#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016- Martin Sinn m.sinn@gmx.de
# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import holidays
HOLIDAYS_imported = True
HOLIDAYS_imported = False
# from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
#except ImportError:
# from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
import datetime
#import pytz
import dateutil.tz as tz
import dateutil.parser
import dateutil.relativedelta
import json
import logging
import os
import lib.shyaml as shyaml
from lib.constants import (YAML_FILE, BASE_HOLIDAY)
#from lib.translation import translate
from lib.translation import translate as lib_translate
_shtime_instance = None # Pointer to the initialized instance of the shtime class (for use by static methods)
[Doku]class Shtime:
_tzinfo = None
_timezone = None
_utctz = None
_starttime = None
_tz = ''
holidays = None
public_holidays = None
def __init__(self, smarthome):
self._sh = smarthome
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
global _shtime_instance
if _shtime_instance is not None:
import inspect
curframe = inspect.currentframe()
calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 4)
self.logger.critical(self.translate("A second 'shtime' object has been created. There should only be ONE instance of class 'Shtime'!!! Called from: {callframe1} ({callframe3})").format(callframe1=calframe[1][1], callframe3=calframe[1][3]))
_shtime_instance = self
self._starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
self.log_msg = "" # is overwritten in _initialize_holidays() if no error occurs
# set default timezone to UTC
# global TZ
self._tz = 'UTC'
os.environ['TZ'] = self._tz
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following (static) method of the class Shtime implement the API for date and time handling in shNG
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] @staticmethod
def get_instance():
Returns the instance of the Shtime class, to be used to access the shtime-API
.. code-block:: python
from lib.shtime import Shtime
shtime = Shtime.get_instance()
# to access a method (eg. to get timezone info):
:return: shinfo instance
:rtype: object or None
if _shtime_instance == None:
return None
return _shtime_instance
[Doku] def translate(self, txt, vars=None):
Returns translated text
:param txt: text to translate
:type txt: str
:return: translated text
:rtype: str
txt = str(txt)
return lib_translate(txt, vars, plugin_translations='lib/shtime')
[Doku] def set_tz(self, tzone):
set timezone info from name of timezone
:param tzone: Name of the timezone (like 'Europe/Berlin')
:type: tzone: str
tzinfo = tz.gettz(tzone) # type: tzfile
self.logger.info(f"set_tz: tz={tz} -> tzinfo={tzinfo}")
if tzinfo is not None:
# TZ = tzinfo
self._tz = tzone
os.environ['TZ'] = self._tz
# self._tzinfo = TZ
#self._timezone = pytz.timezone(tzone)
self._timezone = tz.gettz(tzone)
self.logger.warning(self.translate("Problem parsing timezone '{tz}' - Using UTC").format(tz=tzone))
#self._timezone = pytz.timezone("UTC")
self._timezone = tz.gettz("UTC")
self.logger.info(f"self.set_tz: -> self._timezone={self._timezone}")
self.logger.info(f"self.set_tz: -> self._tzinfo={self._tzinfo}")
[Doku] def set_tzinfo(self, tzinfo):
Set the timezone info
:param tzinfo:
self._tzinfo = tzinfo
# Time Methods
[Doku] def now(self):
Returns the actual time in a timezone aware format
:return: Actual time for the local timezone
:rtype: datetime.datetime
if self._tzinfo is None:
self._tzinfo = tz.gettz()
# tz aware 'localtime'
return datetime.datetime.now(self._tzinfo)
[Doku] def tz(self):
Returns the the actual local timezone
:return: Name of the timezone (like 'Europe/Berlin', or 'UTC' if not set)
:rtype: str
return self._tz
[Doku] def tzinfo(self):
Returns the info about the actual local timezone
:return: Timezone info
:rtype: tz.tz.tzfile
return self._tzinfo
[Doku] def tzlocal(self):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
local_now = now.astimezone()
local_tz = local_now.tzinfo
local_tzname = local_tz.tzname(local_now)
return local_tzname
[Doku] def tzname(self):
Returns the name about the actual local timezone (e.g. CEST)
:return: timezone string (like: 'CEST' or 'CET')
:rtype: str
return datetime.datetime.now(tz.tzlocal()).tzname()
[Doku] def tznameST(self):
Returns the name for Standard Time in the local timezone (e.g. CET)
:return: Timezone info (like: 'CET')
:rtype: str
jan = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1)), tz.tzlocal())
return jan.strftime("%Z")
[Doku] def tznameDST(self):
Returns the name for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in the local timezone (e.g. CEST)
:return: Timezone info (like: 'CEST')
:rtype: str
jul = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime(2020, 7, 1)), tz.tzlocal())
return jul.strftime("%Z")
[Doku] def utcnow(self):
Returns the actual time in GMT
:return: Actual time in GMT
:rtype: datetime.datetime
# tz aware utc time
if self._utctz is None:
self._utctz = tz.gettz('UTC')
return datetime.datetime.now(self._utctz)
[Doku] def utcinfo(self):
Returns the info about the GMT timezone
:return: Timezone info
:rtype: tz.tz.tzfile
return self._utctz
[Doku] def runtime(self):
Returns the uptime of SmartHomeNG
:return: Uptime in days, hours, minutes and seconds
:rtype: datetime.timedelta
return datetime.datetime.now() - self._starttime
[Doku] def runtime_as_dict(self):
Returns the uptime of SmartHomeNG as a dict of integers
:return: {days, hours, minutes, seconds}
:rtype: dict
# return SmarthomeNG runtime
rt = str(self.runtime())
daytest = rt.split(' ')
if len(daytest) == 3:
days = int(daytest[0])
hours, minutes, seconds = [float(val) for val in str(daytest[2]).split(':')]
days = 0
hours, minutes, seconds = [float(val) for val in str(daytest[0]).split(':')]
total_seconds = days * 24 * 3600 + hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds
return {'days': days, 'hours': hours, 'minutes': minutes, 'seconds': seconds, 'total_seconds': total_seconds}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following methods implement some time handling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _build_timediff_resulttype(self, delta, resulttype):
if resulttype == 's':
return delta.days * 24 * 3600 + delta.seconds
if resulttype == 'm':
return delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds / 60
if resulttype == 'h':
return delta.days * 24 + delta.seconds / 3600
if resulttype == 'd':
return delta.days + delta.seconds / (3600 * 24)
if resulttype == 'im':
return delta.days * 24 * 60 + delta.seconds // 60
if resulttype == 'ih':
return delta.days * 24 + delta.seconds // 3600
if resulttype == 'id':
return delta.days
if resulttype == 'dhms':
return delta.days, delta.seconds // 3600, (delta.seconds // 60 - (delta.seconds // 3600) * 60), (
delta.seconds % 60)
if resulttype == 'dhms2':
return delta.days, delta.seconds // 3600, (delta.seconds // 60), (delta.seconds % 60)
if resulttype == 'ds':
return delta.days, delta.seconds
self.logger.error("_build_timediff_resulttype: Called with invalid resulttype parameter: {resulttype}".format(resulttype=resulttype))
return -1
[Doku] def time_since(self, dt, resulttype='s'):
Calculates the time that has elapsed since the given datetime parameter
:param dt: point in time (in the past)
:param resulttype: type in which the result should be returned (s, m, h, d, im, ih, id, dhms, ds)
:type: dt: str | datetime.datetime | datetime.date | int | float
:type resulttype: str
:return: Elapsed time
:rtype: int|float|tuple
dt = self.datetime_transform(dt)
if type(dt) is datetime.datetime:
delta = self.now() - dt
if delta.days < 0:
self.logger.error("time_since: "+self.translate("Called with point in time that is later than now: {dt}").format(dt=dt))
return (0, 0)
return self._build_timediff_resulttype(delta, resulttype)
self.logger.error("time_since: "+self.translate("Called with parameter that is not of type 'datetime': {dt}").format(dt=dt))
return -1
[Doku] def time_until(self, dt, resulttype='s'):
Calculates the time that will elapse from now to the given datetime parameter
:param dt: point in time (in the past)
:param resulttype: type in which the result should be returned (s, m, h, d, im, ih, id, dhms, ds)
:type: dt: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type resulttype: str
:return: Elapsed time
:rtype: int|float|tuple
dt = self.datetime_transform(dt)
if type(dt) is datetime:
delta = dt - self.now()
if delta.days < 0:
self.logger.error("time_until: "+self.translate("Called with point in time that is earlier than now: {dt}").format(dt=dt))
return (0, 0)
return self._build_timediff_resulttype(delta, resulttype)
self.logger.error("time_since: "+self.translate("Called with parameter that is not of type 'datetime': {dt}").format(dt=dt))
return -1
[Doku] def time_diff(self, dt1, dt2, resulttype='s'):
Calculates the time between the two given datetime parameters
:param dt1: first point in time
:param dt2: second point in time
:param resulttype: type in which the result should be returned (s, m, h, d, im, ih, id, dhms, ds)
:type: dt1: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type: dt2: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type resulttype: str
:return: Elapsed time
:rtype: int|float|tuple
dt1 = self.datetime_transform(dt1)
dt2 = self.datetime_transform(dt2)
if type(dt1) is datetime.datetime and type(dt2) is datetime.datetime:
delta = dt2 - dt1
if delta.days < 0:
delta = dt1 - dt2
return self._build_timediff_resulttype(delta, resulttype)
self.logger.error("time_since: "+self.translate("Called with parameter that is not of type 'datetime': {dt1}, {dt2}").format(dt1=dt2, dt2=dt2))
return -1
[Doku] def seconds_to_displaystring(self, sec):
Convert number of seconds to time display-string
:param sec: Number of seconds to convert
:type sec: int
:return: Display-string (in the form x days, y hours, z minutes, s seconds)
:rtype: str
min = sec // 60
sec = sec - min * 60
std = min // 60
min = min - std * 60
days = std // 24
std = std - days * 24
result = ''
if days == 1:
result += str(days) + ' ' + self.translate('Tag')
elif days > 0:
result += str(days) + ' ' + self.translate('Tage')
if result and std > 0:
result += ', '
if std == 1:
result += str(std) + ' ' + self.translate('Stunde')
elif std > 0:
result += str(std) + ' ' + self.translate('Stunden')
if result and min > 0:
result += ', '
if min == 1:
result += str(min) + ' ' + self.translate('Minute')
elif min > 0:
result += str(min) + ' ' + self.translate('Minuten')
if result and sec > 0:
result += ', '
if sec == 1:
result += str(sec) + ' ' + self.translate('Sekunde')
elif sec > 0:
result += str(sec) + ' ' + self.translate('Sekunden')
return result
[Doku] def to_seconds(self, time_str, test=False):
casts a time value string (e.g. '5m') to an integer (duration in seconds)
used for autotimer, timer, cycle
if 'test' is set to True the warning log message is suppressed
supported formats for time parameter:
- seconds as integer (45)
- seconds as a string ('45')
- seconds as a string, trailed by 's' (e.g. '45s')
- minutes as a string, trailed by 'm' (e.g. '5m'), is converted to seconds (300)
- hours as a string, trailed by 'h' (e.g. '2h'), is converted to seconds (7200)
- a combination of the above (e.g. '2h5m45s')
:param time_str: string containing the duration
:param test: if set to True, no warning ist logged in case of an error, only -1 is returned
:return: number of seconds as an integer
if isinstance(time_str, str):
time = time_str.strip()
time_in_sec = 0
wrk = time.split('h')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0]) * 60 * 60
time = wrk[1].strip()
wrk = time.split('m')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0]) * 60
time = wrk[1].strip()
wrk = time.split('s')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0])
# time = wrk[1].strip()
elif wrk[0] != '':
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0])
except Exception as e:
if test:
self.logger.info(f"shtime.to_seconds: time string could not be converted (time={time_str}) - problem: {e}")
self.logger.warning(f"shtime.to_seconds: time string could not be converted (time={time_str}) - problem: {e}")
time_in_sec = -1
elif isinstance(time_str, int):
time_in_sec = int(time_str)
elif isinstance(time_str, float):
time_in_sec = int(time_str)
if not test:
self.logger.warning( f"shtime.to_seconds: (time={time_str}) problem: unable to convert to int")
time_in_sec = -1
return time_in_sec
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following methods implement some date handling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] def beginning_of_week(self, week=None, year=None, offset=0):
Calculates the date of the beginning of a given week
If no week and no year are specified, the beginning of the current week is calculated
:param week: calender week to use for calculation
:param year: year to use for calculation
:param offset: negative number for previous weeks, positive for future ones
:type week: int
:type year: int
:type offset: int
:return: date the monday of given calender week
:rtype: datetime.date
month = self.current_month()
if week is None and year is None:
week = self.calendar_week(self.today())
year = self.current_year()
if month == 1 and week > 50:
year -= 1
if week is None:
self.logger.error("beginning_of_week: "+self.translate("Week not specified"))
return self.today()
if year is None:
year = self.current_year()
if month == 1 and week > 50:
year -= 1
self.logger.debug(self.translate("Calculating beginning of week based on year {year}, week {week} and offset {offset}").format(year=year, week=week, offset=offset))
week_beginning = datetime.datetime.strptime('{year}-{week}-1'.format(year=year, week=week), "%G-%V-%u") + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=offset)
return week_beginning.date()
[Doku] def beginning_of_month(self, month=None, year=None, offset=0):
Calculates the date of the beginning of a given month
This method is used to make code more readable
If no month is specified, the current month is used
If no year is specified, the current year is used
:param month: month to use for calculation
:param year: year to use for calculation
:param offset: negative number for previous months, positive for future ones
:type month: int
:type year: int
:type offset: int
:return: date the first day of given month
:rtype: datetime.date
if month is None:
month = self.current_month()
if year is None:
year = self.current_year()
month_beginning = datetime.date(year, month, 1) + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=offset)
return month_beginning
[Doku] def beginning_of_year(self, year=None, offset=0):
Calculates the date of the beginning of a given year
This method is used to make code more readable
If no year is specified, the current year is used
:param year: year to use for calculation
:param offset: negative number for previous years, positive for future ones
:type year: int
:type offset: int
:return: date the first day of given year
:rtype: datetime.date
year_beginning = self.beginning_of_month(1, year) + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(years=offset)
return year_beginning
[Doku] def today(self, offset=0):
Return today's date
:param offset: negative number for previous days, positive for future ones
:type offset: int
:return: date of today
:rtype: datetime.date
return (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)).date()
[Doku] def tomorrow(self):
Return tomorrow's date
:return: date of tomorrow
:rtype: datetime.date
return self.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
[Doku] def yesterday(self):
Return yesterday's date
:return: date of yesterday
:rtype: datetime.date
return self.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
[Doku] def current_year(self, offset=0):
Return the current year
:param offset: negative number for previous years, positive for future ones
:type offset: int
:return: year
:rtype: int
return (self.today() + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(years=offset)).year
[Doku] def current_month(self, offset=0):
Return the current month
:param offset: negative number for previous months, positive for future ones
:type offset: int
:return: month
:rtype: int
return (self.today() + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=offset)).month
[Doku] def current_monthname(self, offset=0):
Return the name of the current month for a given date
:param offset: negative number for previous months, positive for future ones
:type offset: int
:return: monthname NAME
:rtype: str
month = self.current_month(offset)
if month == 1:
monthname = "Januar"
elif month == 2:
monthname = "Februar"
elif month == 3:
monthname = "März"
elif month == 4:
monthname = "April"
elif month == 5:
monthname = "Mai"
elif month == 6:
monthname = "Juni"
elif month == 7:
monthname = "Juli"
elif month == 8:
monthname = "August"
elif month == 9:
monthname = "September"
elif month == 10:
monthname = "Oktober"
elif month == 11:
monthname = "November"
elif month == 12:
monthname = "Dezember"
monthname = "?"
return self.translate(monthname)
[Doku] def current_day(self, offset=0):
Return the current day
:param offset: negative number for previous days, positive for future ones
:type offset: int
:return: day
:rtype: int
return (self.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)).day
[Doku] def length_of_year(self, year=None, offset=0):
Returns the length of a given year
:param year: year to use for calculation
:param offset: negative number for previous months, positive for future ones
:type year: int
:type offset: int
:return: Length of year in days
:rtype: int
if year is None:
year = self.current_year()
year += offset
leap_year = True if year % 4 == 0 and (year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0) else False
return 365 if leap_year is False else 366
[Doku] def length_of_month(self, month=None, year=None, offset=0):
Returns the length of a given month for a given year
:param month: month to use for calculation
:param year: year to use for calculation
:param offset: negative number for previous months, positive for future ones
:type month: int
:type year: int
:type offset: int
:return: Length of month in days
:rtype: int
if month is None:
month = self.current_month()
if year is None:
year = self.current_year()
offset_dt = datetime.datetime(year, month, 1) + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(months=offset)
month = offset_dt.month
year = offset_dt.year
next_month = month
next_year = year
if next_month == 12:
next_year += 1
next_month = 0
debug_month = "" if offset == 0 else " (offset {offset})".format(offset=offset)
self.logger.debug(self.translate("Calculating length of month based on year {year}, month {month}{debug_month}").format(year=year, month=month, debug_month=debug_month))
return (datetime.datetime(next_year, next_month+1, 1) - datetime.datetime(year, month, 1)).days
[Doku] def day_of_year(self, date=None, offset=0):
Calculate which day of the year the given date is
:param date: date
:param offset: negative number for previous days, positive for future ones
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type offset: int
:return: day of year
:rtype: int
if date:
date = self.date_transform(date)
date = self.today()
date = date + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
return (date - datetime.date(date.year, 1, 1)).days + 1
[Doku] def weekday(self, date=None, offset=0):
Returns the ISO weekday of a given date (or of today, if date is None)
Return the day of the week as an integer, where Monday is 1 and Sunday is 7. (ISO weekday)
:param date: date
:param offset: negative number for previous days, positive for future ones
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type offset: int
:return: weekday (1=Monday .... 7=Sunday)
:rtype: int
if date:
weekday = self.date_transform(date)
weekday = weekday + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
weekday = self.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
return weekday.isoweekday()
[Doku] def calendar_week(self, date=None, offset=0):
Returns the calendar week (according to ISO)
:param date: date
:param offset: negative number for previous weeks, positive for future ones
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type offset: int
:return: week (ISO)
:rtype: int
if date:
cal_week = self.date_transform(date) + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=offset)
cal_week = self.today() + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(weeks=offset)
return cal_week.isocalendar()[1]
[Doku] def weekday_name(self, date=None, offset=0):
Returns the name of the weekday for a given date
:param date: date
:param offset: negative number for previous days, positive for future ones
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type offset: int
:return: weekday name
:rtype: str
if date:
dt = self.date_transform(date)
dt = self.today()
dt = dt + datetime.timedelta(days=offset)
wday = self.weekday(dt)
if wday == 1:
day = "Montag"
elif wday == 2:
day = "Dienstag"
elif wday == 3:
day = "Mittwoch"
elif wday == 4:
day = "Donnerstag"
elif wday == 5:
day = "Freitag"
elif wday == 6:
day = "Samstag"
elif wday == 7:
day = "Sonntag"
day = "?"
return self.translate(day)
def _get_nth_dow_in_month(self, dow, dow_week, year, month):
get nth day of week for given month and year
:param dow: day of week (1-7)
:param dow_week: n for nth week (1-4)
:param year: year to look into
:param month: month to look into
:return: date
day_1st = datetime.date(year, month, 1)
dow_1st = self.weekday(datetime.date(year, month, 1))
week = int(dow_week)
if dow_1st <= dow:
d_diff = dow - dow_1st
d_diff = 7 - dow_1st + dow
d_diff += (week - 1) * 7
date = day_1st + datetime.timedelta(days=d_diff)
self.logger.debug('dow_1st: d_diff {} -> {}'.format(d_diff, date))
return date
def _get_last_dow_in_month(self, dow, year, month):
get last day of week for given month and year
:param dow: day of week (1-7)
:param year: year to look into
:param month: month to look into
:return: date
day_last = datetime.date(year, month + 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
dow_last = self.weekday(datetime.date(year, month + 1, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
if dow_last >= dow:
d_diff = dow_last - dow
d_diff = dow_last + 7 - dow
date = day_last - datetime.timedelta(days=d_diff)
self.logger.debug('dow_last: d_diff {} -> {}'.format(d_diff, date))
return date
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following methods implement some holiday handling
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _add_holiday_by_date(self, cust_date, gen_for_years):
Add a custom holiday for given day and month (and optionally year)
:param cust_date:
cust_dict = {}
self.logger.info(self.translate('custom holiday')+' (date): {}'.format(cust_date))
for year in gen_for_years:
d = datetime.date(year, cust_date['month'], cust_date['day'])
cust_dict[d] = cust_date.get('name', '')
def _add_holiday_by_dow(self, cust_date, gen_for_years):
Add a custom holiday for given day-of-week
:param cust_date:
cust_dict = {}
self.logger.info(self.translate('custom holiday')+' (dow): {}'.format(cust_date))
month = cust_date.get('month', None)
dow_week = int(cust_date.get('dow_week', 0))
if dow_week < 1:
except ValueError:
if str(cust_date.get('dow_week', None)).lower() == 'last':
dow_week = str(cust_date.get('dow_week', None)).lower()
dow_start_week = int(cust_date.get('dow_start_week', dow_week))
except ValueError:
dow_start_week = dow_week
for year in gen_for_years:
if month is None:
# get every nth day-of-week in a year
date = self._get_nth_dow_in_month(cust_date.get('dow', None), dow_start_week, year, 1)
while date.year == year:
cust_dict[date] = cust_date.get('name', '')
date = date + datetime.timedelta(7*dow_week)
# get a day-of-week in a given month
if str(cust_date.get('dow_week', None)).lower() == 'last':
date = self._get_last_dow_in_month(cust_date.get('dow', None), year, month)
date = self._get_nth_dow_in_month(cust_date.get('dow', None), cust_date.get('dow_week', None), year, month)
cust_dict[date] = cust_date.get('name', '')
def _add_custom_holidays(self):
Add custom holidays from etc/holidays.yaml to the initialized list of holidays
:return: Number of valid custom holiday definitions
if self.holidays is None:
self.logger.info("_add_custom_holidays: "+self.translate("Holidays are not initialized, cannot add custom holidays"))
return 0
custom = self.config.get('custom', [])
if custom is None:
custom = []
count = 0
if len(custom) > 0:
for entry in custom:
if isinstance(entry, str):
cust_date = json.loads(entry)
cust_date = entry
# generate for range of years or a given year
if cust_date.get('year', None) is None:
gen_for_years = self.years
gen_for_years = [cust_date['year']]
# {'day': 2, 'month': 12, 'name': "Martin's Geburtstag"}
if cust_date.get('month', None) and cust_date.get('day', None):
# generate holiday(s) for a given date (day/month)
self._add_holiday_by_date(cust_date, gen_for_years)
count += 1
elif cust_date.get('dow', None) and cust_date.get('dow_week', None) and (0 < cust_date.get('dow', None) < 8):
# generate holiday(s) for a given weekday (dow/dowweek/month)
self._add_holiday_by_dow(cust_date, gen_for_years)
count += 1
return count
[Doku] def add_custom_holiday(self, cust_date):
Add a custom holiday from etc/holidays.yaml to the initialized list of holidays
:param cust_date: Dictionary with holiday definition (see: /etc/holidays.yaml.default)
:type cust_date: dict
if self.holidays is None:
self.logger.info("add_custom_holiday: "+self.translate("Holidays are not initialized, cannot add custom holidays"))
# generate for range of years or a given year
if cust_date.get('year', None) is None:
gen_for_years = self.years
gen_for_years = [cust_date['year']]
# {'day': 2, 'month': 12, 'name': "Martin's Geburtstag"}
if cust_date.get('month', None) and cust_date.get('day', None):
# generate holiday(s) for a given date (day/month)
self._add_holiday_by_date(cust_date, gen_for_years)
elif cust_date.get('dow', None) and cust_date.get('dow_week', None) and (0 < cust_date.get('dow', None) < 8):
# generate holiday(s) for a given weekday (dow/dowweek/month)
self._add_holiday_by_dow(cust_date, gen_for_years)
log_msg = self.translate("Custom holiday definitions defined during runtime: {cust_date}")
[Doku] def add_custom_holiday_range(self, from_date, to_date=None, holiday_name=''):
Add a range of dates to the custom holidays
:param from_date: First date to add
:param to_date: Last date to add
:param holiday_name: Name of the holidays
:type from_date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type to_date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:type holiday_name: str
from_date = self.date_transform(from_date)
if to_date is None:
to_date = from_date
to_date = self.date_transform(to_date)
num_days = (to_date-from_date).days + 1
holiday_list = [from_date+datetime.timedelta(days=x) for x in range(num_days)]
cust_dict = {}
for holiday in holiday_list:
cust_dict[holiday] = holiday_name
# {"dow": 5, "dow_week": "last", "month": 7, "name": "Sysadmin day"}
def _initialize_holidays(self):
Initialize the holidays according to etc/holidays.yaml for the current year and the two years to come
if self.holidays is None:
self.config = shyaml.yaml_load(self._sh.get_config_file(BASE_HOLIDAY))
location = self.config.get('location', None)
# prepopulate holidays for following years
self.years=[this_year, this_year+1, this_year+2]
if location:
country=location.get('country', 'DE')
prov=location.get('province', None)
state=location.get('state', None)
self.holidays = holidays.CountryHoliday(country, years=self.years, prov=prov, state=state)
except KeyError as e:
self.logger.error("Error initializing self.holidays: {}".format(e))
self.public_holidays = holidays.CountryHoliday(country, years=self.years, prov=prov, state=state)
except KeyError as e:
self.logger.error("Error initializing self.public_holidays: {}".format(e))
self.holidays = holidays.CountryHoliday('US', years=self.years, prov=None, state=None)
self.public_holidays = holidays.CountryHoliday('US', years=self.years, prov=None, state=None)
if self.holidays is not None:
c_logtext = self.translate('not defined')
c_logcount = ''
count = self._add_custom_holidays()
if count > 0:
c_logcount = ' ' + str(count)
c_logtext = self.translate('defined')
defined_state = ''
# Test if class of self.holiday has an attribute 'state'
state = self.holidays.state
except Exception as e:
state = self.holidays.subdiv
# Test if class of self.holiday has an attribute 'prov'
prov = self.holidays.prov
except Exception as e:
prov = self.holidays.subdiv
state = None
if state is not None:
defined_state = ", state'" + state + "'"
self.log_msg = self.translate("Using holidays for country '{country}', province '{province}'{state},{count} custom holiday(s) {defined}")
self.log_msg = self.log_msg.format(country=self.holidays.country, province=prov, state=defined_state, count=c_logcount, defined=c_logtext)
self.logger.info(self.translate('Defined holidays') + ':')
for ft in sorted(self.holidays):
self.logger.info(' - {}: {}'.format(ft, self.holidays[ft]))
[Doku] def is_weekend(self, date=None):
Returns True, if the date is on a weekend
Note: Easter sunday is not considered a holiday (since it is a sunday already)!
:param date: date for which the weekday should be returned. If not specified, today is used
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:return: True, if date is on a weekend
:rtype: bool
if date:
dt = self.date_transform(date)
dt = self.today()
return self.weekday(dt) in [6,7]
[Doku] def is_holiday(self, date=None):
Returns True, if the date is a holiday (custom or public)
Note: Easter sunday is not concidered a holiday (since it is a sunday already)!
:param date: date for which the weekday should be returned. If not specified, today is used
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:return: True, if date is on a holiday
:rtype: bool
if date:
dt = self.date_transform(date)
dt = self.today()
return (dt in self.holidays)
[Doku] def is_public_holiday(self, date=None):
Returns True, if the date is a public holiday
Note: Easter sunday is not concidered a public holiday (since it is a sunday already)!
:param date: date for which the weekday should be returned. If not specified, today is used
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:return: True, if date is on a holiday
:rtype: bool
if date:
dt = self.date_transform(date)
dt = self.today()
return (dt in self.public_holidays)
[Doku] def holiday_name(self, date=None, as_list=False):
Returns the name of the holiday, if date is a holiday
If there are multiple holidays on that date, all are returned
:param date: date for which the holiday-name should be returned. If not specified, today is used
:param as_list: If True, result is a list and not a str (comma delimited)
:type date: str|datetime.datetime|datetime.date|int|float
:return: name of the holiday(s)
:rtype: str|list
if date:
dt = self.date_transform(date)
dt = self.today()
if as_list:
if self.holidays.get_list(dt):
return self.holidays.get(dt)
if self.holidays.get(dt):
return self.holidays.get(dt)
return ''
[Doku] def holiday_list(self, year=None):
Returns a list with the defined holidays
:param year: Year for which the holiday list sould be returned
:type year: int
:return: List with holiday information
:rtpye: list
hl = []
for h in self.holidays:
if year is None or h.year == year:
hl.append({h, self.holidays[h]})
return hl
[Doku] def public_holiday_list(self, year=None):
Returns a list with the defined public holidays
:param year: Year for which the holiday list sould be returned
:type year: int
:return: List with holiday information
:rtpye: list
hl = []
for h in self.public_holidays:
if year is None or h.year == year:
hl.append({h, self.public_holidays[h]})
return hl