#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2016-2020 Martin Sinn m.sinn@gmx.de
# Copyright 2016 Christian Straßburg c.strassburg@gmx.de
# Copyright 2012-2013 Marcus Popp marcus@popp.mx
# This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
# SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import logging
import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import os
import copy
import json
import threading
import ast
import re
import inspect
import time # for calls to time in eval
import math # for calls to math in eval
from math import *
from lib.shtime import Shtime
import lib.env
from lib.plugin import Plugins
from lib.utils import Utils
from .property import Property
from .helpers import *
_items_instance = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
items_count = 0
# Item Class
The class ``Item`` implements the methods and attributes of an item. Each item is represented by an instance of the class ``Item``.
[Doku]class Item():
Class from which item objects are created
The class ``Item`` implements the methods and attributes of an item. Each item is represented by an instance
of the class ``Item``. For an item to be valid and usable, it has to be part of the item tree, which is
maintained by an object of class ``Items``.
This class is used by the method ```load_itemdefinitions()`` of the **Items** object.
_itemname_prefix = 'items.' # prefix for scheduler names
[Doku] class TypeHandler():
Class for dict/list type item handling
This class is a base class to enable modifying lists or dicts stored
in item values. As item() yields a copy of the stored objects, changes
are not written back to the item. This set of classes provides methods
which handle storing the modified object and at the same time ensure that
all item metadata handling (updated, changed, changed_age etc) are properly
The class method for either object type correspond to the Python list/
dict class methods for easy usage.
When an item of type list/dict is created, the appropriate sub-class is
instantiated as <item>.list resp. <item>.dict as to minimize collisions
between item methods and names of sub-items (e.g. update).
# base class, so only initialize class members
_type = ''
item_functions = []
def __init__(self, item):
if item is None:
raise ValueError(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: no item given')
if item._type != self._type:
raise ValueError(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: item not of type {self._type}')
self._item = item
[Doku] class ListHandler(TypeHandler):
""" handle list type items """
_type = 'list'
item_functions = ['append', 'prepend', 'insert', 'pop', 'extend', 'clear', 'delete', 'remove']
# list functions all use item.__call__() to ensure that all proper
# item update handling is applied
[Doku] def append(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
self._item.__call__(value, caller, source, dest, index='append')
[Doku] def prepend(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
self._item.__call__(value, caller, source, dest, index='prepend')
[Doku] def insert(self, index, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmplist = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
tmplist.insert(index, value)
self._item.__call__(tmplist, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def pop(self, index=None, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmplist = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
if index is None:
ret = tmplist.pop()
ret = tmplist.pop(index)
self._item.__call__(tmplist, caller, source, dest)
return ret
[Doku] def extend(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmplist = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
self._item.__call__(tmplist, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def clear(self, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
self._item.__call__([], caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def delete(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
mimic the del list[x:y] behaviour - supply "x:y" as value
needs to be called delete instead of del for syntax reasons
splits = str(value).count(':')
tmplist = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
if splits == 0:
x = int(value)
del tmplist[x]
if splits == 1:
x, y = [int(i) for i in value.split(':')]
del tmplist[x:y]
elif splits == 2:
x, y, z = [int(i) for i in value.split(':')]
del tmplist[x:y:z]
self._item.__call__(tmplist, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def remove(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmplist = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
self._item.__call__(tmplist, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] class DictHandler(TypeHandler):
""" handle dict type items """
_type = 'dict'
item_functions = ['get', 'delete', 'clear', 'pop', 'popitem', 'update']
# dict functions all use item.__call__() to ensure that all proper
# item update handling is applied
[Doku] def get(self, key, default=None):
return self._item().get(key, default)
[Doku] def delete(self, key, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
""" needs to be called delete instead of del for syntax reasons """
tmpdict = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
del tmpdict[key]
self._item.__call__(tmpdict, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def clear(self, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
self._item.__call__({}, caller, source, dest)
[Doku] def pop(self, key, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None, default=None):
tmpdict = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
ret = tmpdict.pop(key, default)
self._item.__call__(tmpdict, caller, source, dest)
return ret
[Doku] def popitem(self, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmpdict = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
ret = tmpdict.popitem()
self._item.__call__(tmpdict, caller, source, dest)
return ret
[Doku] def update(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None):
tmpdict = copy.deepcopy(self._item._value)
self._item.__call__(tmpdict, caller, source, dest)
# class Item
def __init__(self, smarthome, parent, path, config, items_instance=None):
global _items_instance
if items_instance:
_items_instance = items_instance
# get instance if running tests (pytest tests in test_item.py call Item() without 5. parameter (items_instance)
if _items_instance is None:
_items_instance = smarthome.items
self._sh = smarthome
self._use_conditional_triggers = False
if self._sh._use_conditional_triggers.lower() == 'true':
self._use_conditional_triggers = True
except: pass
self.plugins = Plugins.get_instance()
self.shtime = Shtime.get_instance()
#count items on creation
global items_count
items_count += 1
if items_count % 50 == 0:
self._sh.shng_status['details'] = str(items_count) # Item Zähler übertragen
self._filename = None
self._autotimer_time = None
self._autotimer_value = None
self._cycle_time = None
self._cycle_value = None
self._cache = False
self.cast = cast_bool
self.__changed_by = 'Init:None'
self.__updated_by = self.__changed_by
self.__triggered_by = 'N/A'
self.__children = []
self.conf = {}
self._crontab = None
self._enforce_updates = False
self._enforce_change = False
self._eval = None # -> KEY_EVAL
self._eval_unexpanded = ''
self._eval_trigger = False
self._eval_on_trigger_only = False
self._trigger = None
self._trigger_unexpanded = []
self._trigger_condition_raw = []
self._trigger_condition = None
self._hysteresis_input = None
self._hysteresis_input_unexpanded = None
self._hysteresis_upper_threshold = None
self._hysteresis_lower_threshold = None
self._hysteresis_upper_timer = None
self._hysteresis_lower_timer = None
self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active = False
self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active = False
self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends = None
self._hysteresis_items_to_trigger = []
self._hysteresis_log = False
self._on_update = None # -> KEY_ON_UPDATE eval expression
self._on_change = None # -> KEY_ON_CHANGE eval expression
self._on_update_dest_var = None # -> KEY_ON_UPDATE destination var (list: only filled if '=' syntax is used)
self._on_change_dest_var = None # -> KEY_ON_CHANGE destination var (list: only filled if '=' syntax is used)
self._on_update_unexpanded = [] # -> KEY_ON_UPDATE eval expression (with unexpanded item references)
self._on_change_unexpanded = [] # -> KEY_ON_CHANGE eval expression (with unexpanded item references)
self._on_update_dest_var_unexp = [] # -> KEY_ON_UPDATE destination var (with unexpanded item reference)
self._on_change_dest_var_unexp = [] # -> KEY_ON_CHANGE destination var (with unexpanded item reference)
self._log_change = None
self._log_change_logger = None
self._log_level_attrib = "INFO"
self._log_level = None
self._log_level_name = None
self._log_mapping = {}
self._log_rules = {}
self._log_rules_cache = {}
self._log_text = None
self._fading = False
self._fadingdetails = {}
self._items_to_trigger = []
self.__last_change = self.shtime.now()
self.__last_update = self.__last_change
self.__last_trigger = self.__last_change
self.__prev_change = self.__last_change
self.__prev_update = self.__prev_change
self.__prev_trigger = self.__prev_change
self.__prev_change_by = 'N/A'
self.__prev_update_by = self.__prev_change_by
self.__prev_trigger_by = self.__prev_change_by
self._lock = threading.Condition()
self.__logics_to_trigger = []
self._name = path
self.__methods_to_trigger = []
self.__parent = parent
self._path = path
self._sh = smarthome
self._threshold = False
self._threshold_data = [0,0,False]
self._description = None
self._type = None
self._struct = None
self._value = None
self.__last_value = None
self.__prev_value = None
self.property = Property(self)
# history
# TODO: create history Arrays for some values (value, last_change, last_update (usage: multiklick,...)
# self.__history = [None, None, None, None, None]
# def getValue(num):
# return (str(self.__history[(num - 1)]))
# def addValue(avalue):
# self.__history.append(avalue)
# if len(self.__history) > 5:
# self.__history.pop(0)
# if 'item_change_log' is set in etc/smarthome.yaml, set loglevel for logging every item change to INFO (instead of DEBUG)
if hasattr(smarthome, '_item_change_log'):
self._change_logger = logger.info
self._change_logger = logger.debug
if not self._sh._ignore_item_collision:
if self._path.split('.')[-1] in _items_instance._item_methods:
logger.notice(f'Name of item {self._path} collides with Item class member. Unexpected behaviour might occur, renaming the item is recommended.')
# Initialize attribute assignment compatibility
if hasattr(smarthome, '_'+KEY_ATTRIB_COMPAT):
config_attrib = getattr(smarthome,'_'+KEY_ATTRIB_COMPAT)
if str(config_attrib) in [ATTRIB_COMPAT_V12, ATTRIB_COMPAT_LATEST]:
logger.info("Global configuration: '{}' = '{}'.".format(KEY_ATTRIB_COMPAT, str(config_attrib)))
logger.warning("Global configuration: '{}' has invalid value '{}'.".format(KEY_ATTRIB_COMPAT, str(config_attrib)))
self._filename = dict(config.items()).get('_filename', None)
# Item Attribute 'Type'
setattr(self, '_type', dict(config.items()).get(KEY_TYPE))
if self._type is None:
self._type = FOO # Every item has a type, type is FOO, if not defined in item
#__defaults = {'num': 0, 'str': '', 'bool': False, 'list': [], 'dict': {}, 'foo': None, 'scene': 0}
if self._type not in ITEM_DEFAULTS:
logger.error(f"Item {self._path}: type '{self._type}' unknown. Please use one of: {', '.join(list(ITEM_DEFAULTS.keys()))}.")
raise AttributeError
self.cast = globals()['cast_' + self._type]
# Item Attributes
for attr, value in config.items():
if not isinstance(value, dict):
if attr == KEY_INITVALUE:
attr = KEY_VALUE
setattr(self, '_' + attr, value)
setattr(self, '_' + attr, cast_bool(value))
logger.warning("Item '{0}': problem parsing '{1}'.".format(self._path, attr))
elif attr in [KEY_CRONTAB]: # cast to list
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value, ]
setattr(self, '_' + attr, value)
elif attr in [KEY_EVAL]:
self._parse_eval_attribute(attr, value)
elif attr in [KEY_EVAL_TRIGGER] or (self._use_conditional_triggers and attr in [KEY_TRIGGER]): # cast to list
self._parse_eval_trigger_list_attribute(attr, value)
elif (attr in [KEY_CONDITION]) and self._use_conditional_triggers: # cast to list
if isinstance(value, list):
cond_list = []
for cond in value:
self._trigger_condition = self._build_trigger_condition_eval(cond_list)
self._trigger_condition_raw = cond_list
logger.warning(f"Item __init__: {self._path}: Invalid trigger_condition specified! Must be a list")
elif attr in [KEY_HYSTERESIS_INPUT]:
self._parse_hysteresis_input_attribute(attr, value)
self._parse_hysteresis_xx_threshold_attribute(attr, value)
elif attr == '_hysteresis_log':
self._hysteresis_log = value
elif attr in [KEY_ON_CHANGE, KEY_ON_UPDATE]:
self._parse_on_xx_list_attribute(attr, value)
elif attr in [KEY_LOG_LEVEL]:
if value != '':
setattr(self, '_log_level_attrib', value)
elif attr in [KEY_LOG_CHANGE]:
if value != '':
setattr(self, '_log_change', value)
if value[0] != '_':
self._log_change_logger = logging.getLogger('items.'+value)
self._log_change_logger = logging.getLogger(value[1:])
# set level to make logger appear in internal list of loggers (if not configured by logging.yaml)
if self._log_change_logger.level == 0:
if self._log_level == 'DEBUG':
if self._log_level is None:
setattr(self, '_log_level_name', 'INFO')
setattr(self, '_log_level', logging.getLevelName('INFO'))
elif attr in [KEY_LOG_MAPPING]:
if isinstance(value, list):
value_dict = {k: v for od in value for k, v in od.items()}
setattr(self, '_log_mapping', value_dict)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid list data for attribute '{KEY_LOG_MAPPING}': {value} - Exception: {e}")
elif value != '':
value_dict = ast.literal_eval(value)
setattr(self, '_log_mapping', value_dict)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid data for attribute '{KEY_LOG_MAPPING}': {value} - Exception: {e}")
elif attr in [KEY_LOG_RULES]:
if isinstance(value, list):
value_dict = {}
for od in value:
for k, v in od.items():
if k in log_rules_keys:
value_dict[k] = v
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Ignoring '{k}' as it is not a valid log rule")
setattr(self, '_log_rules', value_dict)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid list data for attribute '{KEY_LOG_RULES}': {value} - Exception: {e}")
elif value != '':
value_dict = ast.literal_eval(value)
setattr(self, '_log_rules', value_dict)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid data for attribute '{KEY_LOG_RULES}': {value} - Exception: {e}")
elif attr in [KEY_LOG_TEXT]:
if value != '':
setattr(self, '_log_text', value)
elif attr == KEY_AUTOTIMER:
self._parse_autotimer_attribute(attr, value)
elif attr == KEY_CYCLE:
self._parse_cycle_attribute(attr, value)
elif attr == KEY_THRESHOLD:
low, __, high = value.rpartition(':')
if not low:
low = high
self._threshold = True
self.__th_crossed = False
self.__th_low = float(low.strip())
self.__th_high = float(high.strip())
self._threshold_data[0] = self.__th_low
self._threshold_data[1] = self.__th_high
self._threshold_data[2] = self.__th_crossed
logger.debug("Item {}: set threshold => low: {} high: {}".format(self._path, self.__th_low, self.__th_high))
elif attr == KEY_REMARK:
elif attr == KEY_INSTANCE:
elif attr == '_filename':
# name of file, which defines this item
#setattr(self, attr, value) # assignment moved to top (before for loop)
# Plugin-specific Item Attributes
# the following code is executed for plugin specific attributes:
# get value from attribute of other (relative addressed) item
# at the moment only current, parent, grandparent and greatgrandparent items are supported
if (type(value) is str):
value = self._get_attribute_value(value, current_attr=attr, ignore_current_item=True)
self.conf[attr] = value
# end of loop 'for attr, value in config.items()' - handling of all attributes of an item
# test for attribute copy within the same item to ensure replace in every definition order of attributes
for attr in self.conf:
if str(self.conf[attr]).startswith('.:'):
value = self.conf[attr]
fromattr = value.split(':')[1]
if fromattr in ['', '.']:
fromattr = attr
value = self._get_attr(fromattr)
self.conf[attr] = value
# variable replacement for attributes
for attr in dict(self.conf):
if attr.endswith('_'):
# Only for attributes which's name ends with an underline
attr_value = str(self.conf[attr])
while attr_value.find('{') > -1:
wrk = attr_value.split('{')[1]
if wrk.find('}') > -1:
# varname = attr_value.split('{')[1].split('}')[0]
varname = wrk.split('}')[0]
value = self._get_attribute_value(varname, current_attr=attr)
attr_value = attr_value.replace('{' + varname + '}', value)
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}, attribute {attr}: " + "Invalid var definition - '}' is missing")
# store resolved attribute value under name w/o underline
attr_new = attr[:-1]
if attr_new == 'name':
self._name = attr_value
del self.conf[attr]
self.conf[attr_new] = attr_value
del self.conf[attr]
# Test if attributes are defined in metadata
for attr in self.conf:
if hasattr(self.plugins, 'meta'):
self.conf[attr] = self.plugins.meta.check_itemattribute(self, attr.split('@')[0], self.conf[attr], self._filename)
# Child Items
for attr, value in config.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
child_path = self._path + '.' + attr
child = Item(smarthome, self, child_path, value)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Item {}: problem creating: {}".format(child_path, e))
vars(self)[attr] = child
_items_instance.add_item(child_path, child)
# Value
initial_value = False
if self._value is None:
initial_value = False
self._value = ITEM_DEFAULTS[self._type]
initial_value = True
self._value = self.cast(self._value)
if initial_value:
self.__changed_by = 'Init:Initial_Value'
self.__updated_by = self.__changed_by
# Write item value to log, if Item has attribute log_change set
self._log_on_change(self._value, 'Init', 'Initial_Value', None)
logger.error("Item {}: value {} does not match type {}.".format(self._path, self._value, self._type))
self.__prev_value = self.__last_value
self.__last_value = self._value
# Cache
if self._cache:
self._cache = os.path.join(self._sh._cache_dir, self._path)
self.__last_change, self._value = cache_read(self._cache, self.shtime.tzinfo())
self._value = self.cast(self._value)
self.__changed_by = 'Init:Cache'
self.__prev_change = self.__last_change
self.__updated_by = self.__changed_by
self.__triggered_by = 'N/A'
self.__last_update = self.__last_change
self.__prev_update = self.__prev_change
# Write item value to log, if Item has attribute log_change set
self._log_on_change(self._value, self.__changed_by, 'Cache', None)
except ValueError:
logger.warning(f'Item {self._path}: cached value {self._value} does not match type {self._type}')
except Exception as e:
if str(e).startswith('[Errno 2]'):
logger.info(f"Item {self._path}: No cached value: {e}")
if os.stat(self._cache).st_size == 0:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Problem reading cache: Filesize is 0 bytes. Deleting invalid cache file")
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Problem reading cache: {e}")
# Cache write/init
if self._cache:
if not os.path.isfile(self._cache):
cache_write(self._cache, self._value)
logger.notice(f"Created cache for item {self._cache} in file {self._cache}")
# add list/dict methods
if self._type in ['list', 'dict']:
# get proper subclass - ListHandler / DictHandler
type_class = getattr(self, self._type.capitalize() + 'Handler')
# instantiate class
obj = type_class(item=self)
# create item member <item>.list / <item>.dict
setattr(self, self._type, obj)
# Plugins
for plugin in self.plugins.return_plugins():
#plugin.xxx = [] # Empty reference list list of items
if hasattr(plugin, PLUGIN_PARSE_ITEM):
update = plugin.parse_item(self)
if update:
plugin.add_item(self, updating=True)
[Doku] def remove(self):
Cleanup item usage before item deletion
Calls all plugins to remove the item and its references.
:return: success
:rtype: bool
incompatible = []
for plugin in self.plugins.return_plugins():
if hasattr(plugin, PLUGIN_REMOVE_ITEM):
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"while removing item {self} from plugin {plugin}, the following error occurred: {e}")
if incompatible:
logger.warning(f"while removing item {self}, the following plugins were incompatible: {', '.join(incompatible)}")
return False
return True
def _get_attribute_value(self, attr_ref: str, current_attr: str, default: str='', ignore_current_item: bool=False) -> str:
Get the value of an other attribute using a relative reference
:param attr_ref: Reference to attribute
:param ignore_current_item: Skip attributes of current item (needed in attr loop)
:return: Value of the referenced attribute or '' if given number of parents are not present
value = attr_ref
attr_ref = attr_ref.strip()
if ':' in attr_ref:
fromattr = attr_ref.split(':')[1]
if fromattr in ['', '.']:
fromattr = current_attr
fromitem = attr_ref.split(':')[0]
# needed for attr loop
if fromitem == '.' and ignore_current_item:
return value
# if fromitem is only dots
if all(x == '.' for x in fromitem):
level = len(fromitem) - 1
value = self.find_attribute(fromattr, default, level=level, strict=True)
return value
[Doku] def find_attribute(self, attr, default: str = '', level: int = -1, strict: bool = False) -> str:
Find attribute value from item (level == 0) or parent item of given level
If level < 0, search up the whole item tree
If strict is set and level is not reached, return ''
:param attr: Get the value from this attribute of the parent item
:return: value from attribute of parent item
:param level: number of parent-levels
:ptype level: int
:param strict: define if level is max-level or exact level
:ptype strict: bool
:return: attribute value
:rtype: str
item = self
nolimit = level < 0
while (level >= 1 or nolimit) and (strict or attr not in item.conf):
if item._is_top_of_item_tree():
return default
item = item.return_parent()
level -= 1
attr_value = item.conf.get(attr, default)
return attr_value
def _split_destitem_from_value(self, value):
For on_change and on_update: spit destination item from attribute value
:param value: attribute value
:return: dest_item, value
:rtype: str, str
dest_item = ''
# Check if assignment operator ('=') exists ('=' before first '(')
if ((value.find('=') != -1) and (value.find('(') == -1)) or \
((value.find('=') != -1) and (value.find('=') < value.find('('))):
# If delimiter exists, check if equal operator exists
if value.find('==') != -1:
# equal operator exists
if value.find('=') < value.find('=='):
# assignment operator exists in front of equal operator
dest_item = value[:value.find('=')].strip()
value = value[value.find('=')+1:].strip()
# if equal operator does not exist
dest_item = value[:value.find('=')]
value = value[value.find('=')+1:].strip()
return dest_item, value
def _castvalue_to_itemtype(self, value, compat=ATTRIB_COMPAT_LATEST):
casts the value to the type of the item, if backward compatibility
to version 1.2 (ATTRIB_COMPAT_V12) is not enabled
If backward compatibility is enabled, the value is returned unchanged
:param value: value to be casted
:param compat: compatibility attribute
:return: return casted value
# casting of value, if compat = latest
if self._type != None:
mycast = globals()['cast_' + self._type]
value = mycast(value)
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Unable to cast '{str(value)}' to {self._type}")
if isinstance(value, list):
value = []
elif isinstance(value, dict):
value = {}
value = mycast('')
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Unable to cast '{str(value)}' to {self._type}")
return value
def _cast_duration(self, time, test=False):
casts a time value string (e.g. '5m') to an integer (duration in seconds)
used for autotimer, timer, cycle
if 'test' is set to True the warning log message is suppressed
supported formats for time parameter:
- seconds as integer (45)
- seconds as a string ('45')
- seconds as a string, trailed by 's' (e.g. '45s')
- minutes as a string, trailed by 'm' (e.g. '5m'), is converted to seconds (300)
- hours as a string, trailed by 'h' (e.g. '2h'), is converted to seconds (7200)
- a combination of the above (e.g. '2h5m45s')
:param time: string containing the duration
:param test: if set to True, no warning ist logged in case of an error, only False is returned
:return: number of seconds as an integer
if isinstance(time, str):
time_in_sec= self.shtime.to_seconds(time, test=True)
if time_in_sec == -1:
if not test:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path} - _cast_duration: Unable to convert parameter 'time' to seconds (time={time})")
time_in_sec = False
elif isinstance(time, int):
time_in_sec = int(time)
elif isinstance(time, float):
time_in_sec = int(time)
if not test:
f"Item {self._path} - _cast_duration: Unable to convert parameter 'time' to int (time={time})")
time_in_sec = False
return (time_in_sec)
def _cast_duration_old(self, time, test=False):
if isinstance(time, str):
time = time.strip()
time_in_sec = 0
wrk = time.split('h')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0]) * 60 * 60
time = wrk[1].strip()
wrk = time.split('m')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0]) * 60
time = wrk[1].strip()
wrk = time.split('s')
if len(wrk) > 1:
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0])
#time = wrk[1].strip()
elif wrk[0] != '':
time_in_sec += int(wrk[0])
except Exception as e:
if not test:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path} - _cast_duration: (time={time}) - problem: {e}")
time_in_sec = False
elif isinstance(time, int):
time_in_sec = int(time)
elif isinstance(time, float):
time_in_sec = int(time)
if not test:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path} - _cast_duration: (time={time}) problem: unable to convert to int")
time_in_sec = False
def _build_cycledict(self, value):
builds a dict for a cycle parameter from a duration_value_string
This dict is to be passed to the scheduler to circumvent the parameter
parsing within the scheduler, which can't to casting
:param value: raw attribute string containing duration, value (and compatibility)
:return: cycle-dict for a call to scheduler.add
# try:
# result = int(value)
# except ValueError:
# time, value, compat = split_duration_value_string(value, ATTRIB_COMPAT_DEFAULT)
# time = self._cast_duration(time)
# value = self._castvalue_to_itemtype(value, compat)
# cycle = {time: value}
# result = cycle
time, value, compat = split_duration_value_string(value, ATTRIB_COMPAT_DEFAULT)
time = self._cast_duration(time)
value = self._castvalue_to_itemtype(value, compat)
cycle = {time: value}
result = cycle
return result
The following methods are used to process attributes during parsing of standard attributes
def _parse_eval_attribute(self, attribute_name, value):
Parsing eval attribute during parsing of standard attributes
:param value: attribute from item configuration
:param attribute_name: attribute name from item configuration
:return: None
if value == '':
self._eval_unexpanded = ''
self._eval = None
self._eval_unexpanded = value
value = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(value, 'sh.', '(', attribute_name)
#value = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(value, 'sh.', '.property', KEY_EVAL)
self._eval = value
def _parse_eval_trigger_list_attribute(self, attribute_name, value):
Parsing eval_trigger attribute during parsing of standard attributes
:param value: attribute from item configuration
:param attribute_name: attribute name from item configuration
:return: None
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value, ]
self._trigger_unexpanded = value
expandedvalue = []
for path in value:
expandedvalue.append(self.get_absolutepath(path, attribute_name))
self._trigger = expandedvalue
def _parse_hysteresis_input_attribute(self, attribute_name, value):
self._hysteresis_input_unexpanded = value
self._hysteresis_input = self.get_absolutepath(value, attribute_name)
def _parse_hysteresis_xx_threshold_attribute(self, attr, value):
if value.find(ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR) == -1:
threshold = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(value, 'sh.', '(', attr)
timer = None
threshold_unex, __, timer_unex = value.rpartition(ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR)
threshold = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(threshold_unex.strip(), 'sh.', '(', attr)
timer = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(timer_unex.strip(), 'sh.', '(', attr)
self._hysteresis_upper_threshold = threshold
self._hysteresis_upper_timer = timer
self._hysteresis_lower_threshold = threshold
self._hysteresis_lower_timer = timer
def _parse_on_xx_list_attribute(self, attr, value):
if isinstance(value, str):
value = [value]
val_list = []
val_list_unexpanded = []
dest_var_list = []
dest_var_list_unexp = []
for val in value:
# separate destination item (if it exists)
dest_item, val = self._split_destitem_from_value(val)
dest_item = dest_item.strip()
if dest_item.startswith('sh.'):
dest_item = dest_item[3:]
# expand relative item paths
dest_item = self.get_absolutepath(dest_item.strip()).strip()
# val = 'sh.'+dest_item+'( '+ self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(val, 'sh.', '(', KEY_ON_CHANGE) +' )'
val = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(val, 'sh.', '(', KEY_ON_CHANGE)
#val = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(val, 'sh.', '.property', KEY_ON_CHANGE)
# logger.warning("Item __init__: {}: for attr '{}', dest_item '{}', val '{}'".format(self._path, attr, dest_item, val))
setattr(self, '_' + attr + '_unexpanded', val_list_unexpanded)
setattr(self, '_' + attr, val_list)
setattr(self, '_' + attr + '_dest_var', dest_var_list)
setattr(self, '_' + attr + '_dest_var_unexp', dest_var_list_unexp)
def _parse_cycle_attribute(self, attr, value):
cycle_time, cycle_value, compat = split_duration_value_string(value, ATTRIB_COMPAT_DEFAULT)
self._cycle_time = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(cycle_time, 'sh.', '(', attr)
self._cycle_value = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(cycle_value, 'sh.', '(', attr)
#logger.notice(f"_parse_cycle_attribute: {self._path} - value={value} -> _cycle_time={self._cycle_time}, _cycle_value={self._cycle_value}")
def _parse_autotimer_attribute(self, attr, value):
auto_time, auto_value, compat = split_duration_value_string(value, ATTRIB_COMPAT_DEFAULT)
self._autotimer_time = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(auto_time, 'sh.', '(', attr)
self._autotimer_value = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(auto_value, 'sh.', '(', attr)
#logger.notice(f"_parse_autotimer_attribute: {self._path} - value={value} -> _autotimer_time={self._autotimer_time}, _autotimer_value={self._autotimer_value}")
END of methods to process attributes during parsing of standard attributes
def _build_on_xx_list(self, on_dest_list, on_eval_list):
build on_xx data (seens to be never called???)
on_list = []
if on_dest_list is not None:
if isinstance(on_dest_list, list):
for on_dest, on_eval in zip(on_dest_list, on_eval_list):
if on_dest != '':
on_list.append(on_dest.strip() + ' = ' + on_eval)
if on_dest_list != '':
on_list.append(on_dest_list + ' = ' + on_eval_list)
return on_list
def _get_last_change(self):
return self.__last_change
def _get_last_change_age(self):
delta = self.shtime.now() - self.__last_change
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_last_change_by(self):
return self.__changed_by
def _get_last_update(self):
return self.__last_update
def _get_last_update_by(self):
return self.__updated_by
def _get_last_update_age(self):
delta = self.shtime.now() - self.__last_update
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_last_trigger(self):
return self.__last_trigger
def _get_last_trigger_age(self):
delta = self.shtime.now() - self.__last_trigger
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_last_trigger_by(self):
return self.__triggered_by
def _get_last_value(self):
return self.__last_value
def _get_prev_change(self):
return self.__prev_change
def _get_prev_change_age(self):
delta = self.__last_change - self.__prev_change
if delta.total_seconds() < 0.0001:
return 0.0
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_prev_change_by(self):
return self. __prev_change_by
def _get_prev_update(self):
return self.__prev_change
def _get_prev_update_age(self):
delta = self.__last_update - self.__prev_update
if delta.total_seconds() < 0.0001:
return 0.0
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_prev_update_by(self):
return self. __prev_update_by
def _get_prev_value(self):
return self.__prev_value
def _get_prev_trigger(self):
return self.__prev_trigger
def _get_prev_trigger_age(self):
delta = self.__last_trigger - self.__prev_trigger
if delta.total_seconds() < 0.0001:
return 0.0
return delta.total_seconds()
def _get_prev_trigger_by(self):
return self. __prev_trigger_by
Following are methods to get attributes of the item
[Doku] def path(self):
Path of the item
Available only in SmartHomeNG v1.6, not in versions above
:return: String with the path of the item
:rtype: str
return self.property.path
[Doku] def id(self):
Old method name - Use item.property.path instead of item.property.path
return self.property.path
[Doku] def type(self):
Datatype of the item
:return: Datatype of the item
:rtype: str
return self.property.type
[Doku] def last_change(self):
Timestamp of last change of item's value
:return: Timestamp of last change
return self.property.last_change
[Doku] def age(self):
Age of the item's actual value. Returns the time in seconds since the last change of the value
:return: Age of the value
:rtype: int
return self.property.last_change_age
[Doku] def last_update(self):
Timestamp of last update of item's value (not necessarily change)
:return: Timestamp of last update
return self.property.last_update
[Doku] def update_age(self):
Update-age of the item's actual value. Returns the time in seconds since the value has been updated (not necessarily changed)
:return: Update-age of the value
:rtype: int
return self.property.last_update_age
[Doku] def last_trigger(self):
Timestamp of last trigger of item's eval expression (if available)
:return: Timestamp of last update
return self.property.last_trigger
[Doku] def trigger_age(self):
Trigger-age of the item's last eval trigger. Returns the time in seconds since the eval has been triggered
:return: Update-age of the value
:rtype: int
return self.property.last_trigger_age
[Doku] def prev_change(self):
Timestamp of the previous (next-to-last) change of item's value
:return: Timestamp of previous change
return self.property.prev_change
[Doku] def prev_age(self):
Age of the item's previous value. Returns the time in seconds the item had the the previous value
:return: Age of the previous value
:rtype: int
return self.property.prev_change_age
[Doku] def prev_update(self):
Timestamp of previous (next-to-last) update of item's value (not necessarily change)
:return: Timestamp of previous update
return self.property.prev_update
[Doku] def prev_update_age(self):
Update-age of the item's previous value. Returns the time in seconds the previous value existed
since it had been updated (not necessarily changed)
:return: Update-age of the previous value
:rtype: int
return self.property.prev_update_age
[Doku] def prev_trigger(self):
Timestamp of previous (next-to-last) trigger of item's eval
:return: Timestamp of previous update
return self.property.prev_trigger
[Doku] def prev_trigger_age(self):
Trigger-age of the item's previous eval trigger. Returns the time in seconds of the previous eval trigger
:return: Update-age of the previous value
:rtype: int
return self.property.prev_trigger_age
[Doku] def prev_value(self):
Next-to-last value of the item
:return: Next-to-last value of the item
return self.property.last_value
[Doku] def changed_by(self):
Returns an indication, which plugin, logic or event changed the item's value
:return: Changer of item's value
:rtype: str
return self.property.last_change_by
[Doku] def updated_by(self):
Returns an indication, which plugin, logic or event updated (not necessarily changed) the item's value
:return: Updater of item's value
:rtype: str
return self.property.last_update_by
[Doku] def triggered_by(self):
Returns an indication, which plugin, logic or event triggered the item's eval
:return: Updater of item's value
:rtype: str
return self.property.last_trigger_by
Following are methods to handle relative item paths
[Doku] def get_absolutepath(self, relativepath, attribute=''):
Builds an absolute item path relative to the current item
:param relativepath: string with the relative item path
:param attribute: string with the name of the item's attribute, which contains the relative path (for log entries)
:return: string with the absolute item path
if not isinstance(relativepath, str):
return relativepath
if (len(relativepath) == 0) or ((len(relativepath) > 0) and (relativepath[0] != '.')):
return relativepath
relpath = relativepath.rstrip()
rootpath = self._path
while (len(relpath) > 0) and (relpath[0] == '.'):
relpath = relpath[1:]
if (len(relpath) > 0) and (relpath[0] == '.'):
if rootpath.rfind('.') == -1:
if rootpath == '':
relpath = ''
logger.error("{}.get_absolutepath(): Relative path trying to access above root level on attribute '{}'".format(self._path, attribute))
rootpath = ''
rootpath = rootpath[:rootpath.rfind('.')]
trailing_str = ''
if relpath.startswith('self') and len(relpath) > 4:
if relpath[4] in "() +-*/<>!=&%":
trailing_str = relpath[4:]
relpath = ''
if relpath != '':
if rootpath != '':
rootpath += '.' + relpath
rootpath = relpath
rootpath += trailing_str
logger.info("{}.get_absolutepath('{}'): Result = '{}' (for attribute '{}')".format(self._path, relativepath, rootpath, attribute))
if rootpath[-5:] == '.self':
rootpath = rootpath.replace('.self', '')
rootpath = rootpath.replace('.self.', '.')
return rootpath
[Doku] def expand_relativepathes(self, attr, begintag, endtag):
converts a configuration attribute containing relative item paths
to absolute paths
The item's attribute can be of type str or list (of strings)
The begintag and the endtag remain in the result string!
:param attr: Name of the attribute. Use * as a wildcard at the end
:param begintag: string or list of strings that signals the beginning of a relative path is following
:param endtag: string or list of strings that signals the end of a relative path
def __checkforentry(attr):
if isinstance(self.conf[attr], str):
if (begintag != '') and (endtag != ''):
self.conf[attr] = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(self.conf[attr], begintag, endtag, attr)
elif (begintag == '') and (endtag == ''):
self.conf[attr] = self.get_absolutepath(self.conf[attr], attr)
elif isinstance(self.conf[attr], list):
logger.debug("expand_relativepathes(1): to expand={}".format(self.conf[attr]))
new_attr = []
for a in self.conf[attr]:
# Convert accidentally wrong dict entries to string
if isinstance(a, dict):
a = list("{!s}:{!s}".format(k,v) for (k,v) in a.items())[0]
logger.debug("expand_relativepathes: before : to expand={}".format(a))
if (begintag != '') and (endtag != ''):
a = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(a, begintag, endtag, attr)
elif (begintag == '') and (endtag == ''):
a = self.get_absolutepath(a, attr)
logger.debug("expand_relativepathes: after: to expand={}".format(a))
self.conf[attr] = new_attr
logger.debug("expand_relativepathes(2): expanded={}".format(self.conf[attr]))
logger.warning("expand_relativepathes: attr={} can not expand for type(self.conf[attr])={}".format(attr, type(self.conf[attr])))
# Check if wildcard is used
if isinstance(attr, str) and attr[-1:] == "*":
for entry in self.conf:
if attr[:-1] in entry:
elif attr in self.conf:
[Doku] def get_stringwithabsolutepathes(self, evalstr, begintag, endtag, attribute=''):
converts a string containing relative item paths
to a string with absolute item paths
The begintag and the endtag remain in the result string!
:param evalstr: string with the statement that may contain relative item paths
:param begintag: string that signals the beginning of a relative path is following
:param endtag: string that signals the end of a relative path
:param attribute: string with the name of the item's attribute, which contains the relative path
:return: string with the statement containing absolute item paths
def __checkfortags(evalstr, begintag, endtag):
pref = ''
rest = evalstr
while (rest.find(begintag+'.') != -1):
pref += rest[:rest.find(begintag+'.')+len(begintag)]
rest = rest[rest.find(begintag+'.')+len(begintag):]
if endtag == '' or rest.find(endtag) == -1:
rel = rest
rest = ''
rel = rest[:rest.find(endtag)]
rest = rest[rest.find(endtag):]
pref += self.get_absolutepath(rel, attribute)
# Re-combine string for next loop
rest = pref+rest
pref = ''
pref += rest
logger.debug("{}.get_stringwithabsolutepathes('{}') with begintag = '{}', endtag = '{}': result = '{}'".format(
self._path, evalstr, begintag, endtag, pref))
return pref # end of __checkfortags(...)
if not isinstance(evalstr, str):
return evalstr
if isinstance(begintag, list):
# Fill end or begintag with empty tags if list length is not equal
diff_len = len(begintag) - len(endtag)
begintag = begintag + [''] * abs(diff_len) if diff_len < 0 else begintag
endtag = endtag + [''] * diff_len if diff_len > 0 else endtag
for i, _ in enumerate(begintag):
if not evalstr.find(begintag[i]+'.') == -1:
evalstr = __checkfortags(evalstr, begintag[i], endtag[i])
pref = evalstr
if evalstr.find(begintag+'.') == -1:
return evalstr
pref = __checkfortags(evalstr, begintag, endtag)
return pref
def _get_attr(self, attr, default=''):
Get attribute value from actual item
:param attr: Get the value from this attribute of the parent item
:return: value from attribute of parent item
pitem = self
pattr_value = pitem.conf.get(attr, default)
return pattr_value
def _get_attr_from_parent(self, attr, default=''):
Get attribute value from parent item
:param attr: Get the value from this attribute of the parent item
:return: value from attribute of parent item
pitem = self.return_parent()
pattr_value = pitem.conf.get(attr, default)
return pattr_value
def _get_attr_from_grandparent(self, attr, default=''):
Get attribute value from grandparent item
:param attr: Get the value from this attribute of the grandparent item
:return: value from attribute of grandparent item
pitem = self.return_parent()
gpitem = pitem.return_parent()
gpattr_value = gpitem.conf.get(attr, default)
return gpattr_value
def _get_attr_from_greatgrandparent(self, attr, default=''):
Get attribute value from grandparent item
:param attr: Get the value from this attribute of the grandparent item
:return: value from attribute of grandparent item
pitem = self.return_parent()
gpitem = pitem.return_parent()
ggpitem = gpitem.return_parent()
ggpattr_value = ggpitem.conf.get(attr, default)
return ggpattr_value
def _build_trigger_condition_eval(self, trigger_condition):
Build conditional eval expression from trigger_condition attribute
:param trigger_condition: list of condition dicts
wrk_eval = []
for or_cond in trigger_condition:
for ckey in or_cond:
if ckey.lower() == 'value':
and_cond = []
for cond in or_cond[ckey]:
wrk = cond
if (wrk.find('=') != -1) and (wrk.find('==') == -1) and \
(wrk.find('<=') == -1) and (wrk.find('>=') == -1) and \
(wrk.find('=<') == -1) and (wrk.find('=>') == -1):
wrk = wrk.replace('=', '==')
p = wrk.lower().find('true')
if p != -1:
wrk = wrk[:p]+'True'+wrk[p+4:]
p = wrk.lower().find('false')
if p != -1:
wrk = wrk[:p]+'False'+wrk[p+5:]
# expand relative item paths
wrk = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(wrk, 'sh.', '(', KEY_CONDITION)
#wrk = self.get_stringwithabsolutepathes(wrk, 'sh.', '.property', KEY_CONDITION)
wrk = ') and ('.join(and_cond)
if len(or_cond[ckey]) > 1:
wrk = '(' + wrk + ')'
# wrk_eval.append(str(or_cond[ckey]))
result = ') or ('.join(wrk_eval)
if len(trigger_condition) > 1:
result = '(' + result + ')'
return result
def __call__(self, value=None, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None, key=None, index=None, default=None):
# return value
if value is None or self._type is None:
if key is not None and self._type == 'dict':
return self.__get_dictentry(key, default)
elif index is not None and self._type == 'list':
return self.__get_listentry(index, default)
return copy.deepcopy(self._value)
# set value
if self._eval:
args = {'value': value, 'caller': caller, 'source': source, 'dest': dest}
self._sh.trigger(name=self._path + '-eval', obj=self.__run_eval, value=args, by=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
self.__update(value, caller, source, dest, key, index)
def __iter__(self):
for child in self.__children:
yield child
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
vars(self)[item] = value
def __getitem__(self, item):
return vars(self)[item]
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self._value)
def __str__(self):
return self._name
def __repr__(self):
return "Item: {}".format(self._path)
def __get_listentry(self, index, default):
if isinstance(index, int):
return self._value[index]
except Exception as e:
if default is None:
msg = f"Item '{self._path}': Cannot access list entry (index={index}) : {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) # needed additionally to show error message in eval syntax checker
return default
msg = f"Item '{self._path}': Cannot access list entry: 'index' must be an integer not a {str(type(index)).split(chr(39))[1]} value ({index})"
raise TypeError(msg) # needed additionally to show error message in eval syntax checker
def __set_listentry(self, value, index):
# Update a list item element (selected by index)
if isinstance(index, str):
if index.lower() == 'append':
valuelist = copy.deepcopy(self._value)
return valuelist
elif index.lower() == 'prepend':
valuelist = copy.deepcopy(self._value)
valuelist.insert(0, value)
return valuelist
if isinstance(index, int):
valuelist = copy.deepcopy(self._value)
valuelist[index] = value
except Exception as e:
msg = f"Item '{self._path}': Cannot access list entry (index={index}) : {e}"
raise ValueError(msg) # needed additionally to show error message in eval syntax checker
return valuelist
msg = f"Item '{self._path}': Cannot access list entry: 'index' must be an integer not a {str(type(index)).split(chr(39))[1]} value ({index})"
raise TypeError(msg) # needed additionally to show error message in eval syntax checker
[Doku] def get_class_from_frame(self, fr):
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203424/python-how-to-retrieve-class-information-from-a-frame-object
#import inspect
args, _, _, value_dict = inspect.getargvalues(fr)
# we check the first parameter for the frame function is
# named 'self'
if len(args) and args[0] == 'self' and False: # Don't execute this if-branch
# in that case, 'self' will be referenced in value_dict
instance = value_dict.get('self', None)
if instance:
# return its class
# return getattr(instance, '__class__', None)
return getattr(instance, '__class__', f"args={args} - value_dict={value_dict}")
# return None otherwise
return f"args={args} - value_dict={value_dict}"
[Doku] def get_calling_item_from_frame(self, fr):
# Info from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203424/python-how-to-retrieve-class-information-from-a-frame-object
# import inspect
args, _, _, value_dict = inspect.getargvalues(fr)
# we check the first parameter for the frame function is
# named 'self'
if len(args) and args[0] == 'self' and False:
# in that case, 'self' will be referenced in value_dict
instance = value_dict.get('self', None)
if instance:
return getattr(instance, '__class__', f"args={args} - value_dict={value_dict}")
return f"{value_dict.get('self', None)}"
[Doku] def get_stack_info(self):
# msg = "call stack:"
#msg += f" {inspect.stack()[1][3]}() / {inspect.stack()[2][3]}() / {inspect.stack()[3][3]}() / {inspect.stack()[4][4]}() / {inspect.stack()[5][5]}()"
for level in range(4,5):
msg = ''
# f_code.__class__.__name__ == 'code'
# f_code.__class__.__class__.__name__ == 'type'
#msg += f" - f_code={inspect.stack()[level].frame.f_code} - classname={inspect.stack()[level].frame.f_code.__class__.__class__.__class__.__name__} - dir(__class__.__class__.__class__)={dir(inspect.stack()[level].frame.f_code.__class__.__class__.__class__)}"
if inspect.stack()[level].function == '__run_eval':
msg += f"Item '{self.get_calling_item_from_frame(inspect.stack()[level].frame)}'"
msg += f"{inspect.stack()[level].function}()"
except Exception as ex:
msg += f" - error getting code {ex}"
return msg
def __get_dictentry(self, key, default):
return self._value[key]
except Exception as e:
if default is None:
msg = f"Item '{self._path}': {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"
stack_info = self.get_stack_info()
if stack_info.startswith('Item'):
msg += f" - called from: {self.get_stack_info()}"
raise KeyError(msg) # msg needed to show error message in eval syntax checker
return default
def __set_dictentry(self, value, key):
# Update a dict item element (selected by key) or add an element, if the key does not exist
valuedict = copy.deepcopy(self._value)
valuedict[key] = value
return valuedict
# feature moved to lib.metadata
# def _test_attribute_existance(self):
# """
# :return:
# """
# for attr in self.conf:
# if not self._sh.items.plugin_attribute_exists(attr.split('@')[0]):
# if not (self._path.startswith('env')):
# value = self.conf[attr]
# log_msg = "Undefined attribute '{}' with value '{}' used by item {}".format(attr, value, self._path)
# if self._filename:
# log_msg += " (defined in {})".format(self._filename)
# if hasattr(self._sh, '_undef_item_attr_loglevel_info') and self._sh._undef_item_attr_loglevel_info:
# logger.info(log_msg)
# else:
# logger.warning(log_msg)
def _init_prerun(self):
Build eval expressions from special functions and triggers before first run
Called from Items.load_itemdefinitions
if self._trigger:
# Only if item has an eval_trigger
_items = []
for trigger in self._trigger:
if _items_instance.match_items(trigger) == [] and self._eval:
logger.warning(f"item '{self._path}': trigger item '{trigger}' not found for function '{self._eval}'")
for item in _items:
if item != self: # prevent loop
if self._eval:
# Build eval statement from trigger items (joined by given function)
items = ['sh.' + str(x.id()) + '()' for x in _items]
if self._eval == 'and':
self._eval = ' and '.join(items)
elif self._eval == 'or':
self._eval = ' or '.join(items)
elif self._eval == 'sum':
self._eval = ' + '.join(items)
elif self._eval == 'avg':
self._eval = '({0})/{1}'.format(' + '.join(items), len(items))
elif self._eval == 'max':
self._eval = 'max({0})'.format(','.join(items))
elif self._eval == 'min':
self._eval = 'min({0})'.format(','.join(items))
if self._hysteresis_input:
# Only if item has a hysteresis_input attribute
triggering_item = _items_instance.return_item(self._hysteresis_input)
if triggering_item is None: # triggering item was not found
logger.error(f"item '{self._path}': trigger item '{self._hysteresis_input}' not found for function 'hysteresis'")
#elif self._hysteresis_upper_threshold < self._hysteresis_lower_threshold:
# logger.error(f"item '{self._path}': Hysteresis upper threshod is lower than lower threshod")
if triggering_item != self: # prevent loop
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"_init_prerun: Adding to triggering_item {self}")
def _init_start_scheduler(self):
Start schedulers of the items which have a crontab or a cycle attribute
up to version 1.5 of SmartHomeNG the schedulers were started when initializing the item. That
could lead to a scheduler to fire a routine, which references an item which is not yet initialized
# Crontab/Cycle
if self._crontab is not None or self._cycle_time is not None:
cycle = None
if self._cycle_time is not None:
#cycle = self._build_cycledict(cycle)
if self._cycle_value is None:
cycle = {self._cast_duration(self._cycle_time): self._value}
cycle = {self._cast_duration(self._cycle_time): self._cycle_value}
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix+self._path, self, cron=self._crontab, cycle=cycle)
def _init_run(self):
Run initial eval to set an initial value for the item
Called from Items.load_itemdefinitions
if self._trigger:
# Only if item has an eval_trigger
if self._eval and not self._cache:
# Only if item has an eval expression
self._sh.trigger(name=self._path, obj=self.__run_eval, by='Init', source='_init_run', value={'value': self._value, 'caller': 'Init:Eval'})
return True
return False
def __run_attribute_eval(self, eval_expression, result_type='num'):
Evaluates an expression string for item attributes like
- autotimer
- cycle
- hysteresis_upper_threshold
- hysteresis_lower_threshold
:param eval_expression: string to evaluate
:param result_type: type for the result (num | str)
# set up environment for calculating eval-expression
sh = self._sh
shtime = self.shtime
items = _items_instance
import math
import lib.userfunctions as uf
env = lib.env
eval_expression = str(eval_expression)
result = eval(eval_expression)
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"Item '{self._path}': __run_attribute_eval({eval_expression}): Problem evaluating '{eval_expression}' - Exception {e}")
result = ''
if result_type == 'num':
if not isinstance(result, (int, float)):
logger.error(f"Item '{self._path}': __run_attribute_eval({eval_expression}): Attribute expression '{eval_expression}' evaluated to a non-numeric value '{result}', using 0 instead")
result = 0
return result
def __run_hysteresis(self, value=None, caller='Hysteresis', source=None, dest=None):
evaluate the 'hysteresis' entry of the actual item
upper = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_upper_threshold)
lower = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_lower_threshold)
if self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active and (value <= upper):
self._sh.scheduler.remove(self._itemname_prefix + self.id() + '-UpTimer')
self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active = False
self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends = None
if self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active and (value >= lower):
self._sh.scheduler.remove(self._itemname_prefix + self.id() + '-LoTimer')
self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active = False
self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends = None
if value > upper:
if self._hysteresis_upper_timer is None:
self.__update(True, caller, source, dest)
if not self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active and (self._value == False): ###ms value = self._value
timer = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_upper_timer)
if timer < 0:
logger.warning(f"Item '{self._path}': Hysteresis upper-timer evaluated to an value less than zero ({timer}), using 0 instead")
timer = 0
self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active = True
next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timer)
self.active_timer_ends = next
#next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._hysteresis_upper_timer)
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"__run_hysteresis {self._path}: scheduler.add {self._path}-UpTimer")
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix+self.id() + '-UpTimer', self.__call__, value={'value': True, 'caller': 'Hysteresis'}, next=next)
if value < lower:
if self._hysteresis_lower_timer is None:
self.__update(False, caller, source, dest)
if not self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active and (self._value == True):
timer = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_lower_timer)
if timer < 0:
logger.warning(f"Item '{self._path}': Hysteresis lower-timer evaluated to an value less than zero ({timer}), using 0 instead")
timer = 0
self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active = True
next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timer)
self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends = next
#next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self._hysteresis_lower_timer)
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"__run_hysteresis {self._path}: scheduler.add {self._path}-LoTimer")
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix + self.id() + '-LoTimer', self.__call__, value={'value': False, 'caller': 'Hysteresis'}, next=next)
def _onoff(self, value: bool) -> str:
if value:
return 'On'
return 'Off'
def _get_hysterisis_state_string(self, lower: float, upper: float, input_value: float, log: bool=False, txt: str='') -> str:
Helper method to return the inner hysteresis-state as a readable string
TODO: Return right state, if value is from init:cache
:param lower: hysteresis lower threshold
:param upper: hysteresis upper threshold
:param input_value: hysteresis input
:return: hysteresis-state as a readable string
if log:
logger.notice(f"{self._path}: {txt}")
state = ''
if input_value > upper:
if self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active:
state = 'Timer -> '
state += 'On'
if log:
logger.notice(f" -> {state} - {txt}")
elif input_value < lower:
if self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active:
state = 'Timer -> '
state += 'Off'
if log:
logger.notice(f" -> {state} - {txt}")
state = 'Stay (' + self._onoff(self._value) + ')'
if log:
logger.notice(f" -> {state} - {txt}")
if not (self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active) and not (self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active):
if self.__updated_by.lower() == 'init:cache':
if not state.startswith('Stay'):
if state != self._onoff(self._value):
state = 'Cached (' + self._onoff(self._value) + ')'
if log:
logger.notice(f" -> {state} - {txt}")
return state
[Doku] def hysteresis_state(self):
Return the inner hysteresis_state
Available in SmartHomeNG v1.10 and above
TODO: Return right state, if value is from init:cache
:return: hysteresis state of the item
:rtype: str
time.sleep(0.1) # to prevent execution before xxx_timer_active could be updated
upper = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_upper_threshold)
lower = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_lower_threshold)
input_value = _items_instance.return_item(self._hysteresis_input)()
state = self._get_hysterisis_state_string(lower, upper, input_value, log=self._hysteresis_log, txt='hysteresis_state')
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"hysteresis_state ({self._path}): state={state}, input_value={input_value}, value={self._value}, __updated_by={self.__updated_by}")
return state
[Doku] def hysteresis_data(self):
Return the inner hysteresis_state
returns a dict with the current hysteresis data
(lower threshold, upper threshold, input value, output value and internal state)
Available in SmartHomeNG v1.10 and above
:return: hysteresis state of the item
:rtype: dict
time.sleep(0.1) # to prevent execution before xxx_timer_active could be updated
upper = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_upper_threshold)
if self._hysteresis_upper_timer is None:
upper_timer = self._hysteresis_upper_timer
upper_timer = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_upper_timer)
lower = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_lower_threshold)
if self._hysteresis_lower_timer is None:
lower_timer = self._hysteresis_lower_timer
lower_timer = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._hysteresis_lower_timer)
input_value = _items_instance.return_item(self._hysteresis_input)()
state = self._get_hysterisis_state_string(lower, upper, input_value, log=self._hysteresis_log, txt='hysteresis_data')
data = {'lower_threshold': lower, 'lower_timer': lower_timer, 'upper_threshold': upper, 'upper_timer': upper_timer, 'input': input_value, 'output': self._value, 'state': state, 'lower_timer_active': self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active, 'upper_timer_active': self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active}
if (self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active or self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active) and self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends is not None:
data['active_timer_ends'] = self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends.strftime("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S") + " " + self._hysteresis_active_timer_ends.tzname()
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"hysteresis_data ({self._path}): {data}, __updated_by={self.__updated_by}")
return data
def __run_eval(self, value=None, caller='Eval', source=None, dest=None):
evaluate the 'eval' entry of the actual item
if caller.lower().startswith('admin:'):
caller = caller[6:] + ':admin'
if (not caller.lower().startswith('eval:')) and (not caller.lower().endswith(':eval')):
caller = 'Eval:' + caller
if (self._sh.shng_status['code'] < 14):
# items are not (completly) loaded
logger.dbghigh(f"Item {self._path}: Running __run_eval before initialization is finished - eval run ignored- caller={caller}, source={source} - shng_status{self._sh.shng_status}")
if (self._sh.shng_status['code'] < 20) and (not caller.startswith('Init')):
logger.info(f"Item {self._path}: Running __run_eval before initialization is finished - caller={caller}, source={source}, value={value} - shng_status{self._sh.shng_status}")
if (self._sh.shng_status['code'] > 20):
logger.info(f"Item {self._path}: Running __run_eval after leaving run-mode - caller={caller}, source={source}, value={value} - shng_status{self._sh.shng_status}")
if self._eval:
# Test if a conditional trigger is defined
if self._trigger_condition is not None:
#logger.warning("Item {}: Evaluating trigger condition {}".format(self._path, self._trigger_condition))
# set up environment for calculating eval-expression
sh = self._sh
shtime = self.shtime
items = _items_instance
import math
import lib.userfunctions as uf
# uf.import_user_modules() - Modules were loaded during initialization phase of shng
env = lib.env
cond = eval(self._trigger_condition)
logger.warning(f"Item '{self._path}': Condition result '{cond}' evaluating trigger condition {self._trigger_condition}")
except Exception as e:
log_msg = f"Item '{self._path}': Problem evaluating trigger condition '{self._trigger_condition}': {e}"
if (self._sh.shng_status['code'] != 20) and (caller != 'Init'):
cond = True
if cond == True:
# set up environment for calculating eval-expression
sh = self._sh
shtime = self.shtime
items = _items_instance
import math
import lib.userfunctions as uf
# uf.import_user_modules() - Modules were loaded during initialization phase of shng
env = lib.env
self.__prev_trigger_by = self.__triggered_by
self.__triggered_by = "{0}:{1}".format(caller, source)
self.__prev_trigger = self.__last_trigger
self.__last_trigger = self.shtime.now()
triggered = source in self._trigger
triggered = False
if self._eval_on_trigger_only and not triggered:
# logger.debug(f'Item {self._path} Eval triggered by: {self.__triggered_by}, not in eval triggers {self._trigger}, but eval_on_trigger only set, so eval is ignored. Value is "{value}"')
logger.info(f'Item {self._path} Eval triggered by: {self.__triggered_by}, not in eval_triggers, but eval_on_trigger_only set. Ignoring eval expression, setting value "{value}"')
logger.debug(f"Item {self._path} Eval triggered by: {self.__triggered_by}, Evaluating item with value {value}. Eval expression: {self._eval}")
# ms if contab: init = x is set, x is transfered as a string, for that case re-try eval with x converted to float
value = eval(self._eval)
except Exception as e:
#value = self._value = self.cast(value)
value = self.cast(value)
value = eval(self._eval)
# ms end
except Exception as e:
# adding "None" as the "destination" information at end of triggered_by
# This helps figuring out whether an eval expression was successfully evaluated or not.
self.__triggered_by = f"{caller}:{source}:None"
if e.__class__.__name__ == 'KeyError':
log_msg = f"Item '{self._path}': problem evaluating '{self._eval}' - KeyError (in dict)"
log_msg = f"Item '{self._path}': problem evaluating '{self._eval}' - {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}"
if (self._sh.shng_status['code'] != 20) and (caller != 'Init'):
logger.debug(log_msg + " (status_code={}/caller={})".format(self._sh.shng_status['code'], caller))
if value is None:
logger.debug(f"Item {self._path}: evaluating {self._eval} returns None")
self.__update(value, caller, source, dest)
# New for on_update / on_change
def _run_on_xxx(self, path, value, on_dest, on_eval, attr='?', caller=None, source=None, dest=None):
common method for __run_on_update and __run_on_change
:param path: path to this item
:param attr: Descriptive text for origin of update of item ('on_change', 'on_update')
:type: path: str
:type attr: str
# set up environment for calculating eval-expression
sh = self._sh
shtime = self.shtime
items = _items_instance
import math
import lib.userfunctions as uf
#uf.import_user_modules() - Modules were loaded during initialization phase of shng
env = lib.env
logger.info(f"Item '{self._path}': '{attr}' evaluating {on_dest} = {on_eval}")
# if syntax without '=' is used, add caller and source to the item assignement
if on_dest == '':
on_eval = on_eval.strip()
if on_eval[-1] == ')':
test = on_eval.replace(' ', '')
if test.lower().find(',caller=') == -1 and test.lower().find(',source=') == -1:
# if neither 'caller' nor 'source' is given
on_eval = on_eval[:-1] + ", caller='" + attr + "', source='" + self._path + "')"
if test.lower().find(',caller=') > -1 and test.lower().find(',source=') == -1:
# if only 'caller' is given
on_eval = on_eval[:-1] + ", source='" + self._path + "')"
if test.lower().find(',caller=') == -1 and test.lower().find(',source=') > -1:
# if only 'source' is given
on_eval = on_eval[:-1] + ", caller='" + attr + "')"
# try if on_eval contains a valid eval expression
# Attention: This already assignes the value, if syntax without '=' is used
dest_value = eval(on_eval) # calculate to test if expression computes and see if it computes to None
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: '{attr}' item-value='{value}' problem evaluating {on_eval}: {e}")
if dest_value is not None:
# expression computes and does not result in None
if on_dest != '':
dest_item = _items_instance.return_item(on_dest)
if dest_item is not None:
dest_item.__update(dest_value, caller=attr, source=self._path)
logger.debug(" - : '{}' finally evaluating {} = {}, result={}".format(attr, on_dest, on_eval, dest_value))
logger.error(f"Item {self._path}: '{attr}' has not found dest_item '{on_dest}' = {on_eval}, result={dest_value}")
dummy = eval(on_eval)
logger.debug(" - : '{}' finally evaluating {}, result={}".format(attr, on_eval, dest_value))
logger.debug(" - : '{}' {} not set (cause: eval=None)".format(attr, on_dest))
def __run_on_update(self, value=None, caller=None, source=None, dest=None):
evaluate all 'on_update' entries of the actual item
if self._on_update:
# sh = self._sh # noqa
# logger.info("Item {}: 'on_update' evaluating {} = {}".format(self._path, self._on_update_dest_var, self._on_update))
for on_update_dest, on_update_eval in zip(self._on_update_dest_var, self._on_update):
self._run_on_xxx(self._path, value, on_update_dest, on_update_eval, 'On_Update', caller=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
def __run_on_change(self, value=None, caller=None, source=None, dest=None):
evaluate all 'on_change' entries of the actual item
if self._on_change:
# sh = self._sh # noqa
# logger.info("Item {}: 'on_change' evaluating lists {} = {}".format(self._path, self._on_change_dest_var, self._on_change))
for on_change_dest, on_change_eval in zip(self._on_change_dest_var, self._on_change):
self._run_on_xxx(self._path, value, on_change_dest, on_change_eval, 'On_Change', caller=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
def _log_build_standardtext(self, value, caller, source=None, dest=None):
if self._sh.get_defaultlogtext() is not None:
self._log_text = self._sh.get_defaultlogtext().replace("'", '"')
return self._log_build_text(value, caller, source, dest)
log_src = ''
if source is not None:
log_src += ' (' + source + ')'
log_dst = ''
if dest is not None:
log_dst += ', dest: ' + dest
txt = f"Item Change: {self._path} = {value} - caller: {caller}{log_src}{log_dst}"
return txt
def _log_build_text(self, value, caller, source=None, dest=None):
# value
# caller
# source
# dest
lvalue = self.property.last_value
mlvalue = self._log_mapping.get(lvalue, lvalue)
name = self._name
age = round(self._get_last_change_age(), 2)
id = self._path
if self.__parent == _items_instance:
pname = None
pid = None
pname = self.__parent._name
pid = self.__parent._path
mvalue = self._log_mapping.get(value, value)
lowlimit = self._log_rules_cache.get('lowlimit')
highlimit = self._log_rules_cache.get('highlimit')
filter = self._log_rules_cache.get('filter')
exclude = self._log_rules_cache.get('exclude')
sh = self._sh
shtime = self.shtime
time = shtime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
date = shtime.now().strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
stamp = shtime.now().timestamp()
now = str(shtime.now())
items = _items_instance
entry = self._log_rules.get('itemvalue', None)
if entry is not None:
item = self.get_absolutepath(entry.strip().replace("sh.", ""), KEY_LOG_CHANGE)
itemvalue = str(_items_instance.return_item(item).property.value)
itemvalue = None
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"{id}: Invalid item in log_text '{self._log_text}'"
f" or log_rules '{self._log_rules}' - Exception: {e}")
itemvalue = "INVALID"
import math
import lib.userfunctions as uf
env = lib.env
self._log_text = self._log_text.replace("'", '"')
#logger.warning(f"self._log_text: {self._log_text}, type={type(self._log_text)}")
txt = eval(f"f'{self._log_text}'")
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"{id}: Invalid log_text template '{self._log_text}' - Exception: {e}")
txt = self._log_text
return txt
def _get_rule(self, rule_entry):
def convert_entry(entry, to):
returnvalue = entry
if isinstance(returnvalue, str) and to != "str":
# try to get value from item
item = self.get_absolutepath(entry.strip().replace("sh.", ""), KEY_LOG_CHANGE)
returnvalue = _items_instance.return_item(item).property.value
except Exception:
if to == "list":
returnvalue = [entry]
if isinstance(returnvalue, (str, int)) and to == "num":
returnvalue = float(returnvalue)
except ValueError:
returnvalue = None
elif isinstance(entry, list):
entry = [convert_entry(val, self._type) for val in entry]
elif not isinstance(returnvalue, list) and to == "list":
returnvalue = [returnvalue]
elif isinstance(returnvalue, (float, int)) and to == "str":
returnvalue = str(returnvalue)
if returnvalue is None:
returnvalue = {'value': None, 'issue': f"Given log_rules entry '{entry}' for {rule_entry} is invalid"}
return returnvalue
defaults = {'filter': [], 'exclude': [], 'lowlimit': None, 'highlimit': None}
types = {'filter': 'list', 'exclude': 'list', 'lowlimit': 'num', 'highlimit': 'num'}
entry = self._log_rules.get(rule_entry, defaults.get(rule_entry))
if entry is not None and entry != []:
entry = convert_entry(entry, types.get(rule_entry) or self._type)
return entry
def _log_on_change(self, value, caller, source=None, dest=None):
Write log, if Item has attribute log_change set
if self._log_change_logger is not None:
issue_list = []
low_limit = self._get_rule('lowlimit')
if isinstance(low_limit, dict):
issue = low_limit.get('issue')
low_limit = None
high_limit = self._get_rule('highlimit')
if isinstance(high_limit, dict):
issue = high_limit.get('issue')
high_limit = None
if self._type != 'num' and low_limit:
issue = f"Low limit {low_limit} given, however item is not num type - ignoring"
low_limit = None
if self._type != 'num' and high_limit:
issue = f"High limit {high_limit} given, however item is not num type - ignoring"
high_limit = None
if low_limit is not None and high_limit is not None and low_limit >= high_limit:
issue = f"Low limit {low_limit} >= High limit {high_limit} - ignoring high limit"
high_limit = None
filter_list = self._get_rule('filter')
if isinstance(filter_list, dict):
issue = filter_list.get('issue')
filter_list = []
f_list = []
for f in filter_list:
if type(value) != type(f):
issue = f"Filter entry {f} is type {type(f)}, item is {self._type} - ignoring"
filter_list = f_list
exclude_list = self._get_rule('exclude')
if isinstance(exclude_list, dict):
issue = exclude_list.get('issue')
exclude_list = []
e_list = []
for e in exclude_list:
if type(value) != type(e):
issue = f"Exclude entry {e} is type {type(e)}, item is {self._type} - ignoring"
exclude_list = e_list
if filter_list != [] and exclude_list != []:
issue = f"Defining filter AND exclude does not work - ignoring exclude list"
exclude_list = []
if issue_list and self._log_rules_cache.get('issues') != issue_list:
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path} log_rules has issues: {', '.join(issue_list)}. "
f"Cleaned log_rules: lowlimit = {low_limit}, highlimit = {high_limit}, filter = {filter_list}, exclude = {exclude_list}")
self._log_rules_cache = {'issues': issue_list, 'filter': filter_list, 'exclude': exclude_list, 'lowlimit': low_limit, 'highlimit': high_limit}
if self._type == 'num':
if low_limit is not None:
if low_limit > float(value):
if high_limit is not None:
if high_limit <= float(value):
if filter_list != []:
if not float(value) in filter_list:
elif exclude_list != []:
if float(value) in exclude_list:
if filter_list != []:
if not value in filter_list:
elif exclude_list != []:
if value in exclude_list:
if self._log_text is None:
txt = self._log_build_standardtext(value, caller, source, dest)
txt = self._log_build_text(value, caller, source, dest)
# log_src = ''
# if source is not None:
# log_src += ' (' + source + ')'
# log_dst = ''
# if dest is not None:
# log_dst += ', dest: ' + dest
#self._log_change_logger.log(self._log_level, "Item Change: {} = {} - caller: {}{}{}".format(self._path, value, caller, log_src, log_dst))
val = self._log_level_attrib.replace("'", '"')
log_level = eval(f"f'{val}'")
except Exception as e:
log_level = self._log_level_attrib
logger.error(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid log_level template '{log_level}' - (Exception: {e})")
level = log_level.upper()
level_name = level
if Utils.is_int(level):
level = int(level)
level_name = logging.getLevelName(level)
if logging.getLevelName(level) == 'Level ' + str(level):
logger.warning(f"Item {self._path}: Invalid loglevel '{log_level}' defined in attribute '{KEY_LOG_LEVEL}' - Level 'INFO' will be used instead")
setattr(self, '_log_level_name', 'INFO')
setattr(self, '_log_level', logging.getLevelName('INFO'))
setattr(self, '_log_level_name', level_name)
setattr(self, '_log_level', logging.getLevelName(level_name))
self._log_change_logger.log(self._log_level, txt)
def __trigger_logics(self, source_details=None):
source={'item': self._path, 'details': source_details}
for logic in self.__logics_to_trigger:
# logic.trigger(by='Item', source=self._path, value=self._value)
logic.trigger(by='Item', source=source, value=self._value)
# logic.trigger(by='Logic', source=None, value=None, dest=None, dt=None):
def _set_value(self, value, caller, source=None, dest=None, prev_change=None, last_change=None):
Set item value, update last and prev information and perform log_change for item
:param value:
:param caller:
:param source:
:param dest:
:param prev_change:
:param last_change:
self.__prev_value = self.__last_value
self.__last_value = self._value
self._value = value
if prev_change is None:
self.__prev_change = self.__last_change
self.__prev_change = prev_change
if last_change is None:
self.__last_change = self.shtime.now()
self.__last_change = last_change
self.__prev_update = self.__last_update
self.__last_update = self.__last_change
self.__prev_change_by = self.__changed_by
self.__prev_update_by = self.__updated_by
self.__changed_by = "{0}:{1}".format(caller, source)
self.__updated_by = "{0}:{1}".format(caller, source)
self.__triggered_by = "{0}:{1}".format(caller, source)
if caller != "Fader":
# log every item change to standard logger, if level is DEBUG
# log with level INFO, if 'item_change_log' is set in etc/smarthome.yaml
self._change_logger("Item {} = {} via {} {} {}".format(self._path, value, caller, source, dest))
# Write item value to log, if Item has attribute log_change set
self._log_on_change(value, caller, source, dest)
def __update(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None, key=None, index=None):
def check_external_change(entry_type, entry_value):
matches = []
for pattern in entry_value:
regex = re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
if regex.match(f'{caller}:{source}'):
if entry_type == "stop_fade":
matches.append(True) # Match in stop_fade, should stop
matches.append(False) # Match in continue_fade, should continue fading
if entry_type == "continue_fade":
matches.append(True) # No match in continue_fade -> we can stop
matches.append(False) # No match in stop_fade -> keep fading
return matches
# special handling, if item is a hysteresys item (has a hysteresis_input attribute)
if self._hysteresis_input is not None:
if self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active:
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"__update: upper_timer caller={caller}, value={value}")
self._hysteresis_upper_timer_active = False
self.active_timer_ends = None
if self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active:
self._hysteresis_lower_timer_active = False
self.active_timer_ends = None
if self._hysteresis_log:
logger.notice(f"__update: lower_timer caller={caller}, value={value}")
if key is None and index is None:
# don't cast for elements of complex types
value = self.cast(value)
logger.warning(f'Item {self._path}: value "{value}" does not match type {self._type}. Via caller {caller}, source {source}')
_changed = False
trigger_source_details = self.__updated_by
if key is not None and self._type == 'dict':
# Update a dict item element or add an element (selected by key)
value = self.__set_dictentry(value, key)
elif index is not None and self._type == 'list':
# Update a list item element (selected by index)
value = self.__set_listentry(value, index)
if self._fading:
stop_fade = self._fadingdetails.get("stop_fade")
continue_fade = self._fadingdetails.get("continue_fade")
stopping = check_external_change("stop_fade", stop_fade) if stop_fade else [False]
continuing = check_external_change("continue_fade", continue_fade) if continue_fade else [True]
# If stop_fade is set and there's a match, stop fading immediately
if stop_fade and True in stopping:
logger.dbghigh(f"Item {self._path}: Stopping fade loop, {caller} matches stop list {stop_fade}")
self._fading = False
# If continue_fade is set and there is no match, stop fading immediately
elif continue_fade and False not in continuing and caller != "Fader":
logger.dbghigh(f"Item {self._path}: Stopping fade loop, {caller} matches no value in continue list {continue_fade}")
self._fading = False
# If nothing is set, stop (original behaviour)
elif not continue_fade and not stop_fade and caller != "Fader":
logger.dbghigh(f"Item {self._path}: Stopping fade loop by {caller}, current value {value}")
self._fading = False
elif value == self._fadingdetails.get("value"):
logger.dbghigh(f"Item {self._path}: Ignoring update by {caller} as item is fading")
if value != self._value or self._enforce_change:
_changed = True
self._set_value(value, caller, source, dest, prev_change=None, last_change=None)
trigger_source_details = self.__changed_by
self.__prev_update = self.__last_update
self.__last_update = self.shtime.now()
self.__prev_update_by = self.__updated_by
self.__updated_by = "{0}:{1}".format(caller, source)
# ms: call run_on_update() from here
self.__run_on_update(value, caller=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
if _changed or self._enforce_updates or self._type == 'scene':
# ms: call run_on_change() from here -> noved down
for method in self.__methods_to_trigger:
method(self, caller, source, dest)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception("Item {}: problem running {}: {}".format(self._path, method, e))
if self._threshold and self.__logics_to_trigger:
if self.__th_crossed and self._value <= self.__th_low: # cross lower bound
self.__th_crossed = False
self._threshold_data[2] = self.__th_crossed
elif not self.__th_crossed and self._value >= self.__th_high: # cross upper bound
self.__th_crossed = True
self._threshold_data[2] = self.__th_crossed
elif self.__logics_to_trigger:
for item in self._items_to_trigger:
args = {'value': value, 'source': self._path}
self._sh.trigger(name='items.' + item.property.path, obj=item.__run_eval, value=args, by=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
for item in self._hysteresis_items_to_trigger:
args = {'value': value, 'source': self._path}
self._sh.trigger(name='items.' + item.property.path, obj=item.__run_hysteresis, value=args, by=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
# ms: call run_on_change() from here - after eval is run
self.__run_on_change(value, caller=caller, source=source, dest=dest)
if _changed and self._cache and not self._fading:
cache_write(self._cache, self._value)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Item: {}: could not update cache {}".format(self._path, e))
if self._autotimer_time and caller != 'Autotimer' and not self._fading:
# cast_duration for fixed attribute
_time = self._cast_duration(self._autotimer_time, test=True)
if _time == False:
_time = self._autotimer_time
# cast_duration for result of eval expression
_time = self._cast_duration(self.__run_attribute_eval(_time, 'str'))
if self._autotimer_value is None:
_value = self._value
_value = self.__run_attribute_eval(self._autotimer_value, 'str')
#logger.notice(f"Item {self._path} __update: _time={_time}, _value={_value}")
next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=_time)
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix+self.id() + '-Timer', self.__call__, value={'value': _value, 'caller': 'Autotimer'}, next=next)
[Doku] def add_logic_trigger(self, logic):
Add a logic trigger to the item
:param logic:
:type logic:
[Doku] def remove_logic_trigger(self, logic):
[Doku] def get_logic_triggers(self):
Returns a list of logics to trigger, if the item gets changed
:return: Logics to trigger
:rtype: list
return self.__logics_to_trigger
[Doku] def add_method_trigger(self, method):
[Doku] def remove_method_trigger(self, method):
[Doku] def get_method_triggers(self):
Returns a list of plugin methods to trigger, if this item gets changed
:return: methods to trigger
:rtype: list
return self.__methods_to_trigger
[Doku] def get_item_triggers(self):
Returns a list of items to trigger, if this item gets changed
:return: methods to trigger
:rtype: list
return self._items_to_trigger
[Doku] def get_hysteresis_item_triggers(self):
Returns a list of items to trigger, if this item gets changed
:return: methods to trigger
:rtype: list
return self._hysteresis_items_to_trigger
[Doku] def timer(self, time, value, auto=False, caller=None, source=None, compat=ATTRIB_COMPAT_LATEST):
Starts a timer for this item
:param time: Duration till the value of the item is set
:param value: Value the item should be set to
:param auto: Optional: If False a single timer is started, else the duration/value information is set as an autotimer
:param caller: Optional: The caller of this function
:param source: Optional: The source of the timer-request
:param compat: Not used anymore, only defined for backward compatibility
time = self._cast_duration(time)
value = self._castvalue_to_itemtype(value, compat)
if caller is None:
if auto:
caller = 'Autotimer'
self._autotimer_time = time
self._autotimer_value = value
caller = 'Timer'
next = self.shtime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=time)
if source is None:
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix+self.id() + '-Timer', self.__call__, value={'value': value, 'caller': caller}, next=next)
self._sh.scheduler.add(self._itemname_prefix+self.id() + '-Timer', self.__call__, value={'value': value, 'caller': caller, 'source': source}, next=next)
[Doku] def remove_timer(self):
Remove a running timer for this item from the scheduler
self._sh.scheduler.remove(self._itemname_prefix+self.id() + '-Timer')
[Doku] def autotimer(self, time=None, value=None, compat=ATTRIB_COMPAT_LATEST):
Defines or removes an autotimer for the item
If time and value are not given (or None), an existing autotimer is removed
:param time: Time until the value is set
:param value: Value to set the item to
:param compat: Not used anymore, only defined for backward compatibility
if time is not None and value is not None:
time = self._cast_duration(time)
self._autotimer_time = time
self._autotimer_value = value
self._autotimer_time = None
self._autotimer_value = None
[Doku] def fade(self, dest, step=1, delta=1, caller=None, stop_fade=None, continue_fade=None, instant_set=True, update=False):
fades an item value to a given destination value
:param dest: destination value of fade job
:param step: step size for fading
:param delta: time interval between value changes
:param caller: Used as a source for upcoming item changes. Caller will always be "Fader"
:param stop_fade: list of callers that can stop the fading (all others won't stop it!)
:param continue_fade: list of callers that can continue fading exclusively (all others will stop it)
:param instant_set: If set to True, first fade value is set immediately after fade method is called, otherwise only after delta time
:param update: If set to True, an ongoing fade will be updated by the new parameters on the fly
if stop_fade and not isinstance(stop_fade, list):
logger.warning(f"stop_fade parameter {stop_fade} for fader {self} has to be a list. Ignoring")
stop_fade = None
if continue_fade and not isinstance(continue_fade, list):
logger.warning(f"continue_fade parameter {continue_fade} for fader {self} has to be a list. Ignoring")
continue_fade = None
dest = float(dest)
if not self._fading or (self._fading and update):
self._fadingdetails = {'value': self._value, 'dest': dest, 'step': step, 'delta': delta, 'caller': caller, 'stop_fade': stop_fade, 'continue_fade': continue_fade, 'instant_set': instant_set}
self._sh.trigger(self._path, fadejob, value={'item': self})
[Doku] def return_children(self):
for child in self.__children:
yield child
[Doku] def return_parent(self, level: int = 1, strict: bool = False):
Return ancestor item of given level
If item doesn't have <level> ancestors, and...
- strict is set, return None
- strict is not set, return the highest found ancestor
If level is < 1, method returns this item
:param level: number of parent-levels
:ptype level: int
:param strict: define if level is max-level or exact level
:ptype strict: bool
:return: ancestor item (or this item, or None)
:rtype: object | None
# for performance reasons, add a shortcut
# also for compatibility, as self.__parent is not accessible from outside
if level == 1:
return self.__parent
item = self
while level >= 1:
if item._is_top_of_item_tree():
if strict:
return item
item = item.return_parent()
level -= 1
return item
def _is_top_of_item_tree(self):
global _items_instance
return self.__parent is None or self.__parent is _items_instance
[Doku] def set(self, value, caller='Logic', source=None, dest=None, prev_change=None, last_change=None):
Set an Item value and optionally set prev_change and last_change timestamps
(This method is called eg. by the database plugin to initialize items from the database on start)
:param value:
:param caller:
:param source:
:param dest:
:param prev_change:
:param last_change:
value = self.cast(value)
logger.warning("Item {}: value {} does not match type {}. Via {} {}".format(self._path, value, self._type, caller, source))
self._set_value(value, caller, source, dest, prev_change, last_change)
[Doku] def get_children_path(self):
return [item._path
for item in self.__children]
[Doku] def jsonvars(self):
Translation method from object members to json
:return: Key / Value pairs from object members
return { "id": self._path,
"name": self._name,
"value" : self._value,
"type": self._type,
"attributes": self.conf,
"children": self.get_children_path() }
# alternative method to get all class members
# @staticmethod
# def get_members(instance):
# return {k: v
# for k, v in vars(instance).items()
# if str(k) in ["_value", "conf"] }
# #if not str(k).startswith('_')}
[Doku] def to_json(self):
return json.dumps(self.jsonvars(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)