Quellcode für lib.model.smartdeviceplugin

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
#  Copyright 2020-      Sebastian Helms           Morg @ knx-user-forum
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG
#  SmartDevicePlugin class and standalone routines
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# allow "modern" type hints in Python 3.9
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import importlib
import re
import os
import sys
import time
import json
import datetime
import ruamel.yaml as yaml
from copy import deepcopy
from ast import literal_eval
from collections import OrderedDict
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any, Tuple

import lib.shyaml as shyaml
from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPlugin, SmartPluginWebIf
from lib.item.item import Item
from lib.plugin import Plugins
from lib.shtime import Shtime

from lib.model.sdp.globals import (
from lib.smarthome import SmartHome
from lib.model.sdp.commands import SDPCommands
from lib.model.sdp.command import SDPCommand
from lib.model.sdp.connection import SDPConnection
from lib.model.sdp.protocol import SDPProtocol  # noqa

class SDPResultError(OSError):

# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
[Doku]class SmartDevicePlugin(SmartPlugin): """ The class SmartDevicePlugin implements the base class of smart-plugins designed especially for device connectivity. It implements a fully functional plugin with all necessary methods to set up network or serial connections, handle item parsing and updating and converting data from shng to the device and vice versa. In the easiest cases, only the command specifications in ``commands.py`` and possibly DT-* datatype classes are needed; additional command classes or plugin code can be added if necessary or desired. The implemented methods are described below, inherited methods are only described if changed/overwritten. """ def __init__(self, sh: SmartHome, logger=None, **kwargs): """ Initalizes the plugin. """ # adjust imported ITEM_ATTR_xxx identifiers self._set_item_attributes() # set item properties # contains all items with write command # <item.path>: <command> self._items_write = {} # contains items which trigger 'read all' # <item.path> self._items_read_all = [] # contains items which trigger 'read group foo' # <item.path>: <foo> self._items_read_grp = {} # contains items which contain lookups # <item.path>: <table_name> self._items_lookup = {} # reverse-stored lookup items to find items belonging to changed table # <table_name>: {<mode>: <item.path>} self._items_by_lookup = {} # contains items which contain valid_lists # <item.path>: {'command': <command>, 'ci': bool, 're': bool} self._items_vlist = {} # contains all commands with read command # <command>: [<item_object>, <item_object>...] self._commands_read = {} # contains all pseudo commands (without command sequence) # <command>: [<item_object>, <item_object>...] self._commands_pseudo = {} # contains all commands with read group command # <group>: [<command>, <command>...] self._commands_read_grp = {} # contains all commands to be read after run() is called # 'command' self._commands_initial = [] # contains all commands to be read cyclically # <command>: {'cycle': <cycle>, 'next': <next>} self._commands_cyclic = {} # contains all read groups to be triggered after run() is called # 'grp' self._triggers_initial = [] # contains all read groups per device to be triggered cyclically # <grp>: {'cycle': <cycle>, 'next': <next>} self._triggers_cyclic = {} # contains item xx_custom<x> attributes # <item.path>: {1: custom1, 2: custom2, 3:custom3} self._items_custom = {} # None for normal operations, 1..3 for combined custom commands self.custom_commands: int | None = None # for extraction of custom token from reply self._token_pattern = '' # for detection of custom tokens in reply_pattern self._custom_patterns = {1: '', 2: '', 3: ''} # set to True to use on_connect and on_disconnect callbacks self._use_callbacks = False # # set class properties # # suspend mode properties self._suspend_item_path = self.get_parameter_value(PLUGIN_ATTR_SUSPEND_ITEM) self._suspend_item: Item | None = None self.suspended = False # connection instance # self._connection: SDPConnection | None = None # commands instance # self._commands: SDPCommands | None = None # keep custom123 values self._custom_values = {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} self._command_class: type[SDPCommand] | None = None # by default, discard data not assignable to known command self._discard_unknown_command = True # if not discarding data, set this command instead self._unknown_command = '.notify.' self._initial_value_read_done = False self._cyclic_update_active = False self._cyclic_errors = 0 self._reconnect_on_cycle_error = True # plugin-wide cycle interval, -1 is undefined self._cycle = self.get_parameter_value(PLUGIN_ATTR_CYCLE) if self._cycle is None: self._cycle = -1 # delay initial read self._initial_value_read_delay = self.get_parameter_value(PLUGIN_ATTR_DELAY_INITIAL) # resend initial commands on resume self._resume_initial_read = self.get_parameter_value(PLUGIN_ATTR_REREAD_INITIAL) # set (overwritable) callback self._dispatch_callback = self.dispatch_data self._webif: SmartPluginWebIf | None = None self._shtime = Shtime.get_instance() # init parameters in standalone mode if SDP_standalone: # noqa # type: ignore (set by plugin implementation on load via builtins module) self._parameters = kwargs if self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_CONN_AUTO_CONN, None) is None: self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_CONN_AUTO_CONN] = self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_CONN_AUTO_RECONN, False) if hasattr(self, '_classpath'): self._parameters[PLUGIN_PATH] = getattr(self, '_classpath') else: self._plugin_dir = self._parameters[PLUGIN_PATH].replace('.', '/') # Call init code of parent class (SmartPlugin) super().__init__() # make sure we have a proper SmartHome reference self._sh = sh # init device # allow other classes to access plugin self._parameters['plugin'] = self # possibly initialize additional (overwrite _set_device_defaults) self._set_device_defaults() # save modified value for ing to SDPCommands self._parameters['custom_patterns'] = self._custom_patterns # set/update plugin configuration if not self.update_plugin_config(**kwargs): self._init_complete = False # call method for possible custom work (overwrite _post_init) self._post_init() # self._webif might be set by smartplugin init if self._webif and self._sh: self.init_webinterface(self._webif) self.logger.debug(f'device initialized from {self.__class__.__name__}')
[Doku] def remove_item(self, item: Item) -> bool: """ remove item references from plugin """ try: cmd = self._plg_item_dict[item]['mapping'] except KeyError: cmd = None # call smartplugin method if not super().remove_item(item): return False if item.path == self._suspend_item_path: self.logger.warning(f'removed suspend item {item.property.path}, ') return True """ remove item from custom plugin dicts/lists """ if item in self._items_write: del self._items_write[item] if item.property.path in self._items_read_grp: del self._items_read_grp[item.property.path] if item.property.path in self._items_custom: del self._items_custom[item.property.path] if item.property.path in self._items_read_all: self._items_read_all.remove(item.property.path) # done already? if not cmd: return True if item in self._commands_read[cmd]: self._commands_read[cmd].remove(item) if item in self._commands_pseudo[cmd]: self._commands_pseudo[cmd].remove(item) if cmd in self._commands_initial: self._commands_initial.remove(cmd) if cmd in self._commands_cyclic: del self._commands_cyclic[cmd] for grp in self._commands_read_grp: if cmd in self._commands_read_grp[grp]: self._commands_read_grp[grp].remove(cmd) return True
[Doku] def update_plugin_config(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """ update plugin configuration parameters and (re)run relevant configuration methods """ if self.alive: return False self._parameters.update(kwargs) # set callback for tcp client etc. self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_CB_SUSPEND] = self.set_suspend # this is only viable for the base class. All derived plugin classes # will probably be created towards a specific command class # but, just in case, be well-behaved... self._command_class = self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_CMD_CLASS, SDPCommand) # try to read configuration files try: if not self._read_configuration(): self.logger.error('configuration could not be read, plugin disabled') return False except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f'configuration could not be read, plugin disabled. Original error was: {e}') return False # instantiate connection object self._connection = self._get_connection(name=self.get_fullname()) if not self._connection: self.logger.error(f'could not setup connection with {self._parameters}, plugin disabled') return False # try to import struct(s) if self._sh: self._import_structs() return True
[Doku] def suspend(self, by: str | None = None): """ sets plugin into suspended mode, no network/serial activity and no item changed """ if self.alive: self.logger.info(f'plugin suspended by {by if by else "unknown"}, connections will be closed') self.suspended = True if self._suspend_item is not None: self._suspend_item(True, self.get_fullname()) self.disconnect() self.scheduler_remove_all() # call user-defined suspend actions self.on_suspend()
[Doku] def resume(self, by: str | None = None): """ disabled suspended mode, network/serial connections are resumed """ if self.alive: self.logger.info(f'plugin resumed by {by if by else "unknown"}, connections will be resumed') self.suspended = False if self._suspend_item is not None: self._suspend_item(False, self.get_fullname()) self.connect() # call user-defined resume actions self.on_resume()
[Doku] def on_suspend(self): """ called when suspend is enabled. Overwrite as needed """ pass
[Doku] def on_resume(self): """ called when suspend is disabled. Overwrite as needed """ pass
[Doku] def set_suspend(self, suspend_active: bool | None = None, by: str | None = None): """ enable / disable suspend mode: open/close connections, schedulers """ if suspend_active is None: if self._suspend_item is not None: # if no parameter set, try to use item setting suspend_active = bool(self._suspend_item()) else: # if not available, default to "resume" (non-breaking default) suspend_active = False # print debug logging if suspend_active: msg = 'Suspend mode enabled' else: msg = 'Suspend mode disabled' if by: msg += f' (set by {by})' self.logger.debug(msg) # activate selected mode, use smartplugin methods if suspend_active: self.suspend(by) else: self.resume(by)
[Doku] def run(self): """ Run method for the plugin """ self.logger.dbghigh(self.translate("Methode '{method}' aufgerufen", {'method': 'run()'})) if self.alive: return # start the devices self.alive = True self.set_suspend(by='run()') if self._connection.connected(): # make sure this is called once at startup, even if resume_initial is not set self.read_initial_values()
[Doku] def stop(self): """ Stop method for the plugin """ self.logger.dbghigh(self.translate("Methode '{method}' aufgerufen", {'method': 'stop()'})) self.alive = False self.scheduler_remove_all() self.disconnect()
[Doku] def connect(self): """ Open connection """ self._connection.open()
[Doku] def disconnect(self): """ Close connection """ self._connection.close()
# def run_standalone(self): # """ # If you want to provide a standalone function, you'll have to implement # this function with the appropriate code. You can use all functions # from the SmartDevicePlugin class (plugin), the connections and # commands. # You do not have an sh object, items or web interfaces. # # As the base class should not have this method, it is commented out. # """ # pass
[Doku] def parse_item(self, item) -> Callable | None: """ Default plugin parse_item method. Is called when the plugin is initialized. The plugin can, corresponding to its attribute keywords, decide what to do with the item in future, like adding it to an internal array for future reference :param item: The item to process. :return: Recall function for item updates """ def find_custom_attr(item: Item, index: int = 1) -> str | None: """ find custom item attribute recursively. Returns attribute or None """ parent = item.return_parent() # parent(top_item) is sh.items if type(parent) is not type(item): # reached top of item tree return if self.has_iattr(parent.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM' + str(index), 'foo')): return self.get_iattr_value(parent.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM' + str(index), 'foo')) return find_custom_attr(parent, index) # check for suspend item if item.property.path == self._suspend_item_path: self.logger.debug(f'suspend item {item.property.path} registered') self._suspend_item = item self.add_item(item, updating=True) return self.update_item command = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_COMMAND', 'foo')) # handle custom item attributes self._items_custom[item.property.path] = {1: None, 2: None, 3: None} for index in (1, 2, 3): val = None if self.has_iattr(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM' + str(index), 'foo')): val = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM' + str(index), 'foo')) self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} has custom item attribute {index} with value {val}') elif self.has_recursive_custom_attribute(index): val = find_custom_attr(item, index) if val is not None: self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} inherited custom item attribute {index} with value {val}') if val is not None: self.set_custom_item(item, command, index, val) self._items_custom[item.property.path][index] = val custom_token = '' if self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(command) and self.custom_commands and self._items_custom[item.property.path][self.custom_commands]: custom_token = CUSTOM_SEP + self._items_custom[item.property.path][self.custom_commands] if command: # command found, validate command for device if not self.is_valid_command(command): self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} requests undefined command {command}, ignoring item') return # if "custom commands" are active for this device, modify command to # be <command>#<customx>, where x is the index of the xx_custom<x> # item attribute and <customx> is the value of the attribute. # By this modification, multiple items with the same command but # different customx-values can "coexist" and be differentiated by # the plugin and the device. command += custom_token # from here on command is combined if device.custom_commands is set # and a valid custom token is found self.add_item(item, mapping=command) # command marked for reading if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READ', 'foo')): if self.is_valid_command(command, COMMAND_READ): if command not in self._commands_read: self._commands_read[command] = [] self._commands_read[command].append(item) self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for reading command {command}') else: self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} requests command {command} for reading, which is not allowed, read configuration is ignored') # read in group? group = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_GROUP', 'foo')) if group: if isinstance(group, str): group = [group] if isinstance(group, list): for grp in group: if grp: grp += custom_token if grp not in self._commands_read_grp: self._commands_read_grp[grp] = [] self._commands_read_grp[grp].append(command) self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for reading in group {grp}') else: self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} wants to be read in group with invalid group identifier "{group}", ignoring.') # read on startup? if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READ_INIT', 'foo')): if command not in self._commands_initial: self._commands_initial.append(command) self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for startup reading command {command}') # read cyclically (global cycle)? if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CYCLIC', 'foo')): if self._cycle > 0: # set plpugin-wide cycle self._commands_cyclic[command] = {'cycle': min(self._cycle, self._commands_cyclic.get(command, self._cycle)), 'next': 0} self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for global cyclic reading command {command}') else: self.logger.info(f'Item {item} wants global cyclic reading, but global cycle is {self._cycle}, ignoring.') # read individual-cyclically? cycle = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CYCLE', 'foo')) if cycle: # if cycle is already set for command, use the lower value of the two self._commands_cyclic[command] = {'cycle': min(cycle, self._commands_cyclic.get(command, cycle)), 'next': 0} self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for cyclic reading command {command}') # command marked for writing if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_WRITE', 'foo')): if self.is_valid_command(command, COMMAND_WRITE): self._items_write[item.property.path] = command self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for writing command {command}') return self.update_item # pseudo commands if not self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READ', 'foo')) and not self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_WRITE', 'foo')): if command not in self._commands_pseudo: self._commands_pseudo[command] = [] self._commands_pseudo[command].append(item) self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for pseudo command {command}') # is read_grp trigger item? grp = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READ_GRP', 'foo')) if grp: grp += custom_token item_msg = f'Item {item}' if custom_token: item_msg += f' with token {custom_token}' item_msg += ' saved for ' # trigger read on startup? if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READ_INIT', 'foo')): if grp not in self._triggers_initial: self._triggers_initial.append(grp) self.logger.debug(f'{item_msg} startup triggering of read group {grp}') # read cyclically (global cycle)? if self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CYCLIC', 'foo')): if self._cycle > 0: # set plpugin-wide cycle self._triggers_cyclic[grp] = {'cycle': min(self._cycle, self._commands_cyclic.get(command, self._cycle)), 'next': 0} self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} saved for global cyclic reading for group {grp}') else: self.logger.info(f'Item {item} wants global cyclic reading of group {grp}, but global cycle is {self._cycle}, ignoring.') # read individual-cyclically? cycle = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_CYCLE', 'foo')) if cycle: # if cycle is already set for command, use the lower value of the two self._triggers_cyclic[grp] = {'cycle': min(cycle, self._triggers_cyclic.get(grp, cycle)), 'next': 0} self.logger.debug(f'{item_msg} cyclic triggering of read group {grp}') if grp == '0': self._items_read_all.append(item.property.path) self.logger.debug(f'{item_msg} read_all') return self.update_item elif grp: self._items_read_grp[item.property.path] = grp self.logger.debug(f'{item_msg} reading group {grp}') return self.update_item else: self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} wants to trigger group read with invalid group identifier "{grp}", ignoring.') # is lookup table item? table = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_LOOKUP', 'foo')) if table: mode = 'fwd' if '#' in table: table, mode = table.split('#') lu = self.get_lookup(table, mode) if mode in ('fwd', 'rev', 'rci') and item.type() != 'dict': self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} requested lookup and should be of type dict, but is type {item.type()}. Ignoring.') elif mode == 'list' and item.type() != 'list': self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} requested list lookup and should be of type list, but is type {item.type()}. Ignoring.') elif lu: item.set(lu, self.get_fullname(), source='Init') self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} assigned lookup {table} with contents {lu}') # store reverse-accessible items self._items_by_lookup.setdefault(table, {}).setdefault(mode, []).append(item) if mode == 'fwd': # only store item for update_items if mode is 'fwd' self._items_lookup[item.property.path] = table return self.update_item else: self.logger.info(f'Item {item} requested lookup {table}, which was empty or non-existent') vlist_cmd = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_VALID_LIST', 'foo')) if vlist_cmd: if item.type() != 'list': self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} requested valid_list for command {vlist_cmd}, should be of type list but is type {item.type()}. Ignoring.') elif vlist_cmd in self._commands._commands: cmd = self._commands._commands[vlist_cmd] if CMD_ATTR_CMD_SETTINGS in cmd._cmd_params: vlist, ci, re = self._commands.get_valid_list(vlist_cmd) if vlist: # store command self._items_vlist[item.property.path] = {'command': vlist_cmd, 'ci': ci, 're': re} vl = 'valid_list' if ci: vl += '_ci' elif re: vl += '_re' self.logger.debug(f'Item {item} assigned {vl} for command {vlist_cmd} with contents {vlist}') item(vlist, self.get_fullname(), source='Init') return self.update_item self.logger.info(f'Item {item} requested valid_list for command {vlist_cmd}, but no valid_list present, ignoring.') else: self.logger.info(f'Item {item} requested valid_list for command {vlist_cmd}, but command not found. Ignoring.')
[Doku] def update_item(self, item: Item, caller: str | None = None, source: str | None = None, dest: str | None = None): """ Item has been updated This method is called, if the value of an item has been updated by SmartHomeNG. It should write the changed value out to the device (hardware/interface) that is managed by this plugin. :param item: item to be updated towards the plugin :param caller: if given it represents the callers name :param source: if given it represents the source :param dest: if given it represents the dest """ if self.alive: self.logger.debug(f'Update_item was called with item "{item}" from caller {caller}, source {source} and dest {dest}') # check for suspend item if item is self._suspend_item: if caller != self.get_fullname(): self.logger.debug(f'Suspend item changed to {item()}') self.set_suspend(by=f'suspend item {item.property.path}') return if not any(self.has_iattr(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get(key, 'foo')) for key in ('ITEM_ATTR_COMMAND', 'ITEM_ATTR_READ_GRP', 'ITEM_ATTR_LOOKUP', 'ITEM_ATTR_VALID_LIST')): self.logger.warning(f'Update_item was called with item {item}, which is not configured for this plugin. This shouldn\'t happen...') return # test if source of item change was not ourselves... if caller != self.get_fullname(): # okay, go ahead self.logger.info(f'Update item: {item.property.path}: item has been changed outside this plugin') # item in list of write-configured items? if item.property.path in self._items_write: # get data and send new value command = self._items_write[item.property.path] self.logger.debug(f'Writing value "{item()}" from item {item.property.path} with command "{command}"') if not self.send_command(command, item(), custom=self._items_custom[item.property.path]): self.logger.debug(f'Writing value "{item()}" from item {item.property.path} with command "{command}" failed, resetting item value') item(item.property.last_value, self.get_fullname()) return readafterwrite = self.get_iattr_value(item.conf, self._item_attrs.get('ITEM_ATTR_READAFTERWRITE', 'foo')) if readafterwrite is not None: try: readafterwrite = float(readafterwrite) except ValueError: self.logger.warning(f'Item {item} has readafterwrite set to {readafterwrite}, which is not parseable as (float) seconds. Ignoring.') else: if command and readafterwrite > 0: self.logger.debug(f'Attempting to schedule read after write for item {item}, command {command}, delay {readafterwrite}') self.scheduler_add(f'{item}-readafterwrite', lambda: self.send_command(command), next=self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=readafterwrite)) elif item.property.path in self._items_read_all: # get data and trigger read_all self.logger.debug('Triggering read_all') self.read_all_commands() elif item.property.path in self._items_read_grp: # get data and trigger read_grp group = self._items_read_grp[item.property.path] self.logger.debug(f'Triggering read_group {group}') self.read_all_commands(group) elif item.property.path in self._items_lookup: # get data and update lookup if appropriate table = self._items_lookup[item.property.path] if not isinstance(item(), dict): self.logger.debug(f'update of lookup table {table} not possible, item value is {type(item())}, not dict') return self.logger.debug(f'updating lookup {table}') self._commands.update_lookup_table(table, item()) # update the other mode tables, if there are associated items for mode in ('rev', 'rci', 'list'): try: self.logger.debug(f'trying to set item(s) for lookup {table} and mode {mode}') for lu_item in self._items_by_lookup[table][mode]: lu_item(self.get_lookup(table, mode), self.get_fullname()) except (KeyError, AttributeError): pass elif item.property.path in self._items_vlist: cmd, ci, re = self._items_vlist[item.property.path].values() try: self.logger.debug(f'trying to set valid_list (ci: {ci}, re: {re}) for command {cmd} to {item()}') self._commands.set_valid_list(cmd, item(), ci, re) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning(f'error while updating valid_list for command {cmd} from item {item}: {e}')
[Doku] def send_command(self, command: str, value: Any = None, return_result: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Sends the specified command to the device providing <value> as data Not providing data will issue a read command, trying to read the value from the device and writing it to the associated item. :param command: the command to send :param value: the data to send, if applicable :type command: str :return: True if send was successful, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ def captures_value(pattern): try: re.compile(pattern) # Check for non-empty unescaped parentheses indicating capture groups has_nonempty_parentheses = bool(re.search(r'(?<!\\)\((?!\?:)[^)]{1,}\)', pattern)) # Check for non-empty unescaped curly braces, for lookups has_nonempty_braces = bool(re.search(r'(?<!\\)\{[^}]{1,}\}', pattern)) return has_nonempty_parentheses or has_nonempty_braces except re.error: # Not a valid regex return False if not self.alive: self.logger.warning(f'trying to send command {command} with value {value}, but plugin is not active.') return False if self.suspended: self.logger.warning(f'trying to send command {command} with value {value}, but plugin is suspended.') return False if not self._connection: self.logger.warning(f'trying to send command {command} with value {value}, but connection is None. This shouldn\'t happen...') return False kwargs.update(self._parameters) custom_value = None if self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(command) and self.custom_commands: try: command, custom_value = command.split(CUSTOM_SEP) if 'custom' not in kwargs: kwargs['custom'] = {1: None, 2: None, 3: None} kwargs['custom'][self.custom_commands] = custom_value except ValueError: self.logger.debug(f'extracting custom token failed, maybe not present in command {command}') if not self._connection.connected(): if self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_CONN_AUTO_CONN): self.connect() if not self._connection.connected(): self.logger.warning(f'trying to send command {command} with value {value}, but connection could not be re-established.') return False # enable doing something before sending data normally # passing kwargs as dict is no error, possible modification is intended continue_send, result = self._do_before_send(command, value, kwargs) if not continue_send: return result try: data_dict = self._commands.get_send_data(command, value, **kwargs) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f'command {command} with value {value} produced error on converting value, aborting. Error was: {e}') return False if data_dict['payload'] is None or data_dict['payload'] == '': self.logger.warning(f'command {command} with value {value} yielded empty command payload, aborting') return False data_dict = self._transform_send_data(data_dict, **kwargs) self.logger.debug(f'command {command} with value {value} yielded send data_dict {data_dict}') # creating resend info, necessary for resend protocol result = None reply_pattern = self._commands.get_commandlist(command).get(CMD_ATTR_REPLY_PATTERN) # replace custom patterns in reply_pattern by the current result if custom_value and reply_pattern: for index in (1, 2, 3): custom_replacement = kwargs['custom'].get(index) if custom_replacement is not None: pattern = "{" + PATTERN_CUSTOM_PATTERN + str(index) + "}" if isinstance(reply_pattern, list): reply_pattern = [r.replace(pattern, custom_replacement) for r in reply_pattern] if len(reply_pattern) == 1: reply_pattern = reply_pattern[0] else: reply_pattern = reply_pattern.replace(pattern, custom_replacement) read_cmd = self._transform_send_data(self._commands.get_send_data(command, None, **kwargs), **kwargs) resend_command = command if custom_value is None else f'{command}#{custom_value}' lookup_ci = self._commands.get_lookup(self._commands._get_cmd_lookup(command), 'rci') lookup = self._commands.get_lookup(self._commands._get_cmd_lookup(command)) # if no reply_pattern given, no response is expected if reply_pattern is None or value is None: resend_info = {'command': resend_command, 'returnvalue': None, 'read_cmd': read_cmd, 'lookup': lookup, 'lookup_ci': lookup_ci} # if reply_pattern has no lookup or capture group, put it in resend_info as expected reply elif not isinstance(reply_pattern, list) and not captures_value(reply_pattern): resend_info = {'command': resend_command, 'returnvalue': re.compile(reply_pattern), 'read_cmd': read_cmd, 'lookup': lookup, 'lookup_ci': lookup_ci} # if reply_pattern is list, check if one of the entries has capture group elif isinstance(reply_pattern, list): return_list = [] for r in reply_pattern: checked_value = self._commands._commands[command]._check_value(value) if not captures_value(r): return_list.append(re.compile(r)) elif checked_value not in return_list: return_list.append(checked_value) reply_pattern = None if None in return_list else return_list resend_info = {'command': resend_command, 'returnvalue': reply_pattern, 'read_cmd': read_cmd, 'lookup': lookup, 'lookup_ci': lookup_ci} # if reply pattern does not expect a specific value, use value as expected reply else: resend_info = {'command': resend_command, 'returnvalue': value, 'read_cmd': read_cmd, 'lookup': lookup, 'lookup_ci': lookup_ci} send_retries = self._commands.get_commandlist(command).get(CMD_ATTR_SEND_RETRIES) try: send_retries = int(send_retries) except Exception: send_retries = None if send_retries is not None: resend_info.update({'send_retries': send_retries}) # if an error occurs on sending, an exception is thrownn below try: result = self._send(data_dict, resend_info=resend_info) except (RuntimeError, OSError) as e: # Exception as e: self.logger.debug(f'error on sending command {command}, error was {e}') return False if result: by = kwargs.get('by') self.logger.debug(f'command {command} received result {result} by {by}') if return_result: value, _ = self._process_received_data(result, command) return value else: self.on_data_received(by, result, command) return True
[Doku] def on_data_received(self, by: str | None, data: Any, command: str | None = None): """ Callback function for received data e.g. from an event loop Processes data and dispatches value to plugin class :param command: the command in reply to which data was received :param data: received data in 'raw' connection format :param by: client object / name / identifier :type command: str """ data = self._transform_received_data(data) commands = None if command is not None: self.logger.debug(f'received data "{data}" from {by} for command {command}') commands = [command] else: # command == None means that we got raw data from a callback and # don't know yet to which command this belongs to. So find out... self.logger.debug(f'received data "{data}" from {by} without command specification') # command can be a string (classic single command) or # - new - a list of strings if multiple commands are identified # in that case, work on all strings commands = self._commands.get_commands_from_reply(data) if not commands: if self._discard_unknown_command: self.logger.debug(f'data "{data}" did not identify a known command, ignoring it') else: if not self.suspended: self.logger.debug(f'data "{data}" did not identify a known command, forwarding it anyway for {self._unknown_command}') self._dispatch_callback(self._unknown_command, data, by) else: self.logger.info(f'received data "{data}" not identifying a known command while suspended, aborting.') return if self.suspended: self.logger.info(f'received data "{data}" from {by} for command {command} while suspended, ignoring.') return # process all commands for cmd in commands: try: value, custom = self._process_received_data(data, cmd) except SDPResultError: pass else: if custom and self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(cmd): cmd = cmd + CUSTOM_SEP + custom self._connection.check_reply(cmd, value) # needed for resend protocol self._dispatch_callback(cmd, value, by) self._process_additional_data(cmd, data, value, custom, by)
def _process_received_data(self, data: Any, command: str) -> Tuple[Any, Any]: """ convert received data and handle custom token """ custom = None if self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(command) and self.custom_commands: custom = self._get_custom_value(command, data) value = None try: value = self._commands.get_shng_data(command, data) if custom: command = command + CUSTOM_SEP + custom except OSError as e: # Exception as e: self.logger.info(f'received data "{data}" for command {command}, error {e} occurred while converting. Discarding data.') raise SDPResultError else: self.logger.debug(f'received data "{data}" for command {command} converted to value {value}') return value, custom
[Doku] def dispatch_data(self, command: str, value: Any, by: str | None = None): """ Callback function - new data has been received from device. Value is already in item-compatible format, so find appropriate item and update value :param command: command for or in reply to which data was received :param value: data :param by: str :type command: str """ if self.alive and not self.suspended: item = None # check if command is configured for reading items = self._commands_read.get(command, []) items += self._commands_pseudo.get(command, []) if not items: self.logger.info(f'Command {command} yielded value {value} by {by}, not assigned to any item, discarding data') return if self.suspended: self.logger.error('Trying to update item, but suspended. This should not happen, please report to developer.') return for item in items: self.logger.debug(f'Command {command} wants to update item {item.property.path} with value {value} received from {by}') item(value, self.get_fullname())
[Doku] def read_all_commands(self, group: str = ''): """ Triggers all configured read commands or all configured commands of given group """ if not group: for cmd in self._commands_read: self.send_command(cmd) else: if group in self._commands_read_grp: for cmd in self._commands_read_grp[group]: self.send_command(cmd)
[Doku] def is_valid_command(self, command: str, read: bool | None = None) -> bool | None: """ Validate if 'command' is a valid command for this device Possible to check only for reading or writing :param command: the command to test :type command: str :param read: check for read (True) or write (False), or both (None) :type read: bool | NoneType :return: True if command is valid, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(command) and self.custom_commands: try: command, custom_value = command.split(CUSTOM_SEP) if custom_value not in self._custom_values[self.custom_commands]: self.logger.debug(f'custom value {custom_value} not in known custom values {self._custom_values[self.custom_commands]}') return except ValueError: pass if self._commands: return self._commands.is_valid_command(command, read) else: return False
[Doku] def get_lookup(self, lookup: str, mode: str = 'fwd') -> dict | list | None: """ returns the lookup table for name <lookup>, None on error """ if self._commands: return self._commands.get_lookup(lookup, mode) else: return
[Doku] def has_recursive_custom_attribute(self, index: int = 1) -> bool: rec = self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_RECURSIVE, []) if isinstance(rec, list): return index in rec else: return rec == index
[Doku] def set_custom_item(self, item: Item, command: str, index: int, value: Any): """ this is called by parse_items if xx_custom[123] is found. """ self._custom_values[index].append(value) self._custom_values[index] = list(set(self._custom_values[index]))
# # # check if overwriting needed # # def _set_device_defaults(self): """ Set custom class properties. Overwrite as needed... """ # if you want to enable callbacks, overwrite this method and set # self._use_callbacks = True pass def _post_init(self): """ do something after default initializing is done. Overwrite it """ pass def _transform_send_data(self, data_dict: dict, **kwargs) -> dict: """ This method provides a way to adjust, modify or transform all data before it is sent to the device. This might be to add general parameters, include custom attributes, add/change line endings or add your favourite pet's name... By default, nothing happens here. """ return data_dict def _transform_received_data(self, data: Any) -> Any: """ This method provides a way to adjust, modify or transform all data as soon as it is received from the device. This might be useful to clean or parse data. By default, nothing happens here. """ return data def _do_before_send(self, command: str, value: Any, kwargs) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """ This method provides a way to act before send_command actually sends anything, e.g. checking for "special commands" which are internal trigger signals or something like this. You need to return two boolen values: continue_send and result If continue_send is True, send_command will behave normally and continue sending the specified command. If continue_send is False, send_command will abort and return <result> """ return (True, True) # return (False, True) def _send(self, data_dict: dict, **kwargs) -> Any: """ This method acts as a overwritable intermediate between the handling logic of send_command() and the connection layer. If you need any special arrangements for or reaction to events on sending, you can implement this method in your plugin class. By default, this just forwards the data_dict to the connection instance and return the result. """ self.logger.debug(f'sending {data_dict}, kwargs {kwargs}') return self._connection.send(data_dict, **kwargs)
[Doku] def on_connect(self, by: str | None = None): """ callback if connection is made. """ if self._connection.connected(): if self._resume_initial_read: # make sure to read again on resume (if configured) self._initial_value_read_done = False self.read_initial_values() if not SDP_standalone: # noqa # type: ignore self._create_cyclic_scheduler()
[Doku] def on_disconnect(self, by: str | None = None): """ callback if connection is broken. """ pass
def _process_additional_data(self, command: str, data: Any, value: Any, custom: int, by: str | None = None): """ do additional processing of received data Here you can do additional data examinating, filtering and possibly triggering additional commands or setting additional items. Overwrite as needed. """ pass # # # utility methods # # def _get_custom_value(self, command: str, data: Any) -> str | None: """ extract custom value from data At least PATTERN needs to be overwritten """ if not self.custom_commands or not self._commands.custom_is_enabled_for(command): return if not isinstance(data, str): return res = re.search(self._token_pattern, data) if not res: self.logger.debug(f'custom token not found in {data}, ignoring') return elif res[0] in self._custom_values[self.custom_commands]: return res[0] else: self.logger.debug(f'received custom token {res[0]}, not in list of known tokens {self._custom_values[self.custom_commands]}') return def _get_connection( self, conn_type: str | None = None, conn_classname: str | None = None, conn_cls: type[SDPConnection] | None = None, proto_type: str | None = None, proto_classname: str | None = None, proto_cls: type[SDPProtocol] | None = None, name: str | None = None) -> SDPConnection: """ return connection object. Try to identify the wanted connection and return the proper subclass instead. If no decision is possible, just return an instance of the base class SDPConnection, which is - externally - nonfunctional, but can stand as a debugging and diagnosis tool. If the PLUGIN_ATTR_PROTOCOL parameter is set, we need to change something. In this case, the protocol instance takes the place of the connection object and instantiates the connection object itself. Instead of the name of the connection class, we pass the class itself, so instantiating it poses no further challenge. If you need to use other connection types for your device, implement it and preselect with PLUGIN_ATTR_CONNECTION in /etc/plugin.yaml, so this class will never be used. """ if self._use_callbacks: self.logger.debug('setting callbacks') self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_CB_ON_CONNECT] = self.on_connect self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_CB_ON_DISCONNECT] = self.on_disconnect params = self._parameters.copy() try: conn_cls = SDPConnection._get_connection_class(conn_cls, conn_classname, conn_type, **params) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.error(f'error on getting connection: {e}') # not having a connection is an unnecessary complication. Just go with the - stub - default if not conn_cls: conn_cls = SDPConnection # check for resend protocol resend = self.get_parameter_value(PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_RETRIES) protocol = self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_PROTOCOL) if resend: # if PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_RETRIES is set, check other resend attributes for attr in (PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_RETRIES, PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_RETRY_CYCLE, PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_TIMEOUT): val = self.get_parameter_value(attr) if val is not None: self._parameters[attr] = val # Set protocol to resend only if protocol is not (yet) defined if not protocol: self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_PROTOCOL] = 'resend' # if send_retries is set and protocol is not set to resend, log info that protocol is overruling the parameter elif protocol not in (PROTO_JSONRPC, PROTO_RESEND): self.logger.debug(f'{PLUGIN_ATTR_SEND_RETRIES} is set to {resend}, but protocol {protocol} is requested, so resend may not apply') # if protocol is specified, find second class if PLUGIN_ATTR_PROTOCOL in self._parameters: params = self._parameters.copy() try: proto_cls = SDPProtocol._get_protocol_class(proto_cls, proto_classname, proto_type, **params) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.error(f'error on getting protocol: {e}') # if protocol is needed but not possible to obtain, just bail out. we don't know # if the plugin works without a protocol layer (e.g. jsonrpc), so don't even try if not proto_cls: raise RuntimeError(f'protocol {self._parameters["PLUGIN_ATTR_PROTOCOL"]} requested, but no protocol class returned. Giving up.') # set connection class in self._parameters dict for protocol class to use self._parameters[PLUGIN_ATTR_CONNECTION] = conn_cls # return protocol instance as connection instance self.logger.debug(f'using protocol class {proto_cls}') return proto_cls(self.on_data_received, name=name, **self._parameters) self.logger.debug(f'using connection class {conn_cls}') return conn_cls(self.on_data_received, name=name, **self._parameters) def _create_cyclic_scheduler(self): """ Setup the scheduler to handle cyclic read commands and find the proper time for the cycle. """ if not self.alive: return # find shortest cycle shortestcycle = -1 for cmd in self._commands_cyclic: cycle = self._commands_cyclic[cmd]['cycle'] if shortestcycle == -1 or cycle < shortestcycle: shortestcycle = cycle for grp in self._triggers_cyclic: cycle = self._triggers_cyclic[grp]['cycle'] if shortestcycle == -1 or cycle < shortestcycle: shortestcycle = cycle # Start the worker thread if shortestcycle != -1: # Balance unnecessary calls and precision workercycle = int(shortestcycle / 2) # just in case it already exists... if self.scheduler_get(self.get_fullname() + '_cyclic'): self.scheduler_remove(self.get_fullname() + '_cyclic') self.scheduler_add(self.get_fullname() + '_cyclic', self._read_cyclic_values, cycle=workercycle, prio=5, offset=0) self._cyclic_errors = 0 self.logger.info(f'Added cyclic worker thread {self.get_fullname()}_cyclic with {workercycle} s cycle. Shortest item update cycle found was {shortestcycle} s')
[Doku] def read_initial_values(self): """ control call of _read_initial_values - run instantly or delay """ if self.scheduler_get('read_initial_values'): return elif self._initial_value_read_delay: self.logger.dbghigh(f"Delaying reading initial values for {self._initial_value_read_delay} seconds.") self.scheduler_add('read_initial_values', self._read_initial_values, next=self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._initial_value_read_delay)) else: self._read_initial_values()
def _read_initial_values(self): """ Read all values configured to be read/triggered at startup """ if self._initial_value_read_done: self.logger.debug('_read_initial_values() called, but inital values were already read. Ignoring') else: if self._commands_initial: self.logger.info('Starting initial read commands') for cmd in self._commands_initial: self.logger.debug(f'Sending initial command {cmd}') self.send_command(cmd) self.logger.info('Initial read commands sent') if self._triggers_initial: self.logger.info('Starting initial read group triggers') for grp in self._triggers_initial: self.logger.debug(f'Triggering initial read group {grp}') self.read_all_commands(grp) self.logger.info('Initial read group triggers sent') self._initial_value_read_done = True def _read_cyclic_values(self): """ Recall function for cyclic scheduler. Reads all values configured to be read cyclically. """ # check if another cyclic cmd run is still active if self._cyclic_update_active: self._cyclic_errors += 1 if self._cyclic_errors >= 3 and self._reconnect_on_cycle_error: self.logger.warning(f'Cyclic command read failed {self._cyclic_errors} times due to long previous cycle. Reconnecting... ') self.disconnect() self._cyclic_update_active = False # reconnect if self._parameters.get(PLUGIN_ATTR_CONN_AUTO_RECONN, False): time.sleep(1) self.connect() else: self.logger.warning('Triggered cyclic command read, but previous cyclic run is still active. Check device and cyclic configuration (too much/too short?)') return else: self.logger.info('Triggering cyclic command read') self._cyclic_errors = 0 # set lock self._cyclic_update_active = True currenttime = time.time() read_cmds = 0 todo = [] for cmd in self._commands_cyclic: # Is the command already due? if self._commands_cyclic[cmd]['next'] <= currenttime: todo.append(cmd) for cmd in todo: # repeatedly check if shng wants to stop to prevent stalling shng if not self.alive: self.logger.info('Stop command issued, cancelling cyclic read') return # also leave early on disconnect if not self._connection.connected(): self.logger.info('Disconnect detected, cancelling cyclic read') return self.logger.debug(f'Triggering cyclic read of command {cmd}') self.send_command(cmd) self._commands_cyclic[cmd]['next'] = currenttime + self._commands_cyclic[cmd]['cycle'] read_cmds += 1 if read_cmds: self.logger.debug(f'Cyclic command read took {(time.time() - currenttime):.1f} seconds for {read_cmds} items') currenttime = time.time() read_grps = 0 todo = [] for grp in self._triggers_cyclic: # Is the trigger already due? if self._triggers_cyclic[grp]['next'] <= currenttime: todo.append(grp) for grp in todo: # repeatedly check if shng wants to stop to prevent stalling shng if not self.alive: self.logger.info('Stop command issued, cancelling cyclic trigger') return # also leave early on disconnect if not self._connection.connected(): self.logger.info('Disconnect detected, cancelling cyclic trigger') return self.logger.debug(f'Triggering cyclic read of group {grp}') self.read_all_commands(grp) self._triggers_cyclic[grp]['next'] = currenttime + self._triggers_cyclic[grp]['cycle'] read_grps += 1 if read_grps: self.logger.debug(f'Cyclic triggers took {(time.time() - currenttime):.1f} seconds for {read_grps} groups') self._cyclic_update_active = False def _read_configuration(self): """ This initiates reading of configuration. Basically, this calls the SDPCommands object to fill itselt if needed, this can be overwritten to do something else. """ cls = None if isinstance(self._command_class, type): cls = self._command_class elif isinstance(self._command_class, str): cmd_module = sys.modules.get('lib.model.sdp.command', '') if not cmd_module: self.logger.error('unable to get object handle of SDPCommand module') return cls = getattr(cmd_module, self._command_class, None) if cls is None: cls = SDPCommand self._commands = SDPCommands(cls, **self._parameters) return True def _import_structs(self): """ check if additional MODEL struct is needed and insert it """ # check for and load struct definitions if not SDP_standalone: # noqa # type: ignore shstructs = self._sh.items.return_struct_definitions(False) # type: ignore (if we don't have items in shng, we're really fubar) model = self._parameters.get('model', '') m_name = self.get_fullname() + '.' + model a_name = self.get_fullname() + '.' + INDEX_GENERIC m_struct = None if model and m_name in shstructs: m_struct = shstructs[m_name] elif a_name in shstructs: m_struct = shstructs[a_name] if m_struct: self.logger.debug(f'adding struct {self.get_fullname()}.{INDEX_MODEL}') self._sh.items.add_struct_definition(self.get_fullname(), INDEX_MODEL, m_struct) # type: ignore (see above) def _set_item_attributes(self): """ reads all item attributes defined in sdp.globals, tries to find the actual item attribute (as imported from plugin.yaml) and stores the actual item attribute in class member dict _item_attrs. This way, only the prefixes in plugin.yaml need to be adjusted for new plugin classes, and the symbolic names can be used without additional mangling. """ plugins = Plugins.get_instance() globals_mod = sys.modules.get('lib.model.sdp.globals', '') self._item_attrs = {} if plugins and globals_mod: keys = list(self.metadata.itemdefinitions.keys()) # type: ignore (metadata member is dynamically inserted by lib.plugins on plugin load) for attr in ATTR_NAMES: attr_val = getattr(globals_mod, attr) for key in keys: if key.endswith(attr_val): self._item_attrs[attr] = key break
################################################################################ # # # Standalone functions # # ################################################################################ class Standalone: def __init__(self, plugin_class, plugin_file): self.item_tree = {} self.item_templates = {} self.yaml = None self.cmdlist = [] usage = """ Usage: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This plugin is meant to be used inside SmartHomeNG. Is is generally possible to run this plugin in standalone mode, usually for diagnostic purposes - IF the plugin supports this mode. ======================================================================== If you call this plugin, any necessary configuration options can be specified either as arg=value pairs or as a python dict(this needs to be enclosed in quotes). Be aware that later parameters, be they dict or pair type, overwrite earlier parameters of the same name. ``__init__.py host=www.smarthomeng.de port=80`` or ``__init__.py '{'host': 'www.smarthomeng.de', 'port': 80}'`` If you set -v as a parameter, you get additional debug information: ``__init__.py -v`` ======================================================================== If you call it with -s as a parameter, the plugin will insert the struct into the plugins' `plugins/<plugin_name>/plugin.yaml` file. Old struct content will be overwritten: ``__init__.py -s`` If you add the -a parameter, all items will have an added ``visu_acl: <ro>/<rw>`` attribute depending on the read/write configuration. If you add the -l parameter, all items will be lowercase. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create formatter and add it to the handlers formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s @ %(lineno)d') ch.setFormatter(formatter) # add the handlers to the logger self.logger.addHandler(ch) self.struct_mode = False self.acl = False self.lc = False self.indentwidth = 4 if len(sys.argv) == 1 or (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] not in ['-h', '--help', '-?', '/?', '/h', '/help']): # check for further command line arguments self.params = {} for arg in range(1, len(sys.argv)): arg_str = sys.argv[arg] if arg_str == '-v': print('Debug logging enabled') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif arg_str[:2].lower() == '-s': self.struct_mode = True elif arg_str[:2].lower() == '-a': self.acl = True elif arg_str[:2].lower() == '-l': self.lc = True else: try: # convertible to dict? self.params.update(literal_eval(arg_str)) except Exception: # if not: try to parse as 'name=value' match = re.match('([^= \n]+)=([^= \n]+)', arg_str) if match: name, value = match.groups(0) self.params[name] = value else: print(usage) return # make sure we are in shng base dir if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('bin', 'smarthome.py')): print('Plugin needs to be called from SmartHomeNG base directory. Aborting.') return # make sure we are called with relative path rel_file = os.path.relpath(plugin_file) if rel_file[0] in ('.', '/', '\\'): print(f'Plugin needs to be called with relative path; called as {plugin_file}. Aborting.') return # calculate files, paths and modules pfitems = plugin_file.split('/') self.plugin_mod_path = '.'.join(pfitems[:-1]) self.plugin_path = os.path.join(*pfitems[:-1]) if plugin_file.startswith('/') and not self.plugin_path.startswith('/'): self.plugin_path = '/' + self.plugin_path self.plugin_name = pfitems[-2] self.params[PLUGIN_PATH] = self.plugin_mod_path if self.struct_mode: self.create_struct_yaml() return s = f'This is the {self.plugin_name} plugin running in standalone mode' print(s) print('=' * len(s)) pl = plugin_class(None, logger=self.logger, **self.params) if getattr(pl, 'run_standalone', ''): print('running standalone method...') pl.run_standalone() else: print('plugin doesn\'t have a standalone function.') print('Done.') def add_item_to_tree(self, item_path, item_dict): """ add entry for custom read group triggers """ if self.lc: # make lowercase items dst_path_elems = item_path.lower().split('.') # ensure that the ALL branch stays in caps if item_path == 'ALL' or item_path[0:4] == 'ALL.': dst_path_elems[0] = 'ALL' else: # make items with original commands case dst_path_elems = item_path.split('.') item = {dst_path_elems[-1]: item_dict} for elem in reversed(dst_path_elems[:-1]): item = {elem: item} update(self.item_tree, item) def walk(self, node, node_name, parent, func, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, has_models, func_first=True, cut_levels=0): """ traverses a nested dict :param node: starting node :param node_name: name of the starting node on parent level ('key') :param parent: parent node :param func: function to call for each node :param path: path of the current node (pparent.parent.node) :param indent: indent level (indent is INDENT ** indent) :param gpath: path of 'current' (next above) read group :param gpathlist: list of all current (above) read groups :param has_models: True is command dict has models ('ALL') -> include top level = model name in read groups and in command paths :param func_first: order of work (func) and walk, True is work first :param cut_levels: cut <n> levels from front of path :type node: dict :type node_name: str :type parent: dict :type func: function :type path: str :type indent: int :type gpath: str :type gpathlist: list :type has_models: bool :type func_first: bool """ if func and func_first: # first call func -> print current node before descending func(node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels) # iterate over all children who are dicts for child in list(k for k in node.keys() if isinstance(node[k], dict)): if path: new_path = path + COMMAND_SEP elif not has_models: new_path = node_name + COMMAND_SEP else: new_path = '' new_path += child # and recursively walk them self.walk(node[child], child, node, func, new_path, indent + 1, path, gpathlist + ([path] if path else []), has_models, func_first, cut_levels) if func and not func_first: # last call func -> process current node after descending func(node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist) def find_read_group_triggers(self, node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels): """ find custom read trigger definitions, create trigger item for params see walk() above, they are the same there To keep things manageable, we only support relative addressing in the most simple form: ...path.to.item Every leading dot means 'up one level', so without a leading dot, the item will be created 'inside' the item with the 'read_groups' directive. """ if CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS in node: # set sub-node for readability rg_list = node[CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS].get(CMD_IATTR_READ_GROUPS) if rg_list: if not isinstance(rg_list, list): rg_list = [rg_list] for entry in rg_list: itempath = entry.get('trigger') # resolve relative item position lvl_up = 0 while itempath[:1] == '.': lvl_up += 1 itempath = itempath[1:] if lvl_up: src_path_elems = path.split(COMMAND_SEP)[:-lvl_up] else: src_path_elems = path.split(COMMAND_SEP) item_path = '.'.join(['.'.join(src_path_elems), itempath]) self.add_item_to_tree(item_path, {'type': 'bool', 'enforce_updates': 'true', ITEM_ATTR_READ_GRP: entry.get('name')}) def create_item(self, node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels=0): """ create item or read item for current node/command for params see walk() above, they are the same there """ if not node_name: return # item name = item path is in path # item contents goes in item item = {} # skip known command sub-dict nodes, but include command nodes if CMD_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE in node or (node_name not in (CMD_ATTR_CMD_SETTINGS, CMD_ATTR_PARAMS, CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS, CMD_IATTR_ATTRIBUTES) and 'type' not in node): # item -> print item attributes if CMD_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE in node: item['type'] = node.get(CMD_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE, 'foo') cmd = path if path else node_name if cut_levels: cmd = COMMAND_SEP.join(cmd.split(COMMAND_SEP)[cut_levels:]) # add '@instance' to enable multi-instance usage item[ITEM_ATTR_COMMAND + '@instance'] = cmd item[ITEM_ATTR_READ + '@instance'] = node.get(CMD_ATTR_READ, True) item[ITEM_ATTR_WRITE + '@instance'] = node.get(CMD_ATTR_WRITE, False) if self.acl: item['visu_acl'] = 'rw' if node.get(CMD_ATTR_WRITE, False) else 'ro' # set sub-node for readability ia_node = node.get(CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS) rg_level = None rg_list = None if ia_node: rg_level = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_RG_LEVELS, None) rg_list = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_READ_GROUPS) # rg_level = None: print all read groups (default) # rg_level = 0: don't print read groups # rg_level > 0: print last <x> levels of read groups # (plus custom read groups) # only set read_groups if item 'can' trigger read. # no logging because standalone mode and syntax output active grps = gpathlist if rg_level != 0 and (node.get(CMD_ATTR_OPCODE) or node.get(CMD_ATTR_READ_CMD)): if rg_level is not None: grps = grps[-rg_level:] if rg_list: if not isinstance(rg_list, list): rg_list = [rg_list] for entry in rg_list: grps.append(entry.get('name')) # only create read_groups if they actually exist if grps: item[ITEM_ATTR_GROUP + '@instance'] = grps # item attributes if ia_node: if ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_ENFORCE): item['enforce_updates'] = True if ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_INITIAL): item[ITEM_ATTR_READ_INIT + '@instance'] = True if ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CYCLIC): item[ITEM_ATTR_CYCLIC + '@instance'] = True cycle = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CYCLE) if cycle: item[ITEM_ATTR_CYCLE + '@instance'] = cycle custom = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CUSTOM1) if custom is not None: item[ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM1 + '@instance'] = custom custom = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CUSTOM2) if custom is not None: item[ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM1[:-1] + '2' + '@instance'] = custom custom = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CUSTOM3) if custom is not None: item[ITEM_ATTR_CUSTOM1[:-1] + '3' + '@instance'] = custom # custom item attributes: add 1:1 attrs = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_ATTRIBUTES) if attrs: update(item, attrs) # custom item templates: add 1:! templates = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_TEMPLATE) if templates: if not isinstance(templates, list): templates = [templates] for tmpl in templates: if tmpl in self.item_templates: update(item, self.item_templates[tmpl]) # if item has 'xx_lookup' and item_attrs['lookup_item'] is # set, create additional item with lookup values lu_item = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_LOOKUP_ITEM) if lu_item and node.get(CMD_ATTR_LOOKUP): ltyp = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_LOOKUP_ITEM) if ltyp is True: ltyp = 'list' item['lookup'] = {'type': 'list' if ltyp == 'list' else 'dict'} item['lookup'][ITEM_ATTR_LOOKUP + '@instance'] = f'{node.get(CMD_ATTR_LOOKUP)}#{ltyp}' # 'level node' -> print read item elif node_name not in (CMD_ATTR_CMD_SETTINGS, CMD_ATTR_PARAMS, CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS, CMD_IATTR_ATTRIBUTES, CMD_IATTR_READ_GROUPS): item['read'] = { 'type': 'bool', 'enforce_updates': True } item['read'][ITEM_ATTR_READ_GRP + '@instance'] = path if path else node_name try: # set sub-node for readability ia_node = node.get(CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS) if ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_INITIAL): item['read'][ITEM_ATTR_READ_INIT + '@instance'] = True if ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CYCLE): item['read'][ITEM_ATTR_CYCLE + '@instance'] = ia_node.get(CMD_IATTR_CYCLE) except AttributeError: pass if item: self.add_item_to_tree(path, item) if CMD_ATTR_ITEM_ATTRS in node: self.find_read_group_triggers(node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels) def remove_items_undef_cmd(self, node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels=0): if CMD_ATTR_ITEM_TYPE in node and path not in self.cmdlist: del parent[node_name] def remove_empty_items(self, node, node_name, parent, path, indent, gpath, gpathlist, cut_levels=0): if len(node) == 0: del parent[node_name] def update_item_attributes(self): global_mod = sys.modules.get('lib.model.sdp.globals', '') global_vars = globals() file = self.plugin_path + '/plugin.yaml' yaml = shyaml.yaml_load(file) keys = list(yaml.get('item_attributes').keys()) if keys and global_mod: new = {} for attr in ATTR_NAMES: attr_val = getattr(global_mod, attr) for key in keys: if key.endswith(attr_val): new[attr] = key break for attr in new: global_vars[attr] = new[attr] def create_struct_yaml(self): """ read commands.py and export struct.yaml """ def isnumstr(val): return all(c in ('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '.') for c in val) def str_presenter(dumper, data): """configures yaml for dumping multiline strings and version number strings """ # quote strings like '1.2' or '1.2.3' to make is more apparent that this is not a number if isnumstr(data): return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style="'") # dump multiline strings in | format if data.count('\n') > 0: return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|') # default return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data) self.update_item_attributes() mod_str = self.plugin_mod_path + '.commands' try: cmd_module = importlib.import_module(mod_str, __name__) except Exception as e: raise ImportError(f'error on importing commands, aborting. Error was {e}') commands = cmd_module.commands top_level_entries = list(commands.keys()) self.item_templates = getattr(cmd_module, 'item_templates', {}) # load plugin's plugin.yaml file = os.path.join(self.plugin_path, 'plugin.yaml') try: self.yaml = shyaml.yaml_load(file, ordered=True) except OSError as e: print(f'Error: file {file} could not be opened. Original error: {e}') return self.yaml['item_structs'] = OrderedDict() # this means the commands dict has 'ALL' and model names at the top level # otherwise, the top level nodes are commands or sections cmds_has_models = INDEX_GENERIC in top_level_entries if cmds_has_models: for model in top_level_entries: # create model-specific commands dict m_commands = deepcopy(commands.get(INDEX_GENERIC)) update(m_commands, deepcopy(commands.get(model))) # create work obj for entry obj = {model: m_commands} self.item_tree = {} # create item tree self.walk(obj[model], '', None, self.create_item, '', 0, model, [model], True) # easiest way to move dict to OrderedDict jdata = json.dumps(self.item_tree) self.yaml['item_structs'][model] = json.loads(jdata, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: # create flat commands, 'valid command' needs full cmd path flat_commands = deepcopy(commands) SDPCommands._flatten_cmds(flat_commands) # output sections separately and unchanged for section in top_level_entries: self.item_tree = {} obj = {section: commands[section]} # create item tree self.walk(obj[section], section, None, self.create_item, section, 0, '', [], True) # easiest way to move dict to OrderedDict jdata = json.dumps(self.item_tree) self.yaml['item_structs'][section] = json.loads(jdata, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)[section] # get model definitions # if not present, fake it to include all sections models = getattr(cmd_module, 'models', []) if not models: models = {'ALL': list(commands.keys())} for model in models: self.item_tree = {} # create list of valid commands self.cmdlist = models[model] # add generic commands to every other model if model != INDEX_GENERIC: self.cmdlist += models.get(INDEX_GENERIC, []) self.cmdlist = SDPCommands._get_cmdlist(flat_commands, self.cmdlist) # create new obj for model m, include m['ALL'] # as we modify obj, we need to copy this obj = {model: deepcopy(commands)} # remove all items with model-invalid 'xx_command' self.walk(obj[model], model, obj, self.remove_items_undef_cmd, '', 0, model, [model], True, False) # remove all empty items from obj self.walk(obj[model], model, obj, self.remove_empty_items, '', 0, model, [model], True, False) # create item tree self.walk(obj[model], model, obj, self.create_item, model, 0, '', [], False, cut_levels=1) jdata = json.dumps(self.item_tree) self.yaml['item_structs'][model] = json.loads(jdata, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)[model] # insert yaml string formatters into ruamel module before final export yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter) yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter.add_representer(str, str_presenter) shyaml.yaml_save(file, self.yaml) print(f'Updated file {file}')