Quellcode für lib.config

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: set encoding=utf-8 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
# Copyright 2013 Marcus Popp                               marcus@popp.mx
# Copyright 2016 The SmartHomeNG team
#  This file is part of SmartHomeNG.
#  SmartHomeNG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  SmartHomeNG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with SmartHomeNG. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

This library does the handling and parsing of the configuration of SmartHomeNG.

:Warning: This library is part of the core of SmartHomeNG. It **should not be called directly** from plugins!

import copy
import logging
import collections
import keyword
import os

from lib.utils import Utils
import lib.shyaml as shyaml
from lib.constants import (YAML_FILE, CONF_FILE)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

valid_item_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_'
valid_attr_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_@*'
digits = '0123456789'
reserved = ['set', 'get', 'property']

REMOVE_ATTR = 'attr'
REMOVE_PATH = 'path'

[Doku]def parse_basename(basename, configtype=''): """ Load and parse a single configuration and merge it to the configuration tree The configuration is only specified by the basename. At the moment it looks for a .yaml file or a .conf file .yaml files take preference :param basename: Name of the configuration :param configtype: Optional string with config type (only used for log output) :type basename: str :type configtype: str :return: The resulting merged OrderedDict tree :rtype: OrderedDict """ config = parse(basename + YAML_FILE) if config == {}: config = parse(basename + CONF_FILE) if config == {}: if configtype == 'module': logger.warning(f"No valid file '{basename}{YAML_FILE}' found with {configtype} configuration") elif configtype != 'logics': logger.error(f"No valid file '{basename}.*' found with {configtype} configuration") return config
[Doku]def parse_itemsdir(itemsdir, item_conf, addfilenames=False, struct_dict={}): """ Load and parse item configurations and merge it to the configuration tree The configuration is only specified by the name of the directory. At the moment it looks for .yaml files and a .conf files Both filetypes are read, even if they have the same basename :param itemsdir: Name of folder containing the configuration files :param item_conf: Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged :param addfilenames: :param struct_dict: dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins) :type itemsdir: str :type item_conf: OrderedDict :type addfilenames: :type struct_dict: dict / OrderedDict :return: The resulting merged OrderedDict tree :rtype: OrderedDict """ logger.info(f"parse_itemsdir: Beginning to parse items directory {itemsdir}") for item_file in sorted(os.listdir(itemsdir)): if not item_file.startswith('.'): if item_file.endswith(CONF_FILE) or item_file.endswith(YAML_FILE): if item_file == 'logic' + YAML_FILE and itemsdir.find(os.path.join('lib', 'env')) > -1: logger.info(f"parse_itemsdir: skipping logic definition file = {itemsdir + item_file}") else: try: item_conf = parse(itemsdir + item_file, item_conf, addfilenames, parseitems=True, struct_dict=struct_dict) except Exception as e: logger.exception(f"Problem reading {item_file}: {e}") continue logger.info(f"parse_itemsdir: Finished parsing items directory {itemsdir}") return item_conf
[Doku]def parse(filename, config=None, addfilenames=False, parseitems=False, struct_dict={}): """ Load and parse a configuration file and merge it to the configuration tree Depending on the extension of the filename, the apropriate parser is called :param filename: Name of the configuration file :param config: Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged :param struct_dict: dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins) :type filename: str :type config: OrderedDict :return: The resulting merged OrderedDict tree :rtype: OrderedDict """ if not filename.startswith('.'): if filename.endswith(YAML_FILE) and os.path.isfile(filename): return parse_yaml(filename, config, addfilenames, parseitems, struct_dict) elif filename.endswith(CONF_FILE) and os.path.isfile(filename): return parse_conf(filename, config) return {}
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku]def remove_keys(ydata, func, remove=[REMOVE_ATTR], level=0, msg=None, key_prefix=''): """ Removes given keys from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :param func: the function to call to check for removal (Example: lambda k: k.startswith('comment')) :param level: optional subtree level (used for recursion) :type ydata: OrderedDict :type func: function :type level: int """ try: level_keys = list(ydata.keys()) for key in level_keys: key_str = str(key) key_is_dict = type(ydata[key]).__name__ in ['dict', 'OrderedDict'] if key_is_dict: key_remove = REMOVE_PATH in remove and func(key_str) else: key_remove = REMOVE_ATTR in remove and func(key_str) if key_remove: if msg: logger.warning(msg.format(key_prefix + key_str)) ydata.pop(key) elif key_is_dict: remove_keys(ydata[key], func, remove, level + 1, msg, key_prefix + key_str + '.') except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Problem removing key from '{str(ydata)}', probably invalid YAML file: {e}")
[Doku]def remove_comments(ydata, filename=''): """ Removes comments from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ remove_keys(ydata, lambda k: k.startswith('comment'), [REMOVE_ATTR])
[Doku]def remove_digits(ydata, filename=''): """ Removes keys starting with digits from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ remove_keys(ydata, lambda k: k[0] in digits, [REMOVE_ATTR, REMOVE_PATH], msg="Problem parsing '{}' in file '" + filename + "': item starts with digits")
[Doku]def remove_reserved(ydata, filename=''): """ Removes keys that are reserved keywords from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ remove_keys(ydata, lambda k: k in reserved, [REMOVE_PATH], msg="Problem parsing '{}' in file '" + filename + "': item using reserved word set/get")
[Doku]def remove_keyword(ydata, filename=''): """ Removes keys that are reserved Python keywords from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ remove_keys(ydata, lambda k: keyword.iskeyword(k), [REMOVE_PATH], msg="Problem parsing '{}' in file '" + filename + "': item using reserved Python keyword")
[Doku]def remove_invalid(ydata, filename=''): """ Removes invalid chars in item from a dict or OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ valid_chars = valid_item_chars + valid_attr_chars remove_keys(ydata, lambda k: not all(k[i] in valid_chars for i in range(len(k))), [REMOVE_ATTR, REMOVE_PATH], msg="Problem parsing '{}' in file '" + filename + "': Invalid character. Valid characters are: " + str(valid_chars))
[Doku]def sanitize_items(ydata, filename=''): """ Remove all invalid entries from OrderedDict structure :param ydata: configuration (sub)tree to work on :type ydata: OrderedDict """ remove_comments(ydata, filename) remove_digits(ydata, filename) remove_reserved(ydata, filename) remove_keyword(ydata, filename) remove_invalid(ydata, filename)
struct_merging_active = False struct_merge_lists = True special_listentry_found = False
[Doku]def merge_structlists(l1, l2, key=''): if not struct_merging_active: global special_listentry_found # merge* or merge_unique* if (len(l1) > 0 and l1[0] == 'merge_unique*') and (len(l2) > 0 and l2[0] == 'merge_unique*'): logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: merge_unique* l1={l1}, l2={l2}") logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: both lists contains 'merge_unique*' - l1={l1}, l2={l2}, key={key}") special_listentry_found = True l1 = list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(l1)) return l1 if (len(l1) > 0 and l1[0] == 'merge*') and (len(l2) > 0 and l2[0] == 'merge*'): logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: merge* l1={l1}, l2={l2}") logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: both lists contains 'merge*' - l1={l1}, l2={l2}, key={key}") special_listentry_found = True return l1 if (len(l2) > 0 and l2[0] == 'merge*'): logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: l2 contains merge* l1={l1}, l2={l2}") logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: list l2 contains 'merge*' - l1={l1}, l2={l2}, key={key}") del l2[0] l1 = ['merge*'] + l1 + l2 l2 = ['merge*'] + l2 return l1 if (len(l1) > 0 and l1[0] == 'merge*') or (len(l2) > 0 and l2[0] == 'merge*'): logger.debug(f"merge_structlists: l1 or l2 contain merge* l1={l1}, l2={l2}") # logger.warning(f"merge_structlists: a list contains 'merge*' - l1={l1}, l2={l2}, key={key}") pass return l2 # Last wins if not struct_merge_lists: # logger.warning(f"merge_structlists: Not merging lists, key '{key}' value '{l2}' is ignored'") return l1 # First wins else: if not isinstance(l1, list): l1 = [l1] if not isinstance(l2, list): l2 = [l2] return l1 + l2
[Doku]def merge(source, destination, source_name='', dest_name='', filename=''): """ Merges an OrderedDict Tree into another one :param source: source tree to merge into another one :param destination: destination tree to merge into :type source: OrderedDict :type destination: OrderedDict :return: Merged configuration tree :rtype: OrderedDict :Example: Run me with nosetests --with-doctest file.py .. code-block:: python >>> a = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'number' : '1' } } } >>> b = { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } } >>> merge(b, a) == { 'first' : { 'all_rows' : { 'pass' : 'dog', 'fail' : 'cat', 'number' : '5' } } } True """ if source.get('_filename', '') == 'test_struct.yaml': logger.info(f"merge {source.get('_filename', '')}: source={dict(source)}, destination={dict(destination)}, source_name={source_name}, dest_name={dest_name}") ext_logging = True else: ext_logging = False for key, value in source.items(): try: if isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict): # get node or create one node = destination.setdefault(key, collections.OrderedDict()) if node == 'None': destination[key] = value else: merge(value, node, source_name, dest_name) else: # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"merge: - value={value}, destination.get(key, None)={destination.get(key, None)}") if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(destination.get(key, None), list): if destination.get(key, None) is None: destination[key] = value else: if ext_logging: logger.info(f"merge: call merge_structlists - key={key}, value={value}, destination.get(key, None)={destination.get(key, None)}") destination[key] = merge_structlists(destination[key], value, key) else: # convert to string and remove newlines from multiline attributes destination[key] = str(value).replace('\n', '') # if destination.get(key, None) is None: # destination[key] = str(value).replace('\n', '') # if type(value).__name__ == 'list': # destination[key] = value # else: # # convert to string and remove newlines from multiline attributes # destination[key] = str(value).replace('\n','') # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"merge: - destination={dict(destination)}") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Problem merging subtrees (key={key}), probably invalid YAML file '{source_name}' with entry '{destination}'. Error: {e}") return destination
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handling of structs while loading item tree from yaml files #
[Doku]def nested_get(input_dict, path): internal_dict_value = input_dict nested_key = path.split('.') for k in nested_key: internal_dict_value = internal_dict_value.get(k, None) if internal_dict_value is None: return None return internal_dict_value
[Doku]def nested_put(output_dict, path, value): """ :param output_dict: dict structure to write to :param path: path to write to :param value: value to write to the nested key :return: """ internal_dict_value = output_dict if isinstance(path, int): path = str(path) nested_key = path.split('.') internal_last_dict_value = None # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"nested_put: path = {path}, value = {value} - nested_key = {nested_key}") # logger.warning(f"nested_put: - output_dict = {dict(output_dict)}") for k in nested_key: if internal_dict_value.get(k, None) is None: if isinstance(output_dict, collections.OrderedDict): internal_dict_value[k] = collections.OrderedDict() else: internal_dict_value[k] = {} internal_last_dict_value = internal_dict_value internal_dict_value = internal_dict_value.get(k, None) if internal_last_dict_value is not None: # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"nested_put: - dest subtree = {dict(internal_last_dict_value[nested_key[len(nested_key)-1]])}") # logger.warning(f"nested_put: - merge struct = {dict(value)}") # internal_last_dict_value[nested_key[len(nested_key)-1]] = value merge(value, internal_last_dict_value[nested_key[len(nested_key) - 1]], 'struct-tree', 'sub-tree') # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"nested_put: - dest result = {dict(internal_last_dict_value[nested_key[len(nested_key)-1]])}") # if struct_merging_active: # logger.warning(f"nested_put: - internal_last_dict_value = {internal_last_dict_value}") return
[Doku]def search_for_struct_in_items(items, struct_dict, config, source_name='', parent='', level=0): """ Test if the loaded file contains items with 'struct' attribute. This function is (recursively) called before merging the loaded file into the item tree :param items: tree content of a single items.yaml file (or part of it during recursion) :param struct_dict: dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins) :param config: tree, into which the configuration should be merged :param parent: :type items: OrderedDict :type config: OrderedDict :return: True, if a struct attribute was expanded """ if source_name.startswith('test_struct'): logger.info(f"search_for_struct_in_items: items.keys()={list(dict(items).keys())}, source_name={source_name}, parent={parent}") for key in items: value = items[key] if source_name.startswith('test_struct'): if isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict): logger.info(f"search_for_struct_in_items: - items[{key}]={dict(value)}") else: logger.info(f"search_for_struct_in_items: - items[{key}]={value}") if key == 'struct': # item is a struct struct_names = value # ensure, struct_names is a list if isinstance(struct_names, str): struct_names = [struct_names] instance = items.get('instance', '') template = collections.OrderedDict() global struct_merging_active struct_merging_active = True for struct_name in struct_names: wrk = struct_name.find('@') if wrk > -1: add_struct_to_item_template(parent, struct_name[:wrk], template, struct_dict, struct_name[wrk + 1:]) else: add_struct_to_item_template(parent, struct_name, template, struct_dict, instance) if template != {}: config = merge(template, config, source_name, 'Item-Tree') struct_merging_active = False else: # item is no struct if isinstance(value, collections.OrderedDict): # treat value as node if parent == '': path = key else: path = parent + '.' + key # test if a aub-item is a struct search_for_struct_in_items(value, struct_dict, config, source_name, parent=path, level=level + 1) template = collections.OrderedDict() nested_put(template, path, value) config = merge(template, config, source_name, 'Item-Tree') return
[Doku]def remove_special_listentries(config, filename=''): for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): remove_special_listentries(v, filename) else: if isinstance(v, list): if len(v) > 0 and v[0] in ['merge*', 'merge_unique*']: # logger.warning(f"remove_special_listentries: a list={k} -> {v} - {filename}") del v[0]
[Doku]def set_attr_for_subtree(subtree, attr, value, indent=0): """ :param subtree: dict (subtree) to operate on :param attr: Attribute to set for every item :param value: Value to set the attribute to :param indent: indent level (only for debug-logging) :return: """ for k, v in subtree.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): v[attr] = value spc = " " * 2 * indent logger.debug(f"set_attr_for_subtree:{spc} node: {k} => {v}") set_attr_for_subtree(v, attr, value, indent + 1) return
[Doku]def add_struct_to_item_template(path, struct_name, template, struct_dict, instance): """ Add the referenced struct to the items_template subtree :param path: Path of the item which references a struct (template) :param struct_name: Name of the to use for the item :param template: Template dict to be merged into the item tree :param struct_dict: dict with all defined structs (from /etc/structs.yaml and from loaded plugins) :param instance: For multi instance plugins: instance for which the items work (is derived from item with struct attribute) :return: """ logger.info(f"add_struct_to_item_template: path (parent)={path}, struct_name={struct_name}, template={dict(template)}") struct = struct_dict.get(struct_name, None) if struct is None: # no struct/template with this name nf = collections.OrderedDict() nf['name'] = "ERROR: struct '" + struct_name + "' not found!" # nf['value'] = nf['name'] nested_put(template, path, nf) logger.error(f"add_struct_to_item_template: Struct definition for '{struct_name}' not found (referenced in item {path})") else: # add struct/template to temporary item(template) tree #logger.debug("- add_struct_to_item_template: struct_dict = {}".format(dict(struct_dict))) #logger.debug("- add_struct_to_item_template: struct '{}' to item '{}'".format(struct_name, path)) tmp_struct = copy.deepcopy(struct) if 'name' in tmp_struct and isinstance(struct["name"], str): from lib.smarthome import SmartHome _sh = SmartHome.get_instance() if Utils.to_bool(getattr(_sh, '_struct_strip_name', False)): del tmp_struct['name'] logger.debug(f'removed "name" attribute from struct {struct_name}') nested_put(template, path, tmp_struct) if instance != '' or True: # add instance to items added by template struct subtree = nested_get(template, path) # logger.info(f"add_struct_to_item_template: Adding 'instance: {instance}' to template for subtree '{path}'") # add instance name to attributes which carry '@instance' logger.debug(f"- add_struct_to_item_template: Add instance={instance} to subtree={subtree}") replace_struct_instance(path, subtree, instance) logger.info(f"- add_struct_to_item_template: - after add - template={dict(template)}") return
[Doku]def replace_struct_instance(path, subtree, instance): """ Replace the constant string '@instance' in attribute names with the real instance (or remove the constant string '@instance', if the struct has no instace reference) :param path: :param subtree: :param instance: :return: """ keys = list(subtree.keys()) # logger.info(f"replace_struct_instance: Setting instance to {instance} for subtree {subtree}") for key in keys: # replace recursively if Utils.get_type(subtree[key]) == 'collections.OrderedDict': replace_struct_instance(path, subtree[key], instance) if key.endswith('@instance'): if instance == '': newkey = key[:-9] else: newkey = key[:-9] + '@' + instance # logger.debug(f"replace_struct_instance: - path {path}: key '{key}' --> newkey '{newkey}'") subtree[newkey] = subtree.pop(key) # logger.info(f"replace_struct_instance: Done set instance to {instance} for subtree {subtree}") return
[Doku]def parse_yaml(filename, config=None, addfilenames=False, parseitems=False, struct_dict={}): """ Load and parse a yaml configuration file and merge it to the configuration tree :param filename: Name of the configuration file :param config: Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged :param addfilenames: x :param parseitems: x :param struct_dict: dictionary with stuct definitions (templates) for reading item tree :type filename: str :type config: bool :type addfilenames: bool :type parseitems: bool :type struct_dict: dict :return: The resulting merged OrderedDict tree :rtype: OrderedDict The config file should stick to the following setup: .. code-block:: yaml firstlevel: attribute1: xyz attribute2: foo attribute3: bar secondlevel: attribute1: abc attribute2: bar attribute3: foo thirdlevel: attribute1: def attribute2: barfoo attribute3: foobar anothersecondlevel: attribute1: and so on where firstlevel, secondlevel, thirdlevel and anothersecondlevel are defined as items and attribute are their respective attribute - value pairs Valid characters for the items are a-z and A-Z plus any digit and underscore as second or further characters. Valid characters for the attributes are the same as for an item plus @ and * """ if os.path.basename(filename).startswith('test_'): logger.info(f"parse_yaml: Parsing file {os.path.basename(filename)}") if config is None: config = collections.OrderedDict() items = shyaml.yaml_load(filename, ordered=True) if items is not None: sanitize_items(items, filename) if addfilenames: # logger.debug(f"parse_yaml: Add filename = {os.path.basename(filename)} to items") _add_filenames_to_config(items, os.path.basename(filename)) if parseitems: # test if file contains 'struct' attribute and merge all items into config # logger.debug(f"parse_yaml: Checking if file {os.path.basename(filename)} contains 'struct' attribute") search_for_struct_in_items(items, struct_dict, config, os.path.basename(filename)) global special_listentry_found if special_listentry_found: remove_special_listentries(config, os.path.basename(filename)) special_listentry_found = False if not parseitems: # if not parsing items config = merge(items, config, os.path.basename(filename), 'Config-Tree') return config
def _add_filenames_to_config(items, filename, level=0): """ Adds the name of the config file to the config items This routine is used to add the source filename to: - be able to display the file an item is defined in (backend page items) - to enable editing and storing back of item definitions This function calls itself recurselively """ for attr, value in items.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): child_path = dict(value) if (filename != ''): value['_filename'] = filename _add_filenames_to_config(child_path, filename, level + 1) return # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Doku]def strip_quotes(string): """ Strip single-quotes or double-quotes from string beggining and end :param string: String to strip the quotes from :type string: str :return: Stripped string :rtype: str """ string = string.strip() if len(string) > 0: if string[0] in ['"', "'"]: # check if string starts with ' or " if string[0] == string[-1]: # and end with it if string.count(string[0]) == 2: # if they are the only one string = string[1:-1] # remove them return string
[Doku]def parse_conf(filename, config=None): """ Load and parse a configuration file which is in the old .conf format of smarthome.py and merge it to the configuration tree :param filename: Name of the configuration file :param config: Optional OrderedDict tree, into which the configuration should be merged :type filename: str :type config: bool :return: The resulting merged OrderedDict tree :rtype: OrderedDict The config file should stick to the following setup: .. code-block:: ini [firstlevel] attribute1 = xyz attribute2 = foo attribute3 = bar [[secondlevel]] attribute1 = abc attribute2 = bar attribute3 = foo [[[thirdlevel]]] attribute1 = def attribute2 = barfoo attribute3 = foobar [[anothersecondlevel]] attribute1 = and so on where firstlevel, secondlevel, thirdlevel and anothersecondlevel are defined as items and attribute are their respective attribute - value pairs Valid characters for the items are a-z and A-Z plus any digit and underscore as second or further characters. Valid characters for the attributes are the same as for an item plus @ and * """ valid_set = set(valid_attr_chars) if config is None: config = collections.OrderedDict() item = config with open(filename, 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f: linenu = 0 parent = collections.OrderedDict() lines = iter(f.readlines()) for raw in lines: linenu += 1 line = raw.lstrip('\ufeff') # remove BOM while line.rstrip().endswith('\\'): linenu += 1 line = line.rstrip().rstrip('\\') + next(lines, '').lstrip() line = line.partition('#')[0].strip() if line == '': continue if line[0] == '[': # item brackets = 0 level = 0 closing = False for index in range(len(line)): if line[index] == '[' and not closing: brackets += 1 level += 1 elif line[index] == ']': closing = True brackets -= 1 else: closing = True if line[index] not in valid_item_chars + "'": logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' invalid character in line {linenu}: {line}. Valid characters are: {valid_item_chars}") return config if brackets != 0: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' unbalanced brackets in line {linenu}: {line}") return config name = line.strip("[]") name = strip_quotes(name) if len(name) == 0: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' tried to use an empty item name in line {linenu}: {line}") return config elif name[0] in digits: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}': item starts with digit '{name[0]}' in line {linenu}: {line}") return config elif name in reserved: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}': item using reserved word set/get in line {linenu}: {line}") return config elif keyword.iskeyword(name): logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}': item using reserved Python keyword {name} in line {linenu}: {line}") return config if level == 1: if name not in config: config[name] = collections.OrderedDict() item = config[name] parents = collections.OrderedDict() parents[level] = item else: if level - 1 not in parents: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' no parent item defined for item in line {linenu}: {line}") return config parent = parents[level - 1] if name not in parent: parent[name] = collections.OrderedDict() item = parent[name] parents[level] = item else: # attribute attr, __, value = line.partition('=') if not value: continue attr = attr.strip() if not set(attr).issubset(valid_set): logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' invalid character in line {linenu}: {attr}. Valid characters are: {valid_attr_chars}") continue if len(attr) > 0: if attr[0] in digits: logger.error(f"Problem parsing '{filename}' attrib starts with a digit '{attr[0]}' in line {linenu}: {attr }.") continue if '|' in value: item[attr] = [strip_quotes(x) for x in value.split('|')] else: item[attr] = strip_quotes(value) return config