Quellcode für lib.plugin

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-       Martin Sinn                         m.sinn@gmx.de
# Copyright 2016        Christian Strassburg
# Copyright 2018        Stefan Widmer (smailee)
# Copyright 2011-2013   Marcus Popp                        marcus@popp.mx
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# - consolidate with module.py

This library implements loading and starting of plugins of SmartHomeNG.

The methods of the class Plugins implement the API for plugins.
They can be used the following way: To call eg. **xxx()**, use the following syntax:

.. code-block:: python

        from lib.plugin import Plugins
        plugins = Plugins.get_instance()

        # to access a method (eg. xxx()):

:Warning: This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. It **should not be called directly** from plugins!

import gc
import ctypes
import inspect
import sys

import json
import logging
import threading
import collections
import os.path		# until Backend is modified

from importlib import import_module, reload

import lib.config
import lib.translation as translation
from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPlugin
from lib.metadata import Metadata

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_plugins_instance = None    # Pointer to the initialized instance of the Plugins class (for use by static methods)
_SH = None

def namestr(obj, namespace):
    return [name for name in namespace if namespace[name] is obj]

class PyObject(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [("refcnt", ctypes.c_long)]

[Doku]class Plugins(): """ Plugin loader Class. Parses config file and creates a worker thread for each plugin :param smarthome: Instance of the smarthome master-object :param configfile: Basename of the plugin configuration file :type samrthome: object :type configfile: str """ _plugins = [] _threads = [] _plugindict = {} def __init__(self, smarthome, configfile: str): self._sh = smarthome self._configfile = configfile global _plugins_instance if _plugins_instance is not None: import inspect curframe = inspect.currentframe() calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 4) logger.critical(f"A second 'plugins' object has been created. There should only be ONE instance of class 'Plugins'!!! Called from: {calframe[1][1]} ({calframe[1][3]})") _plugins_instance = self # until Backend plugin is modified if os.path.isfile(configfile + YAML_FILE): self._plugin_conf_filename = configfile + YAML_FILE else: self._plugin_conf_filename = configfile + CONF_FILE smarthome._plugin_conf = self._plugin_conf_filename # type: ignore # read plugin configuration (from etc/plugin.yaml) _conf = lib.config.parse_basename(configfile, configtype='plugin') if _conf == {}: return logger.info('Load plugins') self.threads_early = [] self.threads_late = [] # for every section (plugin) in the plugin.yaml file for plugin in _conf: logger.debug(f'Plugins, section: {plugin}') self.load_plugin(plugin, _conf[plugin]) # join the start_early and start_late lists with the main thread list self._threads = self.threads_early + self._threads + self.threads_late # cleanup early/late startup self.threads_early = self.threads_late = [] logger.info('Load of plugins finished') del _conf # clean up os.chdir((self._sh._base_dir)) # Tests für logic-Parameter Metadaten self.logic_parameters = {} for i in range(0, len(self._plugins) - 1): if self._plugins[i]._metadata.logic_parameters is not None: for param in self._plugins[i]._metadata.logic_parameters: logger.debug(f"Plugins.__init__: Plugin '{self._plugins[i]._shortname}' logic_param '{param}' = {json.loads(json.dumps(self._plugins[i]._metadata.logic_parameters[param]))}") self.logic_parameters[param] = json.loads(json.dumps(self._plugins[i]._metadata.logic_parameters[param])) self.logic_parameters[param]['plugin'] = self._plugins[i]._shortname def _get_pluginname_and_metadata(self, plg_section, plg_conf): """ Return the actual plugin name and the metadata instance :param plg_conf: loaded section of the plugin.yaml for the actual plugin :type plg_conf: dict :return: plugin_name and metadata_instance :rtype: string, object """ plugin_name = plg_conf.get('plugin_name', '').lower() plugin_version = plg_conf.get('plugin_version', '').lower() if plugin_version != '': plugin_version = '._pv_' + plugin_version.replace('.', '_') if plugin_name != '': meta = Metadata(self._sh, (plugin_name + plugin_version).replace('.', os.sep), 'plugin') else: classpath = plg_conf.get(KEY_CLASS_PATH, '') if classpath != '': plugin_name = classpath.split('.')[len(classpath.split('.')) - 1].lower() if plugin_name.startswith('_pv'): plugin_name = classpath.split('.')[len(classpath.split('.')) - 2].lower() logger.debug(f"Plugins __init__: pluginname = '{plugin_name}', classpath '{classpath}'") meta = Metadata(self._sh, plugin_name, 'plugin', (classpath + plugin_version).replace('.', os.sep)) else: logger.error(f"Plugin configuration section '{plg_section}': Neither 'plugin_name' nor '{KEY_CLASS_PATH}' are defined.") meta = Metadata(self._sh, plugin_name, 'plugin', classpath) return (plugin_name + plugin_version, meta) def _get_conf_args(self, plg_conf): """ Return the parameters/values for the actual plugin as args-dict :param plg_conf: loaded section of the plugin.yaml for the actual plugin :type plg_conf: dict :return: args = specified parameters and their values :rtype: dict """ args = {} for arg in plg_conf: # ignore class_name, class_path and instance - those parameters ar not handed to the PluginWrapper if arg != KEY_CLASS_NAME and arg != KEY_CLASS_PATH and arg != KEY_INSTANCE: value = plg_conf[arg] if isinstance(value, str): value = f"'{value}'" args[arg] = value return args def _get_classname_and_classpath(self, plg_conf, plugin_name): """ Returns the classname and the classpath for the actual plugin :param plg_conf: loaded section of the plugin.yaml for the actual plugin :param plugin_name: Plugin name (to be used, for building classpass, if it is not specified in the configuration :type plg_conf: dict :type plugin_name: str :return: classname, classpass :rtype: str, str """ classname = plg_conf.get(KEY_CLASS_NAME, '') plugin_version = '' if plugin_name == '': plugin_version = plg_conf.get('plugin_version', '').lower() if plugin_version != '': plugin_version = '._pv_' + plugin_version.replace('.', '_') if classname == '': classname = self.meta.get_string('classname') try: classpath = plg_conf[KEY_CLASS_PATH] except Exception: if plugin_name == '': classpath = '' else: classpath = DIR_PLUGINS + '.' + plugin_name # logger.warning("_get_classname_and_classpath: plugin_name = {}, classpath = {}, classname = {}".format(plugin_name, classpath, classname)) return (classname, classpath + plugin_version) def _get_instancename(self, plg_conf): """ Returns the instancename for the actual plugin :param plg_conf: loaded section of the plugin.yaml for the actual plugin :type plg_conf: dict :return: instance name :rtype: str """ instance = '' if KEY_INSTANCE in plg_conf: instance = plg_conf[KEY_INSTANCE].strip() if instance == 'default': instance = '' return instance def _test_duplicate_pluginconfiguration(self, plugin, classname, instance): """ Returns True, if a plugin instance of the classname is already loaded by another configuration section :param plugin: Name of the configuration :param classname: Name of the class to check :type plugin: str :type classname: str :return: True, if plugin is already loaded :rtype: bool """ # give a warning if either a classic plugin uses the same class twice # or if a SmartPlugin uses the same class and instance twice (due to a copy & paste error) duplicate = False for p in self._plugins: if isinstance(p, SmartPlugin): if p.get_instance_name() == instance: for t in self._threads: if t.plugin == p: if t.plugin.__class__.__name__ == classname: duplicate = True prev_plugin = t._name logger.warning(f"Plugin section '{plugin}' uses same class '{p.__class__.__name__}' and instance '{'default' if instance == '' else instance}' as plugin section '{prev_plugin}'") break elif p.__class__.__name__ == classname: logger.warning(f'Multiple classic plugin instances of class "{classname}" detected') return duplicate def __iter__(self): for plugin in self._plugins: yield plugin
[Doku] def get_loaded_plugins(self): """ Returns a list with the names of all loaded plugins if multiple instances of a plugin are loaded, the plugin name is returned only once :return: list of plugin names :rtype: list """ plgs = [] for plugin in self._plugins: plgname = plugin.get_shortname() if plgname not in plgs: plgs.append(plgname) return sorted(plgs)
[Doku] def get_loaded_plugin_instances(self): """ Returns a list of tuples of all loaded plugins with the plugin name and the instance name :return: list of (plugin name, instance name) :rtype: list of tuples """ plgs = [] for plugin in self._plugins: plgname = plugin.get_shortname() insname = plugin.get_instance_name() plgs.append((plgname, insname)) return sorted(plgs)
def _get_plugin_conf_filename(self): """ Returns the name of the logic configuration file """ return self._plugin_conf_filename # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Following (static) methods of the class Plugins implement the API for plugins in shNG # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] @staticmethod def get_instance(): """ Returns the instance of the Plugins class, to be used to access the plugin-api Use it the following way to access the api: .. code-block:: python from lib.plugin import Plugins plugins = Plugins.get_instance() # to access a method (eg. xxx()): plugins.xxx() :return: logics instance :rtype: object of None """ return _plugins_instance
[Doku] def get(self, plugin_name, instance=None): """ Get plugin object by plugin name and instance (optional) :param plugin_name: name of the plugin (not the plugin configuration) :param instance: name of the instance of the plugin (optional) :return: plugin object """ if instance is None: return self._plugindict.get(plugin_name) return self._plugindict.get(plugin_name + '#' + instance)
def __call__(self, config_name): """ get plugin object by name """ return self.return_plugin(config_name)
[Doku] def return_plugin(self, configname): """ Returns (the object of) one loaded smartplugin with given configname :param name: name of the plugin to get :type name: str :return: object of the plugin :rtype: object """ for plugin in self._plugins: try: if plugin.get_configname() == configname: return plugin except Exception: pass
[Doku] def return_plugins(self): """ Returns each of all loaded plugins (including instances) :return: list of plugin names :rtype: list """ for plugin in self._plugins: yield plugin
[Doku] def get_logic_parameters(self): """ Returns the list of all logic parameter definitions of all configured/loaded plugins :return: """ paramdict = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(self.logic_parameters.items())) for p in paramdict: logger.debug(f"Plugins.get_logic_parameters(): {p} = {paramdict[p]}") return paramdict
[Doku] def load_plugin(self, configname: str, conf: dict) -> bool: """ load plugin for given section with given config return True if plugin was loaded successfully, False if not (even if disabled) """ logger.debug(f'Attempting to load plugin "{conf.get("plugin_name", "(unknown)")}" from section {configname}') plugin_name, self.meta = self._get_pluginname_and_metadata(configname, conf) self._sh.shng_status['details'] = plugin_name # Namen des Plugins übertragen # test if plugin defines item attributes item_attributes = self.meta.itemdefinitions if item_attributes is not None: attribute_keys = list(item_attributes.keys()) for attribute_name in attribute_keys: self._sh.items.add_plugin_attribute(plugin_name, attribute_name, item_attributes[attribute_name]) # test if plugin defines item attribute prefixes (e.g. stateengine) item_attribute_prefixes = self.meta.itemprefixdefinitions if item_attribute_prefixes is not None: attribute_prefixes_keys = list(item_attribute_prefixes.keys()) for attribute_prefix in attribute_prefixes_keys: self._sh.items.add_plugin_attribute_prefix(plugin_name, attribute_prefix, item_attribute_prefixes[attribute_prefix]) # Test if plugin defines item structs item_structs = self.meta.itemstructs if item_structs is not None: struct_keys = list(item_structs.keys()) for struct_name in struct_keys: self._sh.items.add_struct_definition(plugin_name, struct_name, item_structs[struct_name]) # Test if plugin is disabled if str(conf.get('plugin_enabled', None)).lower() == 'false': logger.info(f'Section {configname} (plugin_name {conf.get("plugin_name", "unknown")}) is disabled - plugin not loaded') elif self.meta.test_shngcompatibility() and self.meta.test_pythoncompatibility() and self.meta.test_sdpcompatibility(): classname, classpath = self._get_classname_and_classpath(conf, plugin_name) if (classname == '') and (classpath == ''): logger.error(f'Plugins, section {configname}: plugin_name is not defined') elif classname == '': logger.error(f'Plugins, section {configname}: class_name is not defined') elif classpath == '': logger.error(f'Plugins, section {configname}: class_path is not defined') else: args = self._get_conf_args(conf) instance = self._get_instancename(conf).lower() try: plugin_version = self.meta.pluginsettings.get('version', 'ersion unknown') plugin_version = 'v' + plugin_version except Exception: plugin_version = 'version unknown' self._test_duplicate_pluginconfiguration(configname, classname, instance) os.chdir((self._sh._base_dir)) try: plugin_thread = PluginWrapper(self._sh, configname, classname, classpath, args, instance, self.meta, self._configfile) if plugin_thread._init_complete: try: try: startorder = self.meta.pluginsettings.get('startorder', 'normal').lower() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Plugin {str(classpath).split(".")[1]} error on getting startorder: {e}') startorder = 'normal' self._plugins.append(plugin_thread.plugin) # type: ignore (plugin is set via eval) # dict to get a handle to the plugin code by plugin name: if self._plugindict.get(classpath.split('.')[1], None) is None: self._plugindict[classpath.split('.')[1]] = plugin_thread.plugin # type: ignore self._plugindict[classpath.split('.')[1] + '#' + instance] = plugin_thread.plugin # type: ignore if startorder == 'early': self.threads_early.append(plugin_thread) elif startorder == 'late': self.threads_late.append(plugin_thread) else: self._threads.append(plugin_thread) if instance == '': logger.info(f"Initialized plugin '{str(classpath).split('.')[1]}' from section '{configname}'") else: logger.info(f"Initialized plugin '{str(classpath).split('.')[1]}' instance '{instance}' from section '{configname}'") return True except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Plugin '{str(classpath).split('.')[1]}' from section '{configname}' not loaded - exception {e}") except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Plugin '{str(classpath).split('.')[1]}' {plugin_version} from section '{configname}'\nException: {e}\nrunning SmartHomeNG {self._sh.version} / plugins {self._sh.plugins_version}") return False
[Doku] def unload_plugin(self, configname: str) -> bool: """ Unloads (the object of) one loaded plugin with given configname :param name: name of the plugin to unload :type name: str :return: success or failure :rtype: bool """ logger.info("unload_plugin -------------------------------------------------") myplugin = self.return_plugin(configname) if not myplugin: logger.warning(f'Plugin {configname} not found, aborting') return False mythread = self.get_pluginthread(configname) instance = myplugin.get_instance_name() plgname = myplugin.get_shortname() if myplugin.alive: myplugin.stop() logger.info("unload_plugin: configname = {}, myplugin = {}".format(configname, myplugin)) logger.debug("Plugins._plugins ({}) = {}".format(len(self._plugins), self._plugins)) logger.debug("Plugins._threads ({}) = {}".format(len(self._threads), self._threads)) # execute de-initialization code of the plugin myplugin.deinit() self._threads.remove(mythread) self._plugins.remove(myplugin) logger.debug("Plugins._plugins nach remove ({}) = {}".format(len(self._plugins), self._plugins)) logger.debug("Plugins._threads nach remove ({}) = {}".format(len(self._threads), self._threads)) myplugin_address = id(myplugin) logger.debug(f'myplugin sizeof = {sys.getsizeof(myplugin)}') logger.debug(f'myplugin refcnt = {PyObject.from_address(myplugin_address).refcnt}') logger.debug(f'myplugin referrer = {gc.get_referrers(myplugin)}') logger.debug(f'myplugin referrer cnt = {len(gc.get_referrers(myplugin))}') for r in gc.get_referrers(myplugin): logger.debug("myplugin referrer = {} / {} / {}".format(r, namestr(r, globals()), namestr(r, locals()))) gc.collect() logger.debug(f'myplugin referrer cnt2= {len(gc.get_referrers(myplugin))}') # remove references in plugins data try: del self._plugindict[plgname] except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on removing {plgname} from plugindict: {e}') try: del self._plugindict[plgname + '#' + instance] except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on removing {plgname + "#" + instance} from plugindict: {e}') # remove references in sh and plugins objects if getattr(self._sh, configname, None) is myplugin: try: delattr(self._sh, configname) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on removing {configname} ref from sh object: {e}') if getattr(self, configname, None) is myplugin: try: delattr(self, configname) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on removing {configname} ref from plugins object: {e}') # remove objects itselves del mythread del myplugin try: logger.warning(f"myplugin refcnt nach del = {PyObject.from_address(myplugin_address).refcnt}") except Exception: pass # 'myplugin' was deleted above, so this will always raise an exception. Might as well skip it outright... # try: # logger.info(f'myplugin referrer cnt = {len(gc.get_referrers(myplugin))}') # for r in gc.get_referrers(myplugin): # logger.info(f'myplugin referrer = {r}') # except Exception: # pass logger.debug(f"Plugins._plugins nach del ({len(self._plugins)}) = {self._plugins}") logger.debug(f"Plugins._threads nach del ({len(self._threads)}) = {self._threads}") # TODO: find proper point to return True on success...?! return False
[Doku] def reload_plugin(self, configname: str) -> bool: """ attempt to reload plugin code plugin will be unloaded, code reloaded and re-loaded. It it was running, it will be restarted. """ logger.warning(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 1: get/check data') myplugin = self.return_plugin(configname) if not myplugin: logger.info(f'Plugin {configname} not found, aborting') return False mymodule = myplugin.__module__ alive = myplugin.alive # read plugin configuration (from etc/plugin.yaml) _conf = lib.config.parse_basename(self._configfile, configtype='plugin') if _conf == {}: logger.warning(f'Reading plugin config {self._configfile} returned no data, check config') return False conf = _conf.get(configname) if conf is None: logger.warning(f'No config section {configname} found, check config') return False if 'plugin_name' not in conf: logger.warning(f'No plugin_name configured for {configname}, check config') return False logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 2: unload plugin') del myplugin self.unload_plugin(configname) logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 3: reload plugin code') myplugin = None try: reload(sys.modules[mymodule]) except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on reloading plugin {configname} from {mymodule}: {e}') return False logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 4: load plugin') self.load_plugin(configname, conf) myplugin = self.return_plugin(configname) logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 5: (re)init items') if hasattr(myplugin, PLUGIN_PARSE_ITEM): for item in self._sh.items.return_items(): update = myplugin.parse_item(item) if update: try: myplugin.add_item(item, updating=True) except Exception: pass item.add_method_trigger(update) if alive: logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname}, step 6: start plugin') try: myplugin.run() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'error on starting plugin {configname}: {e}') logger.info(f'Reloading plugin {configname} complete') return True
[Doku] def start(self): logger.info('Start plugins') for plugin in self._threads: try: instance = plugin.get_implementation().get_instance_name() if instance != '': instance = ", instance '" + instance + "'" logger.debug(f"Starting plugin '{plugin.get_implementation().get_shortname()}'{instance}") except Exception: logger.debug(f"Starting classic-plugin from section '{plugin.name}'") plugin.start() logger.info('Start of plugins finished')
[Doku] def stop(self): logger.info('Stop plugins') for plugin in list(reversed(self._threads)): instance = '' try: instance = plugin.get_implementation().get_instance_name() if instance != '': instance = ", instance '" + instance + "'" logger.debug(f"Stopping plugin '{plugin.get_implementation().get_shortname()}'{instance}") except Exception: logger.debug(f"Stopping classic-plugin from section '{plugin.name}'") try: plugin.stop() except Exception as e: logger.warning(f"Error while stopping plugin '{plugin.get_implementation().get_shortname()}'{instance}': {e}") logger.info('Stop of plugins finished')
[Doku] def get_pluginthread(self, configname): """ Returns one plugin with given name :return: Thread object for the given plugin name :rtype: object """ for thread in self._threads: if thread.name == configname: return thread
[Doku]class PluginWrapper(threading.Thread): """ Wrapper class for loading plugins :param smarthome: Instance of the smarthome master-object :param plg_section: Section name in plugin configuration file (etc/plugin.yaml) :param classname: Name of the (main) class in the plugin :param classpath: Path to the Python file containing the class :param args: Parameter as specified in the configuration file (etc/plugin.yaml) :param instance: Name of the instance of the plugin :param meta: :type samrthome: object :type plg_section: str :type classname: str :type classpath: str :type args: dict :type instance: str :type meta: object """ def __init__(self, smarthome, plg_section: str, classname: str, classpath: str, args: dict, instance: str, meta: Metadata, configfile: str): """ Initialization of wrapper class """ logger.debug(f"PluginWrapper __init__: Section {plg_section}, classname {classname}, classpath {classpath}") threading.Thread.__init__(self, name=plg_section) self._sh = smarthome self._init_complete = False self.meta = meta # Load an instance of the plugin module = None try: # exec("import {0}".format(classpath)) module = import_module(classpath) except ImportError as e: logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' error importing Python package: {e}") logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' initialization failed, plugin not loaded") return except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' exception during import: {e}") logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' initialization failed, plugin not loaded") return if not module: logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' import didn't return a module.") logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' initialization failed, plugin not loaded") return cls = getattr(module, classname) if not cls: logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' errorclass name '{classname}' defined in metadata, but not found in plugin code") return try: # exec("self.plugin = {0}.{1}.__new__({0}.{1})".format(classpath, classname)) self.plugin = cls.__new__(cls) except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' initialization failed: {e}") logger.error(f"Plugin '{plg_section}' not loaded") return # load plugin-specific translations self._ptrans = translation.load_translations('plugin', classpath.replace('.', '/'), 'plugin/' + classpath.split('.')[1]) if self.meta.get_string('state') == 'deprecated': logger.warning(f"Plugin '{classpath.split('.')[1]}' (section '{plg_section}') is deprecated. Consider to use a replacement instead") # initialize attributes of the newly created plugin object instance if isinstance(self.get_implementation(), SmartPlugin): # SmartPlugin self.get_implementation()._configfilename = configfile self.get_implementation()._set_configname(plg_section) self.get_implementation()._set_shortname(str(classpath).split('.')[1]) self.get_implementation()._classpath = classpath self.get_implementation()._set_classname(classname) if self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE is None: self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE = self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance') if instance != '': logger.debug(f"set plugin {plg_section} instance to {instance}") self.get_implementation()._set_instance_name(instance) # Customized logger instance for plugin to append name of plugin instance to log text global _SH _SH = self._sh self.get_implementation().logger = PluginLoggingAdapter(logging.getLogger(classpath), {'plugininstance': self.get_implementation().get_loginstance()}) self.get_implementation()._set_sh(smarthome) self.get_implementation()._set_plugin_dir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))), classpath.replace('.', os.sep))) self.get_implementation()._plgtype = self.meta.get_string('type') self.get_implementation().metadata = self.meta else: # classic plugin self.get_implementation()._configfilename = configfile self.get_implementation()._configname = plg_section self.get_implementation()._shortname = str(classpath).split('.')[1] self.get_implementation()._classpath = classpath self.get_implementation()._classname = classname self.get_implementation()._plgtype = '' self.get_implementation()._itemlist = [] # get arguments defined in __init__ of plugin's class to self.args # exec("self.args = inspect.getfullargspec({0}.{1}.__init__)[0][1:]".format(classpath, classname)) plg_class_args = inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(module, classname).__init__)[0][1:] # get list of argument used names, if they are defined in the plugin's class logger.debug(f"Plugin '{classname}': args = '{str(args)}'") # make kwargs dict for all args which are arguments to __init__ kwargs = {name: args[name] for name in [name for name in plg_class_args if name in args]} self.get_implementation()._init_complete = False plugin_params, params_ok, hide_params = self.meta.check_parameters(args) if params_ok: # initialize parameters the new way: Define a dict within the instance self.get_implementation()._parameters = plugin_params self.get_implementation()._hide_parameters = hide_params self.get_implementation()._metadata = self.meta # initialize the loaded instance of the plugin self.get_implementation()._init_complete = True # set to false by plugin, if an initalization error occurs # initialize the loaded instance of the plugin # exec("self.plugin.__init__(smarthome{0}{1})".format("," if len(arglist) else "", argstring)) self.plugin.__init__(smarthome, **kwargs) # set level to make logger appear in internal list of loggers (if not configured by logging.yaml) try: # skip classic plugins if self.get_implementation().logger.level == 0: self.get_implementation().logger.setLevel('WARNING') except Exception: pass # set the initialization complete status for the wrapper instance self._init_complete = self.get_implementation()._init_complete if self.get_implementation()._init_complete: # make the plugin a method/function of the main smarthome object # might be deprecated some day, no warning yet # new: don't overwrite items. If we run after initializing items, items might be hidden. if not hasattr(smarthome, self.name): setattr(smarthome, self.name, self.plugin) # new: make the plugin a method/function of the main plugins object # don't overwrite existing names global _plugins_instance if _plugins_instance: if not hasattr(_plugins_instance, self.name): setattr(_plugins_instance, self.name, self.plugin) else: if type(getattr(_plugins_instance, self.name)) is type(self.__init__): logger.warning(f'plugin identifier {self.name} colliding with sh.plugins method {self.name}(), not referencing in sh.plugins') else: logger.warning(f'plugin identifier {self.name} colliding with sh.plugins attribute {self.name}, not referencing in sh.plugins') try: code_version = self.get_implementation().PLUGIN_VERSION except Exception: code_version = None # if plugin code without version if isinstance(self.get_implementation(), SmartPlugin): if self.meta.test_version(code_version): # set version in plugin instance (if not defined in code) if code_version is None: self.get_implementation().PLUGIN_VERSION = self.meta.get_version() # set multiinstance in plugin instance (if not defined in code) try: self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE except Exception: # logger.warning(f'self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance') = {self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance')}') self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE = self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance') # logger.warning(f'get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE = {self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE}') if not self.get_implementation()._set_multi_instance_capable(self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance')): logger.error(f"Plugins: Loaded plugin '{plg_section}' ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE differs between metadata ({self.meta.get_bool('multi_instance')}) and Python code ({self.get_implementation().ALLOW_MULTIINSTANCE})") logger.debug(f"Plugins: Loaded plugin '{plg_section}' (class '{str(self.get_implementation().__class__.__name__)}') v{self.meta.get_version()}: {self.meta.get_mlstring('description')}") else: logger.debug(f"Plugins: Loaded classic-plugin '{plg_section}' (class '{str(self.get_implementation().__class__.__name__)}')") if instance != '': logger.debug(f"set plugin {plg_section} instance to {instance}") self.get_implementation()._set_instance_name(instance) else: logger.error(f"Plugin '{classpath.split('.')[1]}' initialization failed, plugin not loaded")
[Doku] def run(self): """ Starts this plugin instance """ try: self.plugin.run() except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Plugin '{self.plugin.get_shortname()}' exception in run() method: {e}")
[Doku] def stop(self): """ Stops this plugin instance """ try: self.plugin.stop() except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Plugin '{self.plugin.get_shortname()}' exception in stop() method: {e}")
[Doku] def get_name(self): """ Returns the name of current plugin instance :return: name of the current plugin instance :rtype: str """ return self.name
[Doku] def get_ident(self): """ Returns the thread ident of current plugin instance :return: Thread identifier of current plugin instance :rtype: int """ return self.ident
[Doku] def get_implementation(self): """ Returns the implementation of current plugin instance :return: the current plugin instance :rtype: object """ return self.plugin
# addition von smai: class PluginLoggingAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter): """ Class to append name of plugin instance to log text This class is used by PluginWrapper to set up a logger for the SmartPlugin class """ from lib.log import Logs def __init__(self, logger, extra): logging.LoggerAdapter.__init__(self, logger, extra) self.logger = logger logging.addLevelName(_SH.logs.NOTICE_level, "NOTICE") logging.addLevelName(_SH.logs.DBGHIGH_level, "DBGHIGH") logging.addLevelName(_SH.logs.DBGMED_level, "DBGMED") logging.addLevelName(_SH.logs.DBGLOW_level, "DBGLOW") return def notice(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.log(_SH.logs.NOTICE_level, f"{self.extra['plugininstance']}{msg}", *args, **kwargs) return def dbghigh(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.log(_SH.logs.DBGHIGH_level, f"{self.extra['plugininstance']}{msg}", *args, **kwargs) return def dbgmed(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.log(_SH.logs.DBGMED_level, f"{self.extra['plugininstance']}{msg}", *args, **kwargs) return def dbglow(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self.logger.log(_SH.logs.DBGLOW_level, f"{self.extra['plugininstance']}{msg}", *args, **kwargs) return def process(self, msg, kwargs): kwargs['extra'] = self.extra return f"{self.extra['plugininstance']}{msg}", kwargs # end addition von smai