Quellcode für lib.model.mqttplugin

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
#  Copyright 2019-      Martin Sinn                       m.sinn@gmx.de
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import threading

from lib.module import Modules
from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPlugin
from lib.shtime import Shtime
from lib.translation import translate as lib_translate

import os

[Doku]class MqttPlugin(SmartPlugin): _item_values = {} # dict of dicts # Initialization of SmartPlugin class called by super().__init__() from the plugin's __init__() method def __init__(self): """ Initialization Routine for the mqtt extension class to SmartPlugin """ SmartPlugin.__init__(self) # get instance of MQTT module try: self.mod_mqtt = Modules.get_instance().get_module('mqtt') # try/except to handle running in a core version that does not support modules except: self.mod_mqtt = None if self.mod_mqtt == None: self.logger.error("Module 'mqtt' not loaded. The plugin is not starting") self._init_complete = False return False self._subscribed_topics_lock = threading.Lock() self._subscribed_topics = {} # subscribed topics (a dict of dicts) self._subscribe_current_number = 0 # current number of the subscription entry self._subscriptions_started = False # get broker configuration (for display in web interface) self.broker_config = self.mod_mqtt.get_broker_config() return True
[Doku] def translate(self, txt, vars=None, block=None): """ Returns translated text for class SmartPlugin """ txt = str(txt) if block: self.logger.warning(f"unsuported 3. parameter '{block}' used in translation function _( ... )") if self._add_translation is None: # test initially, if plugin has additional translations translation_fn = os.path.join(self._plugin_dir, 'locale.yaml') self._add_translation = os.path.isfile(translation_fn) if self._add_translation: return lib_translate(txt, vars, plugin_translations='plugin/'+self.get_shortname(), additional_translations='module/mqtt') else: return lib_translate(txt, vars, additional_translations='module/mqtt')
[Doku] def start_subscriptions(self): """ Start subscription to all topics Should be called from the run method of a plugin """ if self.mod_mqtt: with self._subscribed_topics_lock: for topic in self._subscribed_topics: # start subscription to all items for this topic for item_path in self._subscribed_topics[topic]: self._start_subscription(topic, item_path) self._subscriptions_started = True return
[Doku] def stop_subscriptions(self): """ Stop subscription to all topics Should be called from the stop method of a plugin """ if self.mod_mqtt: with self._subscribed_topics_lock: for topic in self._subscribed_topics: # stop subscription to all items for this topic for item_path in self._subscribed_topics[topic]: current = str(self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['current']) if item_path == '*no_item*': self.logger.info(f"Unsubscribing from topic {topic}") else: self.logger.info(f"Unsubscribing from topic {topic} for item {item_path}") self.mod_mqtt.unsubscribe_topic(self.get_shortname() + '-' + current, topic) self._subscriptions_started = False return
def _start_subscription(self, topic, item_path): current = str(self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['current']) qos = self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path].get('qos', None) payload_type = self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path].get('payload_type', None) callback = self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path].get('callback', None) bool_values = self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path].get('bool_values', None) if item_path == '*no_item*': self.logger.info(f"Subscribing to topic {topic}, payload_type '{payload_type}' - callback={callback}") else: self.logger.info(f"Subscribing to topic {topic}, payload_type '{payload_type}' - for item '{item_path}'") self.mod_mqtt.subscribe_topic(self.get_shortname() + '-' + current, topic, callback=callback, qos=qos, payload_type=payload_type, bool_values=bool_values) return
[Doku] def add_subscription(self, topic, payload_type, bool_values=None, item=None, callback=None): """ Add mqtt subscription to subscribed_topics list subscribing is done directly, if subscriptions have been started by self.start_subscriptions() :param topic: topic to subscribe to :param payload_type: payload type of the topic (for this subscription to the topic) :param bool_values: bool values (for this subscription to the topic) :param item: item that should receive the payload as value. Used by the standard handler (if no callback function is specified) :param callback: a plugin can provide an own callback function, if special handling of the payload is needed :return: """ with self._subscribed_topics_lock: # test if topic is new if not self._subscribed_topics.get(topic, None): self._subscribed_topics[topic] = {} # add this item to topic if item is None: item_path = '*no_item*' else: item_path = item.property.path self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path] = {} self._subscribe_current_number += 1 self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['current'] = self._subscribe_current_number self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['item'] = item self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['qos'] = None self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['payload_type'] = payload_type if callback: self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['callback'] = callback else: self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['callback'] = self._on_mqtt_message self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path]['bool_values'] = bool_values if self._subscriptions_started: # directly subscribe to added subscription, if subscribtions are started self._start_subscription(topic, item_path) return
[Doku] def publish_topic(self, topic, payload, item=None, qos=None, retain=False, bool_values=None): """ Publish a topic to mqtt :param topic: topic to publish :param payload: payload to publish :param item: item (if relevant) :param qos: qos for this message (optional) :param retain: retain flag for this message (optional) :param bool_values: bool values (for publishing this topic, optional) :return: """ self.mod_mqtt.publish_topic(self.get_shortname(), topic, payload, qos, retain, bool_values) if item is not None: self.logger.dbghigh(f"publish_topic: Item '{item.property.path}' -> topic '{topic}', payload '{payload}', QoS '{qos}', retain '{retain}'") # Update dict for periodic updates of the web interface self._update_item_values(item, payload) else: self.logger.dbghigh(f"publish_topic: topic '{topic}', payload '{payload}', QoS '{qos}', retain '{retain}'") return
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # methods to handle the broker connection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _broker_version = '?' _broker = {} broker_config = {} broker_monitoring = False
[Doku] def get_broker_info(self): if self.mod_mqtt: (self._broker, self.broker_monitoring) = self.mod_mqtt.get_broker_info()
[Doku] def broker_uptime(self): """ Return formatted uptime of broker """ if self.shtime is None: self.shtime = Shtime.get_instance() try: return self.shtime.seconds_to_displaystring(int(self._broker['uptime'])) except Exception as e: return '-'
[Doku] def mqtt_init(self): """ Dummy method - should not be called any more :return: Bool value True :rtype: bool """ self.logger.warning("'mqtt_init()' method called. it is not used anymore. The Plugin should remove the call to mqtt_init(), use 'super.__init__()' instead") pass return True
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_mqtt_message(self, topic, payload, qos=None, retain=None): """ Callback function to handle received messages :param topic: :param payload: :param qos: :param retain: """ self.logger.debug(f"_on_mqtt_message: Received topic '{topic}', payload '{payload} (type {type(payload)})', QoS '{qos}', retain '{retain}' ") # get item for topic if self._subscribed_topics.get(topic, None): # at least 1 item has subscribed to this topic for item_path in self._subscribed_topics[topic]: item = self._subscribed_topics[topic][item_path].get('item', None) if item != None: try: log_info = (float(payload) != float(item())) except: log_info = (str(payload) != str(item())) if log_info: self.logger.dbghigh(f"_on_mqtt_message: Received topic '{topic}', payload '{payload}' (item-type {item.type()}), QoS '{qos}', retain '{retain}' for item '{item.property.path}' (value={item()})") else: self.logger.debug(f"_on_mqtt_message: Received topic '{topic}', payload '{payload}' (item-type {item.type()}), QoS '{qos}', retain '{retain}' for item '{item.property.path}' (value={item()})") item(payload, self.get_shortname()) # Update dict for periodic updates of the web interface self._update_item_values(item, payload) else: self.logger.error(f"_on_mqtt_message: No definition found for subscribed topic '{topic}'") return def _update_item_values(self, item, payload): """ Update dict for periodic updates of the web interface :param item: :param payload: """ if not self._item_values.get(item.property.path): self._item_values[item.property.path] = {} if isinstance(payload, bool): self._item_values[item.property.path]['value'] = str(payload) else: self._item_values[item.property.path]['value'] = payload self._item_values[item.property.path]['last_update'] = item.last_update().strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') self._item_values[item.property.path]['last_change'] = item.last_change().strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') return
from lib.model.smartplugin import SmartPluginWebIf # try: # from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader # except: # pass # from lib.module import Modules class MqttPluginWebIf(SmartPluginWebIf): def translate(self, txt, vars=None): """ Returns translated text for class SmartPluginWebIf This method extends the jinja2 template engine _( ... ) -> translate( ... ) """ txt = str(txt) if self.plugin._add_translation is None: # test initially, if plugin has additional translations translation_fn = os.path.join(self.plugin._plugin_dir, 'locale.yaml') self.plugin._add_translation = os.path.isfile(translation_fn) if self.plugin._add_translation: return lib_translate(txt, vars, plugin_translations='plugin/' + self.plugin.get_shortname(), module_translations='module/http', additional_translations='module/mqtt') else: return lib_translate(txt, vars, module_translations='module/http', additional_translations='module/mqtt')