#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-2020 Martin Sinn m.sinn@gmx.de
# Copyright 2016 Christian Straßburg c.strassburg@gmx.de
# Copyright 2012-2013 Marcus Popp marcus@popp.mx
# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This library implements items in SmartHomeNG.
The main class ``Items`` implements the handling for all items. This class has a static method to get a handle to the
instance of the Items class, that is created during initialization of SmartHomeNG. This method implements a way to
access the API for handling items without having to juggle through the object hierarchy of the running SmartHomeNG.
This API enables plugins and logics to access the details of the items initialized in SmartHomeNG.
Each item is represented by an instance of the class ``Item``.
The methods of the class Items implement the API for items.
They can be used the following way: To call eg. **get_toplevel_items()**, use the following syntax:
.. code-block:: python
from lib.item import Items
sh_items = Items.get_instance()
# to access a method (eg. get_toplevel_items()):
tl_items = sh_items.get_toplevel_items()
:Note: Do not use the functions or variables of the main smarthome object any more. They are deprecated. Use the methods of the class **Items** instead.
:Note: This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. Regular plugins should not need to use this API. It is manily implemented for plugins near to the core like **backend** and the core itself!
import logging
import re
import lib.utils
from .item import Item
from .structs import Structs
_items_instance = None # Pointer to the initialized instance of the Items class (for use by static methods)
[Doku]class Items():
Items loader class. (Item-methods from bin/smarthome.py are moved here.)
- An instance is created during initialization by bin/smarthome.py
- There should be only one instance of this class. So: Don't create another instance
:param smarthome: Instance of the smarthome master-object
:type smarthome: object
__items = [] # list with the paths of all items that are defined
__item_dict = {} # dict with all the items that are defined in the form: {"<item-path>": "<item-object>", ...}
_children = [] # List of top level items
plugin_attributes = {} # dict with all item attributes, that are defined by plugins
plugin_attribute_prefixes = {} # dict with all item attribute-prefixes, that are defined by plugins
plugin_prefixes_tuple = None # tuple for finding if an attribute name starts with one of the prefixes
structs = None
_item_methods = [name for name in dir(Item) if name[0] != '_']
def __init__(self, smarthome):
self._sh = smarthome
self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
global _items_instance
if _items_instance is not None:
import inspect
curframe = inspect.currentframe()
calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 4)
self.logger.critical("A second 'items' object has been created. There should only be ONE instance of class 'Items'!!! Called from: {} ({})".format(calframe[1][1], calframe[1][3]))
_items_instance = self
self.structs = Structs(self._sh)
self._sh._ignore_item_collision = getattr(self._sh, '_ignore_item_collision', 'False') == 'True'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following (static) method of the class Items implement the API for Items in SmartHomeNG
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] @staticmethod
def get_instance():
Returns the instance of the Items class, to be used to access the items-api
Use it the following way to access the api:
.. code-block:: python
from lib.item import Items
items = Items.get_instance()
# to access a method (eg. return_items()):
:return: items instance
:rtype: object
return _items_instance
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Following methods handle structs
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku] def add_struct_definition(self, plugin_name, struct_name, struct, from_dir='plugins'):
self.structs.add_struct_definition(plugin_name, struct_name, struct, from_dir)
[Doku] def return_struct_definitions(self, all=True):
Return all loaded structure template definitions
:rtype: dict
return self.structs.return_struct_definitions(all)
[Doku] def load_itemdefinitions(self, env_dir, items_dir, etc_dir, plugins_dir):
Load item definitions
This method is called during initialization of SmartHomeNG to initialize the item tree.
For that, it loads the item definitions from **../items** directory through calling the function **parse_itemsdir()**
from **lib.config**
:param env_dir: path to the directory containing the core's environment item definition files
:param items_dir: path to the directory containing the user's item definition files
:param etc_dir: path to the directory containing the user's configuration files (only used for 'struct' support)
:param plugins_dir: path to the directory containing the plugins (only used for 'struct' support)
:type env_dir: str
:type items_dir: str
:type etc_dir: str
:type plugins_dir: str
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read in all struct definitions before reading item definitions
# structs are merged into the item tree in lib.config
# structs are read in from metadata file of plugins while loading plugins
# and from ../etc/struct.yaml
# Read in item structs from ../etc/struct.yaml
self._sh.shng_status['details'] = 'Structs'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read in item definitions
self._sh.shng_status['details'] = 'Items'
item_conf = None
item_conf = lib.config.parse_itemsdir(env_dir, item_conf)
item_conf = lib.config.parse_itemsdir(items_dir, item_conf, addfilenames=True, struct_dict=self.structs._struct_definitions)
for attr, value in item_conf.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
child_path = attr
# (smarthome, parent, path, config):
child = Item(self._sh, self, child_path, value, items_instance=_items_instance)
except Exception as e:
self.logger.error("load_itemdefinitions: Item {}: problem creating: {}".format(child_path, e))
vars(self)[attr] = child
vars(self._sh)[attr] = child
self.add_item(child_path, child)
del(item_conf) # clean up
# Test if all used attributes are defined in configuread plugins
#feature moved to lib.metadata
#for item in self.return_items():
# item._test_attribute_existance()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# prepare loaded items for run phase of SmartHomeNG
self._sh.shng_status = {'code': 14, 'text': 'Starting: Preparing loaded items', 'details': 'prerun'}
# Build eval expressions from special functions and triggers before first run
for item in self.return_items():
self._sh.shng_status = {'code': 14, 'text': 'Starting: Preparing loaded items', 'details': 'start scheduler'}
# Start schedulers of the items which have a crontab or a cycle attribute
for item in self.return_items():
self._sh.shng_status = {'code': 14, 'text': 'Starting: Preparing loaded items', 'details': 'eval-run'}
# Run initial eval to set an initial value for the item
#import time
#gstart = time.time()
#gduration = 0.0
#gcount = 0
for item in self.return_items():
#start = time.time()
#calculated = item._init_run()
#end = time.time()
#if calculated:
# duration = end - start
# self.logger.warning(f"_init_run: {item._path}, execution time = {duration}")
# gduration += duration
# gcount += 1
#gend = time.time()
#self.logger.warning(f"_init_run: Totals: duration {gend-gstart}, eval execution time = {gduration} for {gcount} items")
self._sh.shng_status = {'code': 14, 'text': 'Starting: Preparing loaded items'}
# self.item_count = len(self.__items)
# self._sh.item_count = self.item_count()
# here goes debug output (if needed) after the initialization of all items
#import lib.metadata as metadata
#self.logger.notice(f"metadata.all_itemprefixdefinitions: {metadata.all_itemprefixdefinitions.keys()}")
[Doku] def add_item(self, path, item):
Function to to add an item to the dictionary of items.
If the path does not exist, it is created
:param path: Path of the item
:param item: The item itself
:type path: str
:type item: object
if path not in self.__items:
self.__item_dict[path] = item
# aus bin/smarthome.py
# def __iter__(self):
# for child in self.__children:
# yield child
[Doku] def remove_item(self, item):
Function to remove an item from the dictionary of items
and delete the item object.
:param item: The item to delete
:type item: object
if item.property.path not in self.__items:
# remove item from Items data
del self.__item_dict[item.property.path]
except Exception as e:
self.logger.warning(f"Error occured while trying to remove item {item.property.path}: {e}")
# remove item bindings in plugins
if item.remove():
# delete item
del item
self.logger.warning(f"Item {item.property.path} could not be removed due to incompatible plugins.")
[Doku] def get_toplevel_items(self):
Returns a list with all items defined at the top level
:return: items defined at the top level
:rtype: list
for child in self._children:
yield child
# aus lib.logic.py
# def __iter__(self):
# for logic in self._logics:
# yield logic
[Doku] def return_item(self, string):
Function to return the item for a given path
:param string: Path of the item to return
:type string: str
:return: Item
:rtype: object
if string in self.__items:
return self.__item_dict[string]
[Doku] def return_items(self, ordered=False):
Function to return a list with all defined items
:param ordered: return list sorted alphabetically, defaults to False
:type ordered: bool
:return: List of all items
:rtype: list
if ordered:
for item in sorted(self.__items):
yield self.__item_dict[item]
for item in self.__items:
yield self.__item_dict[item]
[Doku] def match_items(self, regex):
Function to match items against a regular expression
:param regex: Regular expression to match items against
:type regex: str
:return: List of matching items
:rtype: list
regex, __, attr = regex.partition(':')
#regex = regex.replace('.', '\.').replace('*', '.*') + '$'
regex = regex.replace('.', r'\.').replace('*', '.*') + '$'
regex = re.compile(regex)
attr, __, val = attr.partition('[')
val = val.rstrip(']')
if attr != '' and val != '':
return [self.__item_dict[item] for item in self.__items if regex.match(item) and attr in self.__item_dict[item].conf and ((type(self.__item_dict[item].conf[attr]) in [list,dict] and val in self.__item_dict[item].conf[attr]) or (val == self.__item_dict[item].conf[attr]))]
elif attr != '':
return [self.__item_dict[item] for item in self.__items if regex.match(item) and attr in self.__item_dict[item].conf]
return [self.__item_dict[item] for item in self.__items if regex.match(item)]
def _attribute_find(self, attr, attr_list):
Find an attribute in an attribute list
:param attr:
:param attr_list:
attr_list = ['avm_identifier' , 'avm_data_type@willy_tel', 'avm_wlan_index', 'visu_acl']
attr result
---_ ------
'willy_tel' -> False
'@willy_tel' -> True
'@fritz_wz' -> False
'avm_data_type@willy_tel' -> True
'avm_data_type@fritz_wz' -> False
'avm_data_type' -> False
'avm_data_type@' -> True
'avm_wlan_index' -> True
'avm_wlan_index@' -> True
'visu_acl' -> True
'@visu_acl' -> False
result = False
if attr.endswith('@'):
result = any(s for s in attr_list if s.startswith(attr))
if not result:
result = attr[:-1] in attr_list
elif attr.startswith('@'):
result = any(s for s in attr_list if s.endswith(attr))
result = attr in attr_list
return result
[Doku] def find_items(self, conf):
Function to find items that match the specified configuration
:param conf: Configuration to look for
:type conf: str
:return: list of matching items
:rtype: list
for item in self.__items:
# if conf in self.__item_dict[item].conf:
# yield self.__item_dict[item]
if self._attribute_find(conf, self.return_item(item).property.attributes):
yield self.__item_dict[item]
[Doku] def find_children(self, parent, conf):
Function to find children with the specified configuration
:param parent: parent item on which to start the search
:param conf: Configuration to look for
:type parent: str
:type conf: str
:return: list or matching child-items
:rtype: list
children = []
for item in parent:
# if conf in item.conf:
# children.append(item)
if self._attribute_find(conf, item.property.attributes):
children += self.find_children(item, conf)
return children
[Doku] def item_count(self):
Return the number of defined items
:return: number of items
:rtype: int
return len(self.__items)
[Doku] def stop(self, signum=None, frame=None):
Stop what all items are doing
At the moment, it stops fading of all items
for item in self.__items:
self.__item_dict[item]._fading = False
with self.__item_dict[item]._lock:
[Doku] def add_plugin_attribute(self, plugin_name, attribute_name, attribute):
Add an attribute definition to the dict of plugin specific item-attributes
:param plugin_name: Name of the plugin that defines the attribute
:param attribute_name: Name of the attribute
:param attribute: Metadata that defines the attribute
attribute_name = attribute_name.lower()
if self.plugin_attributes.get(attribute_name, None) is None:
self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name] = {}
self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['plugin'] = plugin_name
self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['meta'] = dict(attribute)
self.logger.info("add_plugin_attribute: {} ({}) -> {}".format(attribute_name, plugin_name, dict(attribute)))
if plugin_name != self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['plugin']:
if self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['meta']['type'] != attribute['type']:
self.logger.error(f"Plugins '{self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['plugin']}' and '{plugin_name}' define the same item-attribute '{attribute_name}' with different type definitions {self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['meta']['type']}/{attribute['type']}")
elif not self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['meta'].get('duplicate_use', False):
self.logger.warning(f"Plugins '{self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['plugin']}' and '{plugin_name}' define the same item-attribute '{attribute_name}'")
self.logger.info(f"Plugins '{self.plugin_attributes[attribute_name]['plugin']}' and '{plugin_name}' define the same item-attribute '{attribute_name}'")
[Doku] def add_plugin_attribute_prefix(self, plugin_name, prefix_name, prefix):
Add an attribute-prefix definition to the dict of plugin specific item-attribute prefixes
:param plugin_name: Name of the plugin that defines the attribute
:param prefix_name: Name of the attribute-prefix
:param prefix: Metadata that defines the attribute-prefix
prefix_name = prefix_name.lower()
if self.plugin_attribute_prefixes.get(prefix_name, None) is None:
self.plugin_attribute_prefixes[prefix_name] = {}
self.plugin_attribute_prefixes[prefix_name]['plugin'] = plugin_name
self.plugin_attribute_prefixes[prefix_name]['meta'] = dict(prefix)
self.logger.info("add_plugin_attribute_prefix: {} ({}) -> {}".format(prefix_name, plugin_name, dict(prefix)))
if plugin_name != self.plugin_attribute_prefixes[prefix_name]['plugin']:
self.logger.error("Plugins '{}' and '{}' define the same item-attribute-prefix '{}'".format(self.plugin_attribute_prefixes[prefix_name]['plugin'], plugin_name, prefix_name))
[Doku] def plugin_attribute_exists(self, attribute_name):
Returns the type of the attribute's value
:param attribute_name: Name of the attribute
:return: Type of the attribute's value or None
meta = self.plugin_attributes.get(attribute_name.lower(), None)
if meta is not None:
return True
if self.plugin_prefixes_tuple is None:
# Generate tuple on first call to this method
self.plugin_prefixes_tuple = tuple(self.plugin_attribute_prefixes.keys())
if attribute_name.startswith(self.plugin_prefixes_tuple):
return True
return False
[Doku] def get_plugin_attribute_type(self, attribute_name):
Returns the type of the attribute's value
:param attribute_name: Name of the attribute
:return: Type of the attribute's value or None
meta = self.plugin_attributes.get(attribute_name.lower, None)
if meta is None:
return None
return meta['type']