Quellcode für lib.scene

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-2017   Martin Sinn                         m.sinn@gmx.de
# Copyright 2013-2013   Marcus Popp                        marcus@popp.mx
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG.    https://github.com/smarthomeNG//
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

This file implements scenes in SmartHomeNG

import logging
import os.path
import csv

from lib.translation import translate

from lib.item import Items
from lib.logic import Logics

from lib.utils import Utils
from lib.shtime import Shtime
import lib.shyaml as yaml

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_scenes_instance = None    # Pointer to the initialized instance of the Plugins class (for use by static methods)

[Doku]class Scenes(): """ This class loads all scene definitions from /scenes folder and adds the necessary triggers for the scenes to function. :Note: The scene definitions are stored in /scenes files with the extension .conf but don't follow the file format for conf-files of smarthome.py! :param smarthome: Main SmartHomeNG object :type smarthome: object """ def __init__(self, smarthome): self._sh = smarthome global _scenes_instance if _scenes_instance is not None: import inspect curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2) logger.critical(translate("A second 'scenes' object has been created. There should only be ONE instance of class 'Scenes'!!! Called from: {frame1} ({frame2})", {'frame1': calframe[1][1], 'frame2': calframe[1][3]})) _scenes_instance = self self.items = Items.get_instance() self.logics = Logics.get_instance() self._load_scenes() return def _load_scenes(self): """ Load defined scenes with learned values from ../scene directory :return: """ self._scenes = {} self._learned_values = {} self._scenes_dir = self._sh._scenes_dir if not os.path.isdir(self._scenes_dir): logger.warning(translate("Directory '{scenes_dir}' not found. Ignoring scenes.", {'scenes_dir': self._scenes_dir})) return self._learned_values = {} # for item in smarthome.return_items(): for item in self.items.return_items(): if item.type() == 'scene': self.scene_file = os.path.join(self._scenes_dir, item.property.path) scene_file_yaml = yaml.yaml_load(self.scene_file+'.yaml', ordered=False, ignore_notfound=True) if scene_file_yaml is not None: # Reading yaml file with scene definition for state in scene_file_yaml: actions = scene_file_yaml[state].get('actions', None) if actions is not None: if isinstance(actions, dict): actions = [ actions ] if isinstance( actions, list ): for action in actions: if isinstance(action, dict): self._add_scene_entry(item, str(state), action.get('item', ''), str(action.get('value', '')), action.get('learn', ''), scene_file_yaml[state].get('name', '')) else: logger.warning(translate("Scene {scene}, state {state}: action '{action}' is not a dict", {'scene': item, 'state': state, 'action': action})) else: logger.warning(translate("Scene {scene}, state {state}: actions are not a list", {'scene': item, 'state': state})) self._load_learned_values(str(item.property.path)) else: # Trying to read conf file with scene definition scene_conf_file = self.scene_file + '.conf' try: with open(scene_conf_file, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ') for row in reader: if row == []: # ignore empty lines continue if row[0][0] == '#': # ignore comments continue self._add_scene_entry(item, row[0], row[1], row[2]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(translate("Problem reading scene file {file}: No .yaml or .conf file found with this name", {'file': self.scene_file})) continue item.add_method_trigger(self._trigger) return def _eval(self, value): """ Evaluate a scene value :param value: value expression to evaluate :type value: str :return: evaluated value or None :rtype: type of evaluated expression or None """ sh = self._sh shtime = Shtime.get_instance() items = Items.get_instance() import math import lib.userfunctions as uf try: rvalue = eval(value) except Exception as e: logger.warning(" - " + translate("Problem evaluating: {value} - {exception}", {'value': value, 'exception': e})) return value return rvalue def _get_learned_value(self, scene, state, ditem): try: lvalue = self._learned_values[scene +'#'+ str(state) +'#'+ ditem.property.path] except: return None logger.debug(" - Return learned value {} for scene/state/ditem {}".format(lvalue, scene +'#'+ str(state) +'#'+ ditem.property.path)) return lvalue def _set_learned_value(self, scene, state, ditem, lvalue): self._learned_values[scene +'#'+ str(state) +'#'+ ditem.property.path] = lvalue logger.debug(" - Learned value {} for scene/state/ditem {}".format(lvalue, scene +'#'+ str(state) +'#'+ ditem.property.path)) def _save_learned_values(self, scene): """ Save learned values for the scene to a file to make them persistant """ logger.info("Saving learned values for scene {}:".format(scene)) logger.info(" -> from dict self._learned_values {}:".format(self._learned_values)) learned_dict = {} for key in self._learned_values: lvalue = self._learned_values[key] kl = key.split('#') if kl[0] == scene: fkey = kl[1]+'#'+kl[2] learned_dict[fkey] = lvalue logger.debug(" - Saving value {} for state/ditem {}".format(lvalue, fkey)) logger.info(" -> to dict learned_dict {}:".format(learned_dict)) scene_learnfile = os.path.join(self._scenes_dir, scene+'_learned') yaml.yaml_save(scene_learnfile+'.yaml', learned_dict) return def _load_learned_values(self, scene): """ Load learned values for the scene from a file """ scene_learnfile = os.path.join(self._scenes_dir, scene+'_learned') learned_dict = yaml.yaml_load(scene_learnfile+'.yaml', ordered=False, ignore_notfound=True) logger.info("Loading learned values for scene {} from file {}:".format(scene, scene_learnfile)) logger.info(" -> loaded dict learned_dict {}:".format(learned_dict)) if learned_dict is not None: if learned_dict != {}: logger.info("Loading learned values for scene {}".format(scene)) for fkey in learned_dict: key = scene + '#' + fkey lvalue = learned_dict[fkey] self._learned_values[key] = lvalue logger.debug(" - Loading value {} for state/ditem {}".format(lvalue, key)) logger.info(" -> to dict self._learned_values {}:".format(self._learned_values)) return def _trigger_setstate(self, item, state, caller, source, dest): """ Trigger: set values for a scene state """ logger.info("Triggered scene {} ({}) with state {} ({}):".format(item.property.path, str(item), state, self.get_scene_action_name(item.property.path, state))) for ditem, value, name, learn in self._scenes[item.property.path][str(state)]: if learn: lvalue = self._get_learned_value(item.property.path, state, ditem) if lvalue is not None: rvalue = lvalue else: rvalue = value else: rvalue = self._eval(value) if rvalue is not None: if str(rvalue) == str(value): logger.info(" - Item {} set to {}".format(ditem, rvalue)) else: logger.info(" - Item {} set to {} ( from {} )".format(ditem, rvalue, value)) try: ditem(value=rvalue, caller='Scene', source=item.property.path) except Exception as e: logger.warning(" - ditem '{}', value '{}', exception {}".format(ditem, rvalue, e)) return def _trigger_learnstate(self, item, state, caller, source, dest): """ Trigger: learn values for a scene state """ logger.info("Triggered 'learn' for scene {} ({}), state {} ({}):".format(item.property.path, str(item), state, self.get_scene_action_name(item.property.path, state))) for ditem, value, name, learn in self._scenes[item.property.path][str(state)]: if learn: self._set_learned_value(item.property.path, state, ditem, ditem()) self._save_learned_values(str(item.property.path)) return def _trigger(self, item, caller, source, dest): """ Trigger a scene """ if not item.property.path in self._scenes: return if str(item()&127) in self._scenes[item.property.path]: state = item() if Utils.is_int(state): state = int(state) else: logger.error(translate("Invalid state '{state}' for scene {scene}", {'state': state, 'scene': item.property.path})) return if (state >= 0) and (state < 64): # set state self._trigger_setstate(item, state, caller, source, dest) elif (state >= 128) and (state < 128+64): # learn state self._trigger_learnstate(item, state&127, caller, source, dest) else: logger.error(translate("Invalid state '{state}' for scene {scene}", {'state': state, 'scene': item.property.path})) def _add_scene_entry(self, item, state, ditemname, value, learn=False, name=''): """ Adds a single assignement entry to the loaded scenes :param item: item defing the scene (type: scene) :param row: list of: state number, item to assign to, value to assign to item :param name: name of the scene state :type item: item object :type row: list (with 3 entries) :type name: str """ logger.debug("_add_scene_entry: item = {}, state = {}, ditemname = {}, value = {}, learn = {}, name = {}".format(item.property.path, state, ditemname, value, learn, name)) value = item.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(value, 'sh.', '(', 'scene') # ditem = self._sh.return_item(item.get_absolutepath(ditemname, attribute='scene')) ditem = self.items.return_item(item.get_absolutepath(ditemname, attribute='scene')) if learn: rvalue = self._eval(value) if str(rvalue) != value: logger.warning(translate("_add_scene_entry - " + "Learn set to 'False', because '{rvalue}' != '{value}'", {'rvalue': rvalue, 'value': value})) learn = False if ditem is None: ditem = self.logics.return_logic(ditemname) if ditem is None: logger.warning(translate("Could not find item or logic '{ditemname}' specified in {file}", {'ditemname': ditemname, 'file': self.scene_file})) return if item.property.path in self._scenes: if state in self._scenes[item.property.path]: self._scenes[item.property.path][state].append([ditem, value, name, learn]) else: self._scenes[item.property.path][state] = [[ditem, value, name, learn]] else: self._scenes[item.property.path] = {state: [[ditem, value, name, learn]]} return # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Following (static) methods of the class Plugins implement the API for plugins in shNG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] @staticmethod def get_instance(): """ Returns the instance of the Scenes class, to be used to access the scene-api Use it the following way to access the api: .. code-block:: python from lib.scene import Scenes scenes = Scenes.get_instance() # to access a method (eg. xxx()): scenes.xxx() :return: scenes instance :rtype: object of None """ if _scenes_instance == None: return None else: return _scenes_instance
[Doku] def get_loaded_scenes(self): """ Returns a list with the names of all scenes that are currently loaded :return: list of scene names :rtype: list """ scene_list = [] for scene in self._scenes: scene_list.append(scene) return sorted(scene_list)
[Doku] def get_scene_actions(self, name): """ Returns a list with the the defined actions for a scene :return: list of scene values :rtype: list """ value_list = [] for value in self._scenes[name]: value_list.append(int(value)) value_list = sorted(value_list) value_list2 = [] for value in value_list: value_list2.append(str(value)) return value_list2
[Doku] def get_scene_action_name(self, scenename, action): """ Returns the name of a scene-action """ action = str(action) try: return self._scenes[scenename][action][0][2] except: logger.warning(translate("get_scene_action_name: " + "unable to get self._scenes['{scenename}']['{action}'][0][2] <- {res}", {'scenename': scenename, 'action': action, 'res': self._scenes[scenename][action][0]})) return ''
[Doku] def return_scene_value_actions(self, name, state): """ Returns a list with the the defined actions for state of a scene :return: list of value actions (destination item name, value to set) :rtype: list """ action_list = [] for action in self._scenes[name][state]: lvalue = self._get_learned_value(name, state, action[0]) if lvalue is not None: lvalue = str(lvalue) return_action = [ str(action[0]), action[1], action[3], lvalue ] action_list.append(return_action) return action_list
[Doku] def reload_scenes(self): """ Reload defined scenes with learned values from ../scene directory :return: """ self._load_scenes() logger.notice(translate("Reloaded all scenes")) return True