate("Methode '{method}' aufgerufen", {'method': 'stop()'}))
self.logger.info("{}: Shutting down".format(self._shortname)) # should be debug
for thread in threading.enumerate():
if thread.name == '_TimeoutMonitor':
self.logger.debug("{}: CherryPy engine exited".format(self._shortname))
[Doku] def log_server_info(self, server_nr):
Log the information of a cherrypy server object
if server_nr == 1:
server = self._server1
elif server_nr == 2:
server = self._server2
elif server_nr == 3:
server = self._server3
self.logger.notice(f"log_server_info: Invalid server number {server_nr} specified")
if server is None:
self.logger.notice(f"log_server_info: Server object for server number {server_nr} does not exist")
self.logger.notice(f"log_server_info: Information for server number {server_nr}")
self.logger.notice(f" - socket {server.socket_host}:{server.socket_port}")
self.logger.notice(f" - httpserver {server.httpserver} description {server.description}")
self.logger.notice(f" - running {server.running} description {server.wsgi_version}")
self.logger.notice(f" - socketfile {server.socket_file} base {server.base}")
self.logger.notice(f" - bound_addr {server.bound_addr} base {server.statistics}")
[Doku]class ModuleApp:
The module http implements it's own webinterface.
This WebApp implements the entrypoint for the webinterface of the module 'http'.
Depenting on the configuration of the 'http' module, it redirects to the webinterface of a
specified plugin or it redirects to a chooser which allows the start of the differnt webinterfaces of the plugins.
This webinterface is mounted to CherryPy as '/'
def __init__(self, mod, starturl):
self.mod = mod
self.starturl = starturl
[Doku] @cherrypy.expose
def index(self):
This method is exposed to CherryPy. It implements the page 'index.html'
self.mod.logger.info(f"ModuleApp: local.name '{cherrypy.request.local.name}', local.port '{cherrypy.request.local.port}'")
if cherrypy.request.local.port == self.mod._port:
if self.starturl in self.mod._applications.keys():
result = self.starturl
if self.mod._showpluginlist == True:
result = 'plugins'
return ''
if self.mod._showservicelist == True:
result = 'services'
return ''
result = '<html><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=/' + result + '"></html>'
return result
class _PluginsApp:
The module 'http' implements it's own webinterface.
This WebApp implements the chooser which allows the start of the differnt webinterfaces of the plugins.
This webinterface is mounted to CherryPy as '/plugins'
def __init__(self, mod):
self.module = mod
def index(self):
This method is exposed to CherryPy. It implements the page 'plugins/index.html'
tmpl = self.module.tplenv.get_template('plugins.html')
result = tmpl.render( webinterfaces=self.module._applications,
return result
class _ServicesApp:
The module 'http' implements it's own webservice.
This WebApp implements the chooser which allows the start of the differnt services of the plugins.
This webinterface is mounted to CherryPy as '/services'
def __init__(self, mod):
self.mod = mod
def index(self):
This method is exposed to CherryPy. It implements the page 'services/index.html'
tmpl = self.mod.tplenv.get_template('services.html')
result = tmpl.render( services=self.mod._services )
return result