#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-2017 Martin Sinn m.sinn@gmx.de
# This file is part of SmartHomeNG
# https://github.com/smarthomeNG/smarthome
# http://knx-user-forum.de/
# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This library does the handling of the configuration files of SmartHomeNG in yaml format.
All file i/o from and to these configuration files goes through the functions which
are implemented in this library.
:Warning: This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. It **should not be called directly** from plugins!
import logging
import os
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
from lib.constants import (YAML_FILE)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
# check to be enabled after migrating to the new ruamel.yaml api
# if str(yaml.__version__) < '0.15.0':
# logger.critical("shyaml: Loaded version of ruamel.yaml ({}) is too old".format(yaml.__version__))
# exit(1)
logger.critical("shyaml: ruamel.yaml is not installed")
yaml_version = '1.1'
indent_spaces = 4
block_seq_indent = 0
[Doku]def editing_is_enabled():
return(EDITING_ENABLED == True)
# ==================================================================================
# Routines to handle yaml files
[Doku]def convert_linenumber(s, occ=1):
if occ == 1:
s2 = s[s.find('line: ')+6:]
elif occ == 2:
p = s.find('line: ')+6
s2 = s[s.find('line: ',p) + 6:]
return '*' + s
lineold = s2[:s2.find(')')]
linenew = str(int((int(lineold)+1)/2))
logger.warning('Unable to correct line number for yaml-file error. Wrong line number is {}'.format(lineold))
linenew = str(lineold)
lo = 'line '+lineold
ln = 'line '+linenew
lo2 = '(line: '+lineold+')'
ln2 = '(line: '+linenew+')'
s = s.replace(lo, ln)
s = s.replace(lo2, ln2)
return s
[Doku]def yaml_load(filename, ordered=False, ignore_notfound=False):
Load contents of a configuration file into an dict/OrderedDict structure. The configuration file has to be a valid yaml file
:param filename: name of the yaml file to load
:type filename: str
:param ordered: load to an OrderedDict? Default=False
:type ordered: bool
:return: configuration data loaded from the file (or None if an error occured)
:rtype: Dict | OrderedDict | None
dict_type = 'dict'
if ordered:
dict_type = 'OrderedDict'
logger.info("Loading '{}' to '{}'".format(filename, dict_type))
y = None
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as stream:
sdata = stream.read()
sdata = sdata.replace('\n', '\n\n')
if ordered:
y = _ordered_load(sdata, yaml.SafeLoader)
y = yaml.load(sdata, yaml.SafeLoader)
except Exception as e:
estr = str(e)
if "found character '\\t'" in estr:
estr = estr[estr.find('line'):]
estr = 'TABs are not allowed in YAML files, use spaces for indentation instead!\nError in ' + estr
if ("while scanning a simple key" in estr) and ("could not found expected ':'" in estr):
estr = estr[estr.find('column'):estr.find('could not')]
estr = 'The colon (:) following a key has to be followed by a space. The space is missing!\nError in ' + estr
if '(line: ' in estr:
line = convert_linenumber(estr)
line = convert_linenumber(line, 2)
# estr += '\nNOTE: To find correct line numbers: add 1 to line and divide by 2 -> '+line
estr = line
estr += '\nNOTE: Look for the error at the expected <block end>, near the second specified line number'
if "[Errno 2]" in estr:
if not ignore_notfound:
logger.warning(f"yaml_load: YAML-file '{filename}' not found")
logger.error("YAML-file load error in {}: \n{}".format(filename, estr))
return y
[Doku]def yaml_load_fromstring(string, ordered=False):
Load contents of a string into an dict/OrderedDict structure. The string has to be valid yaml
:param string: name of the yaml file to load
:type string: str
:param ordered: load to an OrderedDict? Default=False
:type ordered: bool
:return: configuration data loaded from the file (or None if an error occured) and error string
:rtype: Dict|OrderedDict|None, str
dict_type = 'dict'
if ordered:
dict_type = 'OrderedDict'
logger.info("Loading '{}' to '{}'".format(string, dict_type))
y = None
estr = ''
sdata = string
# sdata = sdata.replace('\n', '\n\n')
if ordered:
y = _ordered_load(sdata, yaml.SafeLoader)
y = yaml.load(sdata, yaml.SafeLoader)
except Exception as e:
estr = str(e)
if "found character '\\t'" in estr:
estr = estr[estr.find('line'):]
estr = 'TABs are not allowed in YAML files, use spaces for indentation instead!\nError in ' + estr
if ("while scanning a simple key" in estr) and ("could not found expected ':'" in estr):
estr = estr[estr.find('column'):estr.find('could not')]
estr = 'The colon (:) following a key has to be followed by a space. The space is missing!\nError in ' + estr
return y, estr
[Doku]def yaml_save(filename, data):
Save contents of an OrderedDict structure to a yaml file
:param filename: name of the yaml file to save to
:type filename: str
:param data: configuration data to to save
:type filename: str
:type data: OrderedDict, dict
:returns: Nothing
ordered = (type(data).__name__ == 'OrderedDict')
dict_type = 'dict'
if ordered:
dict_type = 'OrderedDict'
logger.info("Saving '{}' to '{}'".format(dict_type, filename))
if ordered:
sdata = _ordered_dump(data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, indent=4, width=768, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
sdata = yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper, indent=4, width=768, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
sdata = _format_yaml_dump( sdata )
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
outfile.write( sdata )
# ==================================================================================
def _format_yaml_load(data):
Reinsert '\n's that have been removed fom comments to make file more readable
:param data: string to format
:return: formatted string
# ptr = 0
# cptr = data[ptr:].find('comment: ')
data = data.replace('\n', '\n\n')
return data
def _ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict):
Ordered yaml loader
Use this instead ot yaml.loader/yaml.saveloader to get an Ordereddict
:param stream: stream to read from
:param Loader: yaml-loader to use
:object_pairs_hook: ...
:return: OrderedDict structure
# usage example: ordered_load(stream, yaml.SafeLoader)
class OrderedLoader(Loader):
def construct_mapping(loader, node):
return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node))
return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
def _format_yaml_dump(data):
Format yaml-dump to make file more readable
(yaml structure must be dumped to a stream before using this function)
| Currently does the following:
| - Add an empty line before a new item
:param data: string to format
:return: formatted string
data = data.replace('\n\n', '\n')
ldata = data.split('\n')
rdata = []
for index, line in enumerate(ldata):
if line[-1:] == ':':
# no empty line before list attributes
if ldata[index+1].strip()[0] != '-':
fdata = '\n'.join(rdata)
return fdata
def _ordered_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=yaml.Dumper, **kwds):
Ordered yaml dumper
Use this instead ot yaml.Dumper/yaml.SaveDumper to get an Ordereddict
:param stream: stream to write to
:param Dumper: yaml-dumper to use
:**kwds: Additional keywords
:return: OrderedDict structure
# usage example: ordered_dump(data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
class OrderedDumper(Dumper):
def _dict_representer(dumper, data):
return dumper.represent_mapping(
OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer)
return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
# ==================================================================================
# Routines to handle editing of yaml files
[Doku]def yaml_load_roundtrip(filename):
Load contents of a yaml file into an dict structure for editing (using Roundtrip Loader)
:param filename: name of the yaml file to load
:return: data structure loaded from file
return None
y = None
if not filename.lower().endswith('.yaml'):
filename += YAML_FILE
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf8') as stream:
sdata = stream.read()
sdata = sdata.replace('\n', '\n\n')
y = yaml.load(sdata, yaml.RoundTripLoader)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("yaml_load_roundtrip: YAML-file load error: '%s'" % (e))
y = {}
return y
[Doku]def get_emptynode():
Return an empty node
return yaml.comments.CommentedMap([])
[Doku]def yaml_dump_roundtrip(data):
Dump yaml to a string using the RoundtripDumper and correct linespacing in output file
:param data: data structure to save
sdata = yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper, version=yaml_version, indent=indent_spaces, block_seq_indent=block_seq_indent, width=12288, allow_unicode=True)
sdata = _format_yaml_dump2( sdata )
return sdata
[Doku]def yaml_save_roundtrip(filename, data, create_backup=False):
Dump yaml using the RoundtripDumper and correct linespacing in output file
:param filename: name of the yaml file to save to
:param data: data structure to save
sdata = yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.RoundTripDumper, version=yaml_version, indent=indent_spaces, block_seq_indent=block_seq_indent, width=12288, allow_unicode=True)
sdata = _format_yaml_dump2( sdata )
if not filename.lower().endswith('.yaml'):
filename += YAML_FILE
if create_backup:
if os.path.isfile(filename):
shutil.copy2(filename, filename+'.bak')
with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as outfile:
outfile.write( sdata )
def _strip_empty_lines(data):
ldata = data.split('\n')
rdata = []
for index, line in enumerate(ldata):
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
line = line.strip()
fdata = '\n'.join(rdata)
if fdata[0] == '\n':
fdata = fdata[1:]
return fdata
def _format_yaml_dump2(sdata):
Format yaml-dump to make file more readable, used by yaml_save_roundtrip()
(yaml structure must be dumped to a stream before using this function)
| Currently does the following:
| - Insert empty line after section w/o a value
| - Insert empty line before section (key w/o a value)
| - Adjust indentation of list entries
| - Remove double line spacing introduced by ruamel.yaml
| - Multiline strings: Remove '4' inserted by ruamel.yaml after '|'
| - Remove empty line after section w/o a value, if the following line is a child-line
:param data: string to format
:return: formatted string
# Strip lines containing only spaces and strip empty lines inserted by ruamel.yaml
sdata = _strip_empty_lines(sdata)
sdata = sdata.replace('\n\n\n', '\n')
sdata = sdata.replace('\n\n', '\n')
# sdata = sdata.replace(': |4\n', ': |\n') # Multiline strings: remove '4' inserted by ruyaml
ldata = sdata.split('\n')
rdata = []
for index, line in enumerate(ldata):
# Remove empty line after section w/o a value, if the following line is a child-line
if len(line.strip()) == 0:
nextline = ldata[index+1]
nextline = ''
indentprevline = len(ldata[index-1]) - len(ldata[index-1].lstrip(' '))
indentnextline = len(nextline) - len(nextline.lstrip(' '))
if indentnextline != indentprevline + indent_spaces:
# Insert empty line after section w/o a value
elif len(line.lstrip()) > 0 and line.lstrip()[0] == '#':
if line.lstrip()[-1:] == ':':
# only insert empty line, if last line was not a comment
elif len(ldata[index-1].strip()) > 0 and ldata[index-1][0] != '#':
# Only insert empty line, if next line is not commented out
if len(ldata[index+1].strip()) > 0 and ldata[index+1][-1:] == ':' and ldata[index+1][0] != '#':
# Insert empty line before section (key w/o a value)
elif line[-1:] == ':':
# only, if last line is not empty and last line is not a comment
if len(ldata[index-1].lstrip()) > 0 and not (len(ldata[index-1].lstrip()) > 0 and ldata[index-1].lstrip()[0] == '#'):
# no empty line before list attributes
if ldata[index+1].strip() != '':
if ldata[index+1].strip()[0] != '-':
sdata = '\n'.join(rdata)
sdata = sdata.replace('\n---\n\n', '\n---\n')
if sdata[0] == '\n':
sdata = sdata[1:]
return sdata
# ==================================================================================
# support functions for class yamlfile
# Set a given data in a dictionary with position provided as a list
[Doku]def setInDict(dataDict, path, value):
mapList = path.split('.')
for k in mapList[:-1]: dataDict = dataDict[k]
dataDict[mapList[-1]] = value
return False
return True
# Get parent to a path
[Doku]def get_parent(path):
pathlist = path.split('.')
parent = '.'.join(pathlist[0:len(pathlist)-1])
return parent
# Get key without parent
[Doku]def get_key(path):
pathlist = path.split('.')
key = pathlist[len(pathlist)-1]
return key
# ==================================================================================
# function for changing a single item-attribute in a yaml file
[Doku]def writeBackToFile(filename, itempath, itemattr, value):
write the value of an item's attribute back to the yaml-file
:param filename: name of the yaml-file (without the .yaml extension!)
:param itempath: path of the item to modify
:param itemattr: name of the item's attribute to modify
:param value: new value for the attribute
:return: formatted string
itemyamlfile = yamlfile(filename)
if os.path.isfile(filename+YAML_FILE):
itemyamlfile.setleafvalue(itempath, itemattr, value)
# ==================================================================================
# class yamlfile (for editing multiple entries at a time)
[Doku]class yamlfile():
data = None
filename = ''
def __init__(self, filename, filename_write='', create_bak=False):
initialize class for handling a yaml-file (read/write)
| It initializes an empty data-structure, which can be filled by the load() method
| This class is to be used for editing of yaml-files, not for loading SmartHomeNG structures
:param filename: name of the yaml-file (without the .yaml extension!)
:param filename_write: name of the file to write the resluts to (if different from filename)
:param create_bak: True, if a backup-file of the original file shall be created
:return: formatted string
self.filename = filename
if filename_write == '':
self.filename_write = filename
self.filename_write = filename_write
self.filename_bak = self.filename_write + '.bak'+YAML_FILE
self._create_bak = create_bak
self.data = yaml.comments.CommentedMap([])
[Doku] def load(self):
load the contents of the yaml-file to the data-structure
self.data = yaml_load_roundtrip(self.filename)
[Doku] def save(self):
save the contents of the data-structure to the yaml-file
if self._create_bak and os.path.isfile(self.filename_write+YAML_FILE):
os.rename(self.filename_write+YAML_FILE, self.filename_bak)
yaml_save_roundtrip(self.filename_write, self.data)
[Doku] def getnode(self, path):
get the contents of a node (branch or leaf)
:param path: path of the node to return
:return: content of the node
returned, ret_nodetype = self._getFromDict(path)
return returned
[Doku] def getvalue(self, path):
get the value of a leaf-node
:param path: path of the node to return
:return: value of the leaf (or None, if the node is no leaf-node)
returned, ret_nodetype = self._getFromDict(path)
if ret_nodetype == 'leaf':
return returned
return None
[Doku] def getnodetype(self, path):
get the type of a node
:param path: path of the node to return
:return: node type ('branch', 'leaf' or 'none')
returned, ret_nodetype = self._getFromDict(path)
return ret_nodetype
[Doku] def getvaluetype(self, path):
get the valuetype of a node
:param path: path of the node to return
:return: node valuetype
returned, ret_nodetype = self._getFromDict(path)
result = str(type(returned))
if result[0:8] == "<class '":
result = result[8:-2]
if result == 'ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq':
result = 'list'
return result
# Add/set a leaf to an empty node, the branch node must exist
[Doku] def setvalue(self, path, value):
set the value of a leaf, specified by leaf-path
:param path: path of the leaf-node to modify
:param value: new value of the leaf-node
if value == None:
self.getnode(get_parent(path)).pop(get_key(path), None)
except AttributeError:
if self.getnode(get_parent(path)) == yaml.comments.CommentedMap():
node = self.getnode(get_parent(get_parent(path)))
root = (node == None)
if root:
self.data[get_key(get_parent(path))] = None
node[get_key(get_parent(path))] = None
return self._add_node_and_leaf(path, value)
# Add/set a leaf with value, the branch is created if it does not exist
[Doku] def setleafvalue(self, branch, leaf, value):
set the value of a leaf, specified by branch-path and attribute name
:param branch: path of the branch-node which contains th attribute
:param attr: name of the attribute to modify
:param value: new value of the attribute
except Exception as e:
logger.error("shyaml.setleafvalue: Exception '{}'".format(str(e)))
if value != None:
self.setvalue(branch+'.'+leaf, value)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# Add an empty branch
def _ensurebranch(self, path):
if self.getnodetype(path) == 'leaf':
raise KeyError("Node-ERROR: Unable to set branch '"+path+"', it exists already as a leaf")
elif self.getnodetype(path) == 'branch':
if not self._addnode(path):
raise KeyError("Node-ERROR: Unable to set branch '"+path+"' in item structure")
# Add an empty branch
def _addbranch(self, path):
if self.getnodetype(path) == 'leaf':
raise KeyError("Node-ERROR: Unable to set branch '"+path+"', it exists already as a leaf")
elif self.getnodetype(path) == 'branch':
raise KeyError("Node-ERROR: Unable to set branch '"+path+"', it exists already as a branch")
if not self._addnode(path):
raise KeyError("Node-ERROR: Unable to set branch '"+path+"' in item structure")
# Add an empty node (internal for recursion)
def _addnode(self, path):
if self.getnodetype(path) != 'none':
return False
result = self._add_node_and_leaf(path, None)
if not result:
pathlist = path.split('.')
parent = '.'.join(pathlist[0:len(pathlist)-1])
if self._addnode(parent):
result = self._add_node_and_leaf(path, None)
return result
# Add a leaf to an empty node
def _add_node_and_leaf(self, path, value):
if not setInDict(self.data, path, value):
parent = get_parent(path)
attr = path[len(parent)+1:]
cm = yaml.comments.CommentedMap([(attr, value)])
if not setInDict(self.data, parent, cm):
return False
return True
# Get a given data from a dictionary with position provided as a list
def _getFromDict(self, path):
dataDict = self.data
nodetype = '-'
mapList = path.split('.')
for k in mapList: dataDict = dataDict[k]
nodetype = 'none'
dataDict = None
if isinstance(dataDict, yaml.comments.CommentedMap):
nodetype = 'branch'
nodetype = 'leaf'
return dataDict, nodetype